Grace Notes

Family News/Miscellaneous/Witnessing Stories

Witnessing with the Duggars at the University of Iowa

20130831_122005_22832 We were blessed to have the Duggars for lunch at the Bright Lights office last Friday!

20130830_133842_22786 It was so fun to have our office swarming with people and fellowship for a few hours.

After lunch, we asked if some of their older children would like to come witnessing with us, and we were delighted that the whole family volunteered to come!

20130830_152903_22797 Here Mrs. Duggar is sharing her testimony and the gospel with a growing crowd at the University of Iowa.

Since many recognized them from their TV show, this provided extra opportunity for open-air sharing, one-on-one conversations, and getting tracts into people’s hands.

My mom greeted a girl who was waiting in line to talk to Mrs. Duggar.
“What’s your name?” my mom asked her.
“I don’t need to tell you that,” she responded. She didn’t seem very happy.
She seemed to have a complaint about the Duggars’ motives and all their kids.
Mrs. Duggar talked to her for several minutes, and treated her with such warmth that her countenance totally changed. By the time she left, she was smiling and wanting to get pictures. It reminded us how “a soft word turns away wrath,” and a loving response goes a long way!

20130830_162652_22819 We loved how the Duggars initiated a time of open-air testimonies and singing, and then interacted with the crowds in such a loving and embracing way. Many good contacts were made with university students! Praise the Lord.

20130830_152155_22791 The Duggar boys did a great job passing out trillion dollar bills with cheerfulness to people walking by. Kids are often best when it comes to passing out tracts. [smile] Which is just another reason why doing ministry as a family is such a good idea. (And the more kids the better. [smile]) As Psalms 127:4-5 says, “Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them … ”

20130830_162615_22815 Jinger had a long conversation with a group of skeptical teens. They seemed to be responding with interest to her words and appreciating the conversation!

20130830_154747_22807 Jana and I had a few interesting conversations with people further down the street.

Since we had a larger group than normal this time we were able to interact with many more individuals on a personal basis. Teamwork is exciting.

20130830_162730_22824 We praise the Lord for the way the Duggars are using their unique position for the glory of the Lord.

20130830_125323_22774 About three months ago Avalon, the younger sister of Bekah May (who has worked with Bright Lights for many years) told her parents she really wanted to meet the Duggar family. (She LOVES their show.) Her family encouraged her to pray about it. So that’s what she began doing. What a special thing it was to see how the Lord gave her the desire of her heart. [smile] My mom commented, “I think the reason the Duggars came for lunch is because of Avalon’s prayers!”

“Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works! Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!” Psalm 105:1-3

Family News/Homeschool Conferences


We had a great time in Texas. Here are a few highlights.

We were blessed to be able to have a little part in a documentary that is being made for girls ages 11-16 on guarding your heart. I really enjoyed getting to know Maddie Crawford (right), who is heading up the project. John Clay Burnnet (center), the cinematographer who filmed Captivated is working with her, and her brother Jonathan (left) is helping. I am excited about their project!

20130508_171938_21071 We had a few free days in TX that we spent with the Martins. Here Dr. Martin is witnessing to the waiter at a restaurant. I love gleaning from the Martin’s wisdom and non-stop ministry lifestyle. Some of the highlights of our time with them for me were hearing their little miracle stories of God’s protection/provision, brainstorming about some future conference ideas, and listening to Mr. Martin read 2 Thessalonians and expound on it after meals.

20130509_181346_21098 We enjoyed a big meal at Lalo and Dara Gunther’s house. Lalo works for ICR and has been especially focusing his energies into expanding Your Origins Matter. After dinner, Lalo asked my dad to share a devotional. My dad shared from a study he’s been doing recently on boldness. He shared 26 major sources of boldness that God gives to His children. For example, Proverbs 28:1 says, “the righteous are bold as a lion.” Our righteousness (being cleansed in Christ and having a good conscience with men) is one of the sources that gives us lion-like boldness.

20130510_150150_21139 Our friends Haley and Natalie were a huge help to us at the booth at the Arlington book fair – one of the larger school conferences in the country.

20130511_155643_21163 Natalie and Haley, along with our friend Megan, lead a Bright Lights group in TX of about 70 girls, and we really appreciate all they’re doing to host our upcoming Bright Lights Conferences in the Dallas area this July!

