Start a Group

The pattern we see in Scripture is for older women to teach younger women (Tit. 2:3-5). This can start by older girls teaching younger girls! If you are a teenager yourself, you may have never thought about the opportunity you have to mentor younger girls and siblings. You probably don’t realize how many younger girls look up to you and follow your example. Leading a Bright Lights group is one way to pass on to these younger girls what the Lord has been teaching you.

As you teach and help others grow in Christ, you yourself will be strengthened. Proverbs 11:25 says, “he who waters will also be watered himself.” Many Bright Lights leaders have shared about the personal spiritual growth they have experienced as a result of leading their groups. When you teach, you are motivated to study in order to gain a deeper understanding of the topic yourself. Explaining biblical truth to others helps you grasp it more fully and remember it better. As you seek to encourage younger girls to grow spiritually, you are spurred on to more growth yourself. You realize that you can’t lead others any farther than you yourself have gone, and you are motivated to press on to greater heights in order to lead others there too.

The goal of each Bright Lights group is to:

  • Give practical, biblical training in godliness
  • Have a group with “positive peer pressure” and accountability
  • Have a group that will minister to others

How Do I Start A Group?


Ask the Lord for wisdom and direction. Ask Him to give you a burden for young ladies and a greater love for them. Seek Him about the details of whether this is the right time for you to begin a group, who to invite, and when and where to meet. Ask the Lord for His mighty hand of leading and blessing!


The Bright Lights Discipleship Training was designed to equip you to teach and mentor younger girls. This course gives practical teaching on discipleship, principles of ministry, reaching the hearts of young ladies, how to lead an effective meeting, and being an example for others to follow. We encourage you to listen to the training sessions, and familiarize yourself with the Leaders manual and the Bright Lights curriculum. You may also find it helpful to read the FAQ on this website.

Most of all, remember that the deeper you grow in the Lord yourself, the more you will be able to reach others. As you spend much time in the Word, seeking the Lord yourself and growing in Him, your heart will overflow with love and truth to share with others. “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me” (John 15:4).


Once you finish the Leaders Training, you can send in the Leaders application in order to register with us as an official Bright Lights leader. The application is just a small way for us to get to know you and confirm that your purpose for the group is consistent with the original goals and intent of Bright Lights. Leaders who have registered as official groups are able to receive discount prices and have access to free resources and the closed Facebook group for leaders.


The best way to get the word out about your group is probably to design a flyer (or email) and hand them out at your church, homeschool group, or to girls that you know. (We also have free brochures you can request to share general information about the Bright Lights ministry.) Many parents are concerned for their daughters and are looking for good fellowship for them. Likewise, many girls feel the need for a group of like-minded friends and are craving godly fellowship. It will be exciting to see who God brings! You may find that it is an answer to prayer to families around you.

When leaders begin Bright Lights groups, we encourage them to start with a “core” group of girls who are serious about seeking the Lord. These girls will set the tone for the rest of the group. Jesus focused specifically on 12, pouring into them so that they could carry on His work when He departed. They took the gospel to the ends of the earth!

Paul told Timothy: “And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2). In Bright Lights, our desire is to disciple girls who will disciple girls who will disciple more girls. The goal isn’t numbers—it’s the quality of the discipleship.


Most Bright Lights groups target the ages of 10-13 and meet in homes about twice a month, but it varies from group to group. If you aren’t sure how the group will go, or how long you will be able to meet, you could start with just Set One (seven lessons) and reevaluate after you finish.

Getting started is often the hardest part! Once you schedule the first meeting and begin to meet with the girls, it often becomes more clear how everything should be structured and handled. You will find that God will lead you one step at a time.

Keep in touch with us! We enjoy hearing from Bright Lights leaders, and sharing encouragement, ideas, prayer requests, and praises together.

What is a Typical Meeting Like?

Here is a general idea of what a typical meeting is like.
The leader shares a lesson covering topics that are essential for equipping girls to be strong for the Lord in their youth. Sample topics:
Spending Time in God’s Word Everyday
Developing a Close Relationship with Parents
Keeping Pure from Polluting Influences
Accepting the Way God Created You
How to Share the Gospel
Choosing Wise Friends

The lesson is reinforced by testimonies from older girls in the group. At Bright Lights meetings, we also enjoy singing, fellowship with likeminded young ladies, listening to biographies of great Christians from history, preparing for future ministry opportunities, enjoying activities together, and snacks.Each girl receives a Bright Lights binder that she brings with her to the meetings each week. After each lesson, she receives a new handout to add to her binder. The Bright Lights curriculum is organized into eight sets. Click here to see the material.