Tomorrow’s Forefathers is the “umbrella” name for the Mally family’s ministry. It is their goal to see the coming generation rise up as strong men and women of God.

Harold Mally has been involved in Christian work since 1970. He and his wife, Rebekah, began homeschooling in 1990, with the desire to see their children become a team to serve the Lord together. His children, Sarah, Stephen, and Grace, and his two sons-in-law, Andrew and Josiah, continue to work with them in ministry to strengthen families in the Lord and equip the next generation to speak boldly for Christ. In addition to being an elder/teacher at Cedar Rapids Bible Chapel, Harold spends his time discipling men, evangelizing the lost, and leading the Tomorrow’s Forefathers ministry.
Rebekah is the encourager who takes care of countless practical needs behind the scenes. A new joy in their life is spending time with their little granddaughter, Hosanna.
Andrew majored in Christian Ministry and Bible. He also has a Masters of Divinity in Christian Education and a Doctorate of Education from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has been active in youth ministry, college ministry, and young adult ministry in church, para-church, and academic settings.
Sarah is the founder of Bright Lights, a discipleship ministry designed to equip young ladies to use the years of their youth fully for Christ. She is the author of Speak Truth in Your Heart, Before You Meet Prince Charming and the coauthor (with her siblings) of Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends.

Stephen is Assistant Director of Photography for the University of Iowa’s athletics department. He also continues to work with Tomorrow’s Forefathers, taking care of all our IT and accounting needs. He is a speaker at the Just Men Conferences and the coauthor (with his siblings) of Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends.
Josiah and Grace (Mally) Moffitt
Josiah is involved in youth discipleship, Bible teaching, and camp ministry. He and Grace lead witnessing weekends and the Testify Training Camp. Josiah also runs a bookkeeping company.
Grace is the author of Will Our Generation Speak? A Call to Be Bold with the Gospel, and it’s accompanying handbook. This two-book series is designed to equip young people to witness and form witnessing teams to share the gospel. Grace is a stay-at-home mom, but serves with the Tomorrow’s Forefathers ministry as she is able. She is the coauthor (with her siblings) of Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends.

Nickie Biegler
Nickie has served with Bright Lights for the past 18 years. She coordinates conferences, assists to produce new resources, mentors young ladies, and represents Bright Lights at conferences. She also assists with web management, the online store, and our graphic design needs. In recent years she has been speaking and serving on several short trips to Mexico.
Meghan Peterman
Meghan coordinates social media for Bright Lights and helps with marketing efforts. She works full-time as a marketer in the publishing industry and is grateful to the Lord for the ways these skills can be used to serve the Body of Christ and further His kingdom. Meghan has a B.S. in English: Creative Writing, teaches Sunday School in her local church, and teaches several violin/viola students.

Grandpa David Rodgers
Grandpa is 95 years old and loves to serve the Lord by meeting practical needs at our office. He packs orders, edits, and is always excited about a new task he can fulfill such as collating or helping us gear up for a big trip.