For any individuals or families local to Des Moines who would like to come to part or all of the Testify camp as a Day Camper, see the above schedule and click here to register.

Equipping Families to be Strong in the Lord
For any individuals or families local to Des Moines who would like to come to part or all of the Testify camp as a Day Camper, see the above schedule and click here to register.
The Testify Training Camp (August 9-13) is coming up very soon. If you live in the Des Moines area and would like to come to the camp as a “Day Camper” without spending the nights there, you are welcome to do so. The only cost for a Day Camper is for meals – $6 per meal. You will still need to register by August 1st and let us know which meals you will be joining us for. To attend as a Day Camper, register here.
The deadline for registering for the Testify Training Camp (witnessing training at Willowbrook Bible Camp and the Iowa State Fair) is two weeks from today. We’re excited to see what the Lord has in store for this year and grateful that Bryan Osborne from Answers in Genesis will be teaching several sessions! See more information here!
Let us not forget to obey Jesus’ instructions to “pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Luke 10:2) The harvest is definitely plentiful, and the laborers few!
Praise God for the great “witnessing team” He brought together two nights ago to share the gospel downtown Cedar Rapids before the fireworks!
Together we passed out a couple thousand short patriotic gospel tracts on the price of liberty. But we also prayed for good conversations with people, and really saw the Lord answer that prayer.
We find that when we approach small groups like this, they are often eager to answer our “Freedom Questionnaire.”
Freedom Questionnaire:
“Hey, I’m taking a short questionnaire about freedom. Do you have a couple minutes to answer a few questions?”
1) What year was the Declaration of Independence signed?
2) What freedoms are you most grateful for?
3) Who said “You will know the truth and the truth will make you free”?
4) What is that “truth that makes us free”?
(This last question leads into the gospel.)
The exciting thing is that when you have a whole team of Christians witnessing with these questionnaires, you can reach a lot of people in just a few hours! Together we had personal gospel conversations with somewhere between 100-150 people (many in small groups).
My mom said that these teenage girls were very sweet and polite and quite interested in hearing the gospel!
Afterwards, we came back to “home base” and discussed how things went. Here my dad is talking with Aaron, a friend who came to our recent “Just Men” conference, and then came back to join our group for witnessing.
Chris and Aaron praying about the conversations they had just had.
“Prayer is not preparation for the work; it is the work.” – Oswald Chambers
At our “home base” we had coolers, blankets, chairs, and — most importantly — people praying! As you can see, the ladies on the left are praying for some of the names of people we had just shared the gospel with. Teamwork!
Beth even brought a notebook to record names of the people we witnessed to, in order to remember them more specifically in prayer. Here Emily is sharing names with her.
Here are a few quick reports:
– Aaron talked with a guy who, after about 30 minutes of meaningful back-and-forth discussion, said, “I used to do a lot with church but I’ve been straying the last few years. I really appreciate you guys coming up and talking with us.”
– Chris had a conversation with an atheist who said he got him thinking.
– Sarah talked with a girl who said she was from a non-religious family, but she had started reading the Bible because she was interested in learning about God. Sarah gave her several tracts, as well as a suggestion of where in the Bible to read.
These are just a sampling from the stories I’ve heard (there are many I haven’t heard yet).
Praise the Lord!
Some conversations go better than others, because some people are receptive and some are not. But it’s worth doing, because some are receptive and super grateful. What a thrilling experience those conversations are. And for those who don’t act receptive, we still know the Lord is powerful to use His Word in their lives.
… And the exciting evening ended with a front row seat watching fireworks, celebrating both our freedom and the joy of having been His ambassadors, delivering the greatest news on earth, together with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Our next big outreach will be at the Iowa State Fair. The Testify Training Camp (witnessing training and fellowship) will be August 9-13. We’re praying that the Lord works in big ways and excited with anticipation about what He will do. Thanks to any who are joining us in prayer.
“Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the adversary” (Psalm 107:2).