Grace Notes

Strong in the Lord Conf.

Strong in the Lord Conference, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Here are a few pictures from the “Strong in the Lord Conference” that was held on Tuesday and Wednesday.

20140709_102432_27689 The clear conscience sisters encouraging Bekah to confess her sin to her mom and ask for her forgiveness.

20140709_102559_27690 The guilty conscience sisters encouraging Bekah to cover her sin.

20140709_135358_27691 Singing “I’ve Been Changed”

20140708_091013_27509 Our small group leaders’ time of sharing from the Word with each other before the conference started. In these sharing times, often we find that the Lord has been giving us similar thoughts in preparation for the conference. A theme that came through was focusing on the character of God. Our desire is not to present to the girls a “formula” of how to be “good Christian girls” but to encourage them to pursue Jesus Christ and know Him! It’s all about a Person. A formula will always eventually fail, but a relationship with Christ is what will enable us to persevere to the end.

20140709_172802_27647 We’ve had an increasing emphasis on witnessing at Bright Lights conferences, and this time we had a whole session on it. The small group leaders often tell us that witnessing is one of the topics their girls ask about the most. It’s evident the Lord is raising up little bright lights unto the harvest! [smile] On Wednesday as the conference was ending, we had each of the girls take 3 “animal cards” home with them to pass out to gas station employees, etc. on the way home. It was fun to see the girls’ enthusiasm in picking up their cards. It’s also exciting to see girls and families eagerly buy boxes of them.

20140709_154719_27623 Karen’s team

20140709_175151_27662 The Lord has brought together a wonderful team of small group leaders who love Him. (About forty of them!)

Yesterday we saw the Lord do some very neat things as we went out witnessing.

The Radiant Purity conference starts tonight and the girls just finished “teacher’s training.” Please pray for perseverance and emotional energy for the small group leaders as many are tired. Please also pray that the Lord works in the hearts of all who come to this conference. We are all just instruments, and apart from Him working, nothing good happens.

We also just had another special time sharing from the Word this morning. Those times are always a highlight! As we all shared with each other what we’ve been gleaning from the Word, there were again many common threads… especially on joy, perseverance, and keeping Jesus the focus of our hearts (which is good, since that’s the main message of the “Radiant Purity Conference.” [smile])

Strong in the Lord Conf.

Strong in the Lord Conference, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Please pray for the girls and parents who are here at the Strong in the Lord Conference today! Please pray that the Lord would work in their hearts, drawing them closer to Himself!! Please pray that all of our words would be Christ-focused as we teach them!

Our desire is that they’d be faithful young ladies who would not only learn, but go on to “teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:2).

Debriefing last night with the small group leaders. We have about forty leaders helping with this conference! This makes it possible to have smaller small groups, which is wonderful.

Miscellaneous/Witnessing Stories

4th of July Witnessing Report

20140704_174746_27461 A group of friends joined us to share the gospel downtown on the fourth. Praise the Lord He gave many encouraging encounters! We found people were especially drawn to the Evolution Vs God DVDs that we gave to those we spoke with.

20140704_191014_27466 Brad talking with six teens. Although they were goofing off some of the time, he stuck with the conversation, had fun with them, and lovingly communicated the law and the gospel.
“So what do you guys think?” he asked after finishing.
“I’m scared now,” some of the girls said.
That was an interesting yet encouraging response, we thought. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Psalm 111:10).
We explained that it was good they were taking this seriously, and emphasized that God’s message is good news.

Approaching little groups like this is one of our favorite ways to witness at these events. It’s personal and friendly, yet you get to reach several people at once.

On the afternoon of the fourth before we started witnesing, I got a text from a girl that I had witnessed to at the parade the previous week — asking if I’d be at the fireworks. I responded that I would, but then didn’t hear any more from her. I thought it was unlikely I’d be able to find her. But, just as we started witnessing, there she was, calling my name! I was sort of shocked. [smile]
There was a guy with her this time. When I explained to him how we’d met last week, he became very curious. “So what was it that you guys were talking about last week?” he asked.
Realizing this was a good opportunity to witness to him now, I started to share. Then my friend Brad joined the conversation and recognized this guy! Brad said, “Hey, I know you!”
The guy seemed to acknowledge he knew Brad too, but acted awkward.
“At the mall, like three years ago, remember? You were witnessing WITH me!” Brad told him.