Family News/Homeschool Conferences

Tulsa Home School Conference

20130429_115241_21010 Well … it’s that time of year again! We are actually only doing three home school conferences this year. This week we are doing two conferences in Oklahoma and one next week in Texas. Thanks to Stephen’s ingenious idea of using labeled green bins, we are staying much more organized. [smile]

20130429_131230_21011Multi-functioning box cutter

20130430_132919_21023 The conference in Tulsa was Tuesday and Wednesday and it went well! Lots of significant conversations with people.

20130430_112038_21020 We ran into our friends, the Kwon family. We first met them at a Bright Lights conference in Omaha. Since that time, Nawon, their oldest daughter (20 yrs old) has run two Purity Conferences in Korea! The Lord has given her a heart for girls in Korea and it’s so exciting to see how He has blessed her initiative!

20130501_100248_21025 Avery and Abby, two girls I met at the conference yesterday, are excited about doing more witnessing! They are such a great age to be sharing the gospel with people – I was so glad to see that Lord was putting that desire in their heart.

20130501_201957_21030 Last night we had a nice relaxing time eating dinner with the Wilsons (aka Family Man Ministries…) At our kids end of the table we were discussing things like, “So what was the most common question you got asked at your booth?”, life on the road, the adventures of breaking down with vehicle trouble, brainstorming a few future ministry ideas, etc.

Today we set up again in Oklahoma City and the conference here starts tomorrow. Please pray that there would be fruitful ministry with families here.

“Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor; not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer, contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality.” Romans 12:9-13

Announcements/Family News

Upcoming Conferences and Misc. News

20130424_164851_20989 We decided to do a postcard this year to let previous Bright Lights attendees know about the 2013 conferences.


We’d appreciate prayer for the Lord to work in girls’ hearts this summer, and that the Lord would continue to arrange the details of these conferences. Nickie is putting together a handbook for each girl to supplement the Strong in the Lord conference and we are excited about that project! Please pray that the Lord would use it.

20130417_155803_20949 Things have been busy around here as we are now gearing up for a few home school conferences this spring in Oklahoma and Texas. We’re grateful to some friends from our local Bright Lights group who have provided some extra help.

Stephen turned 28 on April 16th. He’s pretty difficult to shop for, so he usually ends up with a very random assortment of gifts, haha.

The other day Sarah and I Skyped with a Bright Lights group in New York. They had made a list of questions in advance for Sarah and it was fun to be able to get to know them a little. It was a special time!

20130414_165237_20937 A recent visit to a CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) international get-together at the University of Iowa reminded me of how much need there is for international students to hear the good news of the gospel. I learned that there are 1,500 Chinese international students just at the University of Iowa alone (3,500 internationals total at that university)! So much opportunity. Now we’re brainstorming about organizing a trip for international students to the Creation Museum.

20130420_193609_20977 Carl Kerby and his son, Carl Jr., were in the area and able to spend the evening with us the other night. It was a big encouragement! If you aren’t familiar with their teaching and resources, you should be! See their website here. The resource from them that we use the most right now is DeBunked a DVD made up of several short videos which are great to use for showing to unbelievers. If you’ve been to a Radiant Purity Conference, you’ve seen the 8 minute Ark Debunked video which answers the question “How did Noah fit all those animals into the ark?”

Family News

“…And Having Examined Him…”

Last Sunday, my dad spoke for Resurrection Sunday on Pilate’s examining of Jesus and Jesus’ identity.

20130331_140432_20744 Our friend, Gloria (right) is a part of our church and attends the University of Iowa. She invited her friends to come to church today and we had a very nice time with them afterward.

“Then Pilate, when he had called together the chief priests, the rulers, and the people, said to them, ‘You have brought this Man to me, as one who misleads the people. And indeed, having examined Him in your presence, I have found no fault in this Man concerning those things of which you accuse Him …'” (Luke 23:13-14)

Family News

A Cool Guy Preaches On Haggai

Last week my brother Stephen preached at our church on Haggai. I’m glad that he rehearsed his message with me and Sarah the day before because that was a lot of content to process (and he talks fast!).

If you’ve been wondering about the significance of Zerubbabel being a ‘signet ring,’ the chronological order of the minor prophets, why the dates of Haggai’s four prophecies are important, the difference between Darius I (the Great) and Darius the Mede, or practical lessons we can take away from the book of Haggai, this sermon is for you!

Stephen ended with three questions:

“Is there someone who I could ‘spur on’ to good works by words of encouragement?”
“In what ways should I be more diligent in what God has told me to do?”
“If I remember that the Lord Himself is with me, how will that affect my perspective each day?”

Family News

Story Book Lodge Christian Camp

I am currently in northern Minnesota at Story Book Lodge for a camp with about 40 other young people for 3 ½ days of Bible study. We are going through Paul’s prison epistles expository style, doing about one chapter per session. It’s been wonderful! The sessions are led by a father or one of the older young men here, with discussion following. Personal Bibles study is great, but there are special blessings that come when you are studying Scripture with a whole group of people who love the Lord. Yesterday we did Ephesians, and tonight we finished Philippians and started Colossians. Hopefully later I will post some of the things I’ve been learning.


Here Dan (my cousin Priscilla’s husband) is teaching through Colossians chapter one. He brought out a lot of great points I hadn’t thought of before – it was a great session.


Playing broom ball on the lake this afternoon—so much fun.

I Shall Be Like Thy Son

And is it so I shall be like Thy Son? Is this the grace which He for me has won? Father of glory, thought beyond all thought—In glory to His own blest likeness brought!

Oh Jesus Lord who loved me like to Thee? Fruit of Thy work, with Thee, too, there to see
Thy glory, Lord, while endless ages roll, myself the prize and travail of Thy soul.

Yet it must be Thy love had not its rest were Thy redeemed not with Thee fully blest. That love that gives not as the world, but shares all it possesses with its loved coheirs.

Nor I alone, Thy loved ones all complete In glory round Thee there with joy shall meet –All like Thee, for Thy glory like Thee, Lord, Object supreme of all, by all adored.

J.N. Darby 1800-1882

Family News/Miscellaneous

Good To Be Home!

I am going to pause from sharing about the trip to post some pictures from today! When we arrived home from Australia there was no snow, so you can imagine our delight when we heard a blizzard was coming!

20121220_122813_19406 This post is especially for all our special friends in tropical places. We miss you and wish you could be here at our home to enjoy the beautiful white scenery we woke up to this morning!

20121220_094355_19335 Right here Stephen is telling me to get out of the way because I am about to get my face full of snow as he turns on the snow blower.

My mom, Sarah and I went together and bought Stephen and my dad a snow blower for Christmas this year … a little early so we’d have it in time for the blizzard.

20121220_114901_19356 We get quite excited about storms, so we had to celebrate with pumpkin bread this morning (Sarah’s favorite).

20121220_115329_19367 …made with freshly grated nutmeg. [smile] Does anyone out there grate your own nutmeg? I had never done it before, but I bought some fresh nutmegs (is that what they’re called?! haha) at Victoria’s Market in Melbourne, Australia. It’s amazing how much more flavor freshly grated nutmeg has!

Isaiah 1:18 says “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” What an incredible transformation. What an amazing God.

Well, many power lines in the area are going down, so I am going to post this before I lose internet!

Announcements/Family News

Yesterday’s Delivery

You know the feeling when something good happens or you reach a mile-mark, and your heart swells with the desire for Jesus to be praised? That’s how it felt yesterday …

… when the semi arrived (a day early) and we unloaded all of our books. We are so excited to have this project done and to be getting the book into people’s hands.

The 90 degree weather + high humidity made it an extra *special* day for unloading, didn’t it, Bekah? [smile]

Dad organized our office basement “warehouse” while we were in Connecticut so we’d have space to put the boxes.

Nolia, who has begun volunteering in our office three afternoons a week (and has been a very sweet addition) spent all afternoon putting books in envelopes to mail to all those who have pre-ordered the book at the various spring home school conferences.

Thank you so much to everyone who was praying for this project! I definitely came to a new understanding of the Lord’s strength, which is not limited by our weaknesses.

“Praise God in his sanctuary … Praise Him for His mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness … Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.” Psalm 150

Family News/Homeschool Conferences

Home School Conference Adventures

The book is at the printer now and we are very grateful to be finished. I definitely have a fresh awareness of the Lord’s faithfulness to help us do what He gives us to do! Recently I have been thinking about how the Lord is not only a “Beginner” but a “Finisher” of what He calls us to do. “In God we boast all the day long, and praise Thy name for ever. Selah.” (Psalm 44:8)

We had seven home school conferences scheduled for this spring. At this point, we have five down and two to go. We have six Bright Lights conferences planned for the summer (in three locations: Texas, Kansas, Iowa) and I will be announcing those soon.

For now, here’s a little glimpse of what setting up the booth at a homeschool conference is like (3-4 hours sped up to 2 minutes). This set up was in Cincinnati a few weeks ago.