Then I remembered this guy too. He had actually joined our witnessing team once about three years ago because another guy on our team was discipling him and brought him along. We had paired him with Brad and they spent a couple hours witnessing together at the mall. How interesting to run into him again while we are out witnessing! Unfortunately, it seemed clear that this young man has fallen away and is not walking with the Lord now. He didn’t want to stick around and talk. But I do not doubt that the Lord caused our paths to intersect last night! So please pray for him. He obviously already knows the gospel.

Prayer request:
In about three hours, our Bright Lights conferences here in Cedar Rapids begin. We have a large number of leaders who have come in to help — there are about forty of us! We’d appreciate prayer for the Lord’s hand to be intimately upon each aspect of this week! It is already going great – praise the Lord! 😀

Miscellaneous/Witnessing Stories

The NEA Gospel Outreach

20140703_174417_27460 Spiritual battles were being fought in the unseen realm at the National Education Association Convention in Denver, Colorado this past week! Fifteen thousand public school teachers came together, representing 3 million NEA members around the country. Many of these teachers came by the Creation Science Educators’ Caucus where they were given free books and DVDs that Answers in Genesis had donated to the caucus. The most exciting part was engaging in conversation about a topic even more controversial than the Creation and Evolution debate: the GOSPEL.

20140701_132055_27262 Carlos, a history teacher (in white), had such an open heart. He said, “I’m so excited to talk about this. I just don’t want to take your time!” (A very refreshing contrast to others who yell at us or give us nasty looks or comments!)

One of our main give away items this year was Evolution Vs.God. If you haven’t seen this yet, make sure you do! You can watch it online at I also recommend ordering them here for $2 a piece and giving them out freely. People are very intrigued by it and receive it gladly.

20140702_150517_27295 The guy in the blue cap told me, “I’m SO interested in this topic! I’m just not sure where I stand yet.”

He brought up a medical question that he thought was an evidence for evolution. I wasn’t sure how to answer him, but thankfully Dr. Menton and Dr. Martin both joined the conversation and gave him many answers and explanations. He was very interested! It’s so exciting to start witnessing conversations with people, knowing that behind me are experts and spiritual giants who can jump in and finish the conversation!

One geology teacher told me, “I’m an atheist–I see no evidence for God whatsoever.”
“Oh really?” I said, “Well the Bible says in Romans that we see God clearly by the things he has made…”
I continued, “Is there anything that could cause you to believe in God?”
He said, “Every time I go into a church I ask if there’s a higher power to kill me right now…but it’s never happened. But if it did, I guess that might cause me to believe in God for a split second before I died.”
I asked about his view about the origins of morals.
He said, “Well, I just don’t think there’s someone up there keeping score–that doesn’t seem right at all, or kind!”
“Well if an earthly judge let murderers go free, that wouldn’t be right, would it?!”
He agreed, and this seemed to spark his interested a little.
So I continued to share my testimony—how I was a “good girl” on the outside but a wicked sinner in comparison to God’s perfect standard. I shared how God can be merciful to me—yet a just Judge at the same time—because Jesus died in my place.
To my surprise, he listened with interest!
“You know one thing I’ve always wondered?” he asked me, “What’s the difference between the god of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity?
Interesting comment coming from him, don’t you think?

20140702_145740_27293 Dr. John is speaking here with an Native American young man. This young man and his friend talked to Mirren Martin for a long time the first day, and appreciated the conversation so much they came back and talked for a long time the next day.

20140702_165359_27309 My dad got to come along with me and Nickie this time. Always better when Dad is along. [smile]

20140702_163005_27306 Frank (in white) and James (in pink) talked to this man for probably over an hour. Our goal with these teachers is not to argue science but to share the gospel. Science is just a starting point in the conversation.

It’s clear that many of these teachers aren’t fighting against Creation–they’re fighting against God.

“Would you like a free DVD?” I asked a man who approached our booth, curious about what we stood for.
“Are you a teacher?”
“Yes, I’m a chemistry teacher,” he said.
“Oh, neat! So what are your beliefs about this issue?” I asked. “How do you think life started?”
“Well, I believe in the primordial soup. That’s probably not your cup of tea,” he added, “Not meaning to be funny.”
I smiled.
“So can I ask you a question?” I asked him.
“You’ve already asked me several,” he said playfully.
I laughed.
“So do you think it takes more faith to believe in God or in Evolution?” I asked.
“Oh, well I think it’s easier to believe in God – I mean, that is a simple explanation to everything. But that doesn’t mean that’s the correct view.”

“How do you think morals started?” I asked.
“That’s a good question,” he said, and began talking about his support of alternative lifestyles and disapproval of those who reject them.

Soon we got back to the creation issue and Dr. John joined the conversation, sharing some things about chemistry (which were above my level!), and pointing out flaws in the evolution model.
The chemistry teacher said, “I agree with you, evolution is definitely an uphill battle…” and expressed that it was the harder route to believe.
“So why is it that you choose to believe Evolution?” I asked him.
“Yes, why do you believe the more unlikely option?” Dr. John added.
“It just feels right!” he said, “It feels good to me.”

“So what I’m getting from what you’re telling me,” I commented, “is that you would prefer that evolution was true.”
He agreed.
“Like,” I added, “you would prefer there wasn’t a God?”
He smiled and said, “It just fits my life better! I guess I believe evolution for the same reasons you believe in God – it feels right.”

He began talking about the beauty of the Smokey Mountains, where he recently took a vacation.
I grabbed a Bible and opened to Romans 1. He looked my direction a little playfully, and said, “Read me something.”

I read from Romans 1:19-20 “What may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse…”

“I know you disagree with this,” I told him, “but I believe that everyone knows there’s a God—it’s obvious by the beauty and the design all around us. That’s what the Bible says…”

He said that referencing the Bible was circular reasoning, but Dr. John was quick to point out that he was reasoning in a circular way also.

The chemistry teacher looked me in the eye and stated, “When I die I just become worm food, and I truly believe that.” He wanted to know why I had a problem with him believing what he wants.

I explained, “If this life was all there is, then I would be fine with you believing whatever you want to believe. But … ” (and I saw in his eyes that he knew where I was going with this) “… but we believe that this life isn’t just it. We’re eternal! And we don’t know you very well, but we care about you–”
“You’re trying to save my soul,” he said.
“Well, I’m not!”
“You’re not? … Oh, I see you’re trying to put me on a path where I’ll find salvation …”
I agreed.
“Well,” he said, “I do not doubt at all your intentions or think that you have ulterior motives. And this has been a good discussion,” he said with genuine warmth.
“So the issue really is God,” I clarified. “That’s what it comes down to.”
He agreed.
“Well, I realize that you don’t desire God, but I know that He desires you!” I told him.

This conversation reminded me, once again, that with these teachers it is not an issue of the mind. It’s an issue of the heart. That’s why, at our booth, our goal is not to fight for Creation Science — our goal is to share the GOSPEL. It’s not evolution vs. creation. It’s evolution vs. GOD.

20140703_094149_27385 After two days in one location, we had to move the booth to a different location, about a quarter mile away (in the same huge building). We were a bit concerned about the moving process for a number of reasons. But the Lord, who provides above and beyond, gave us favor in the eyes of the convention center leadership staff and these kind men moved all of our stuff FOR us. Unbelievable! 🙂 (Well, not really, not when you know the Lord.)


20140703_152023_27441 After setting up the second booth, we continued to have almost non-stop conversations.

20140703_151919_27432 Although this man was skeptical, he was willing to stick around for a while and talk with Tony. He said he discusses these things with his brother who is a Christian! Maybe we were an answer to his brother’s prayers!

Here Tony is showing this man the chapter on the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus. At the end of this conversation, I gave him our tract on the resurrection of Jesus. At first, he didn’t even want to receive it, but when I told him it was something my sister and I wrote, then he changed his mind and happily took it. He even began reading it right there at the booth! I’d encourage any Christian to write their own little gospel tract. Sarah and I have consistently found that people receive it much more readily when we tell them it was something we wrote personally.

20140703_163711_27458 This girl was extremely open to things of the Lord, humbly admitting her need for Him – what a blessing to talk with her.


Please pray that the 4,000 DVDs and 4,000 books and booklets distributed to public school teachers are watched and read. Please pray that the Lord convicts hearts and leads them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

“By awesome deeds in righteousness You will answer us, O God of our salvation, You who are the confidence of all the ends of the earth, And of the far-off seas; Who established the mountains by His strength…” Psalm 65:5


Please Pray for Ministry at the NEA Convention!

IMG_0865 This morning my dad, Nickie and I flew to Denver, met up with friends from Answers in Genesis (James Opperman, Frank Zitzman, and Tony Ramsek) and helped to set up the NEA Creation Science Educators’ Caucus booth at the National Education Association’s annual convention.

The booth will be set up this entire week we will be giving away over 4,000 DVDs and 4,000 books and booklets donated by Answers in Genesis with a retail value of over $106,000. Please pray for the many conversations that we will be having with public school teachers. (There will be about 15,000 teachers here.)

IMG_0886 Uh oh, the table is loaded down so much it needs to be propped up so it doesn’t sag in the middle.

IMG_0890 Praying together after completion of set up.

One thing that is fun is the teamwork witnessing we get to do wherever we go. While we were in the shuttle from the airport to the car rental place, there was only one other man in the shuttle besides the six of us. I wanted to witness to him but he wasn’t very talkative. So instead of talking to him directly, the six of us had a conversation with each other about witnessing encounters we’ve had recently and what we said. Of course, we all knew that the conversation was actually for the 7th passenger who was listening. [smile]

IMG_0841 Once we arrived at the car rental place, Tony (in blue) had a good witnessing conversation with the guy at the counter. Next we went to Carl’s Jr. for breakfast and had an encouraging talk with the cashier who wanted to learn more about the Lord.

I will be sharing more reports after the convention! Until then, please be in prayer for the public school teachers that we will be interacting with – that the Lord would be working in their hearts, opening their eyes, and leading them to a knowledge of the truth! Please also pray that the Lord would give each of us the wisdom, love, and boldness to be God-glorifying witnesses of Jesus!

Witnessing Stories


20140628_082243_27136 This morning we had a wonderful time sharing the gospel at the Freedom Festival parade here in Cedar Rapids. We had a team of twenty-three (pictured above)! We’re very happy about some new friends who’ve joined the team!

20140628_083404_27146 We divided into small groups to pray

20140628_084322_27151 Because of all the action going on downtown, there were plenty of people to talk to!

20140628_102952_27155 After about an hour and a half, we came back to share how things went. Here Rose is sharing about a really encouraging conversation she had.

20140628_103132_27158 There were several such stories and it was an energizing time of hearing how the Lord worked.

I wish I could remember more details from the stories shared. Many people were very open, receptive, and grateful for the conversations we had with them.

After I discussed the problem of our sin with with three high school kids, I asked something like, “So what’s the answer to have peace with God?”
“Well, you have to get saved,” one girl responded.
“Who saves you?” I asked.
“The preacher, right?” she said. “Don’t you get baptized or something?”
“No…” I began
“Don’t you kind of have to save yourself?” another kid asked.
“No….” I continued to explain about God’s justice and the message of the cross.
“This has been really interesting,” one of the boys told me after we’d been talking for a while. Praise God for their attentiveness and receptiveness!

More fellowship at Chick fil A. We’re so blessed to have brothers and sisters in Christ with whom we can “stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel” (Philippians 1:27).

Thoughts/Witnessing Stories

How to Get Witnessing Conversations Started on the 4th

The fourth of July is an amazing time to share the gospel with people. They just set up their lawn chairs and blankets and then hangout until the fireworks start. It’s one time in the year when people aren’t busy. But isn’t it weird and awkward to start a conversation about spiritual things with a stranger? No, it actually doesn’t have to be at all! The key is to find a good approach and then just going out and practice!

Click here for some questionnaire ideas. Click here for the Price of Liberty tract that you can print for yourself. Click here to see Living Waters’ Fourth of July Million Dollar Bills. (There’s still time to order them for the fourth if you do it right away!)

Let’s pray for fruitful evangelism all over the country on the fourth of July! The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Remember, this is one thing that Jesus specifically told us to pray for.

Click here to see what the team of Bright Lights leaders did in Houston last year, and how we used the 4th of July Millions as conversation starters.


Today is Early Registration Deadline


The early registration deadline for the “Strong in the Lord Conference” and “Radiant Purity Conference” in Cedar Rapids, Iowa is today. Click here for more information!

The conferences are coming up very soon: July 8-9 and 11-12. We’d appreciate prayer that the Lord would bring just the right people and be preparing their hearts now!

Family News/Miscellaneous

My Dad

My Dad

To describe a godly father and what it is to be
The daughter of a righteous man who prays so much for me
Is pretty much impossible, but I’m still gonna try
To explain some things I really love about my dad, and why.

From my earliest memory, my dad was always there
To listen to my struggles and fears and every care,
The security it brought me that “dad knows and will pray”
Helped me stand strong knowing it all would turn out okay.

So many times I’ll come to dad with a question on my mind
He’ll stop and talk it through with me until our thoughts align
Sometimes his insights are so deep, it takes me by surprise
As he walks with God each day, my dad just gets more wise!

I remember when my dad would let me put barrettes in his hair,
Or the highlight of my childhood: playing “horsie ’round the chair.”
Not only did he love us, he really “liked” us too,
That is something that in our hearts, we kids always knew.

My dad was always patient and a giver of much grace
When we’d fail, he’d gently teach us, showing us God’s ways
He often gave me mercy—not what I deserved,
And those moments drew me to him, as his kindness I observed.

Through Dad’s gentle ways and words, I’ve seen the heart of God
Slow to punish, quick to praise; I felt no need for a façade.
In all the ministry he did, he always gave us kids a part,
And my dad’s affirmation brought security to my heart

Through watching Dad I’ve realized what my goals in life should be
As I see him love God and people and spend much time upon His knees.
Witnessing is something that’s so often on his mind,
His top priority in life is to do those things which God assigned.

I love to hear Dad witness as he always has new ways
To describe the glorious gospel with a wise and clever phrase.
I love his gentle, teaching style—and God’s provision to me I see:
Dad thinks of so many witnessing tips and then teaches them to me!

Dad loves to share with us his gleanings from the Word that day
Always building others up by the words he picks to say
Dad was always slow to make a rule, but quick to teach us “why,”
His goal was that from our heart God’s Word we would apply.

My dad is such an awesome person, I cannot say enough
To cover all the bases would be very, very tough!
Sometimes I just sit and contemplate what way that I could find
To get all of the wisdom from his brain into mine!

When I think of my Heavenly Father, and all that it implies
To own the title “daughter of the King” beyond the skies,
I think of my dad here on earth and it helps me understand
A bit more of this privilege given by God’s hand!

To the father/child relationship nothing else compares
The love between a girl and dad is something nothing shares!
The Lord uses it to teach us to come closely unto Him,
And a relationship with Him makes all earthly ones look dim!

Our relationships here on earth are really very brief
Often they are strained, and sometimes filled with grief
But praise the Lord that He is better than family members all combined
And in His love we’ll rejoice, satisfied—just as He designed.

Happy Father’s Day, Dad!

Copyright 2014, Grace Mally

Miscellaneous/Witnessing Conferences/Witnessing Stories

Witnessing Conference Report

20140607_120457_27036 Last weekend my dad and I ran our first-ever witnessing workshop in the St Paul, MN area. We were very encouraged by how things went. Here was our approximate schedule:

9:00 “God’s Gift to Believers (Ephesians 3:8)”
10:15 Coffee Break
10:30 “Boldness”
11:45 Lunch
12:45 “Hard Questions and Answers”
1:45 Break
2:00 “Plan and Press On”
3:15 Leave for witnessing
5:30 Pizza and Sharing

The Lord brought a great group of serious-minded believers with a heart to grow in the area of witnessing. The only sad part was how fast the time went. I felt like we just were getting acquainted with everyone, and then everyone had to leave. I’m sure we could have had many more hours of great fellowship and learning from each other. [smile]

It was a pretty busy week of preparation for us, but I feel that the Lord answered prayer in helping my dad and I organize the content of the sessions. Basically, my dad did the teaching, and I supplemented it with stories and practical ideas.

One theme we wanted to thread through the conference was the greatness of God. When we are reminded of the Lord’s character and mighty power, we become excited about the privilege of working with Him and being His representatives. As Hebrews 11 reminds us, the Lord wants servants with great faith–servants who see their Lord as awesome in power and trust HIM as their only source of success.

Not only does speaking of the greatness of God strengthen believers, it convicts unbelievers. It is when we speak of God’s greatness and holiness that unbelievers begin to understand their sin and great need for a Savior. Many don’t see themselves as bad as they really are because they don’t see God as good as He really is.

With these thoughts in mind, I especially appreciated the banner hanging on the wall (in above picture)!

I also appreciated the verse Sarah sent me on a little note as I was leaving (not knowing quite how fitting it would be):

“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate. They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds, and I will declare your greatness. (Psalm 145:3-6)

…as well as the verse Nickie texted me:

“My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness and of Your salvation all day long; For I do not know the sum of them (Psalm 71:15).”

20140607_112118_27024 Fellowship over lunch. We were very grateful for the initiative and vision of Pastor Mike Lerud and Redeemer Baptist Church, who asked us to come (and also provided, snacks, lunch and dinner for everyone)!

20140607_155213_27045 About forty of us went out witnessing from 3:30-5:00 pm. The girl on left had never done this kind of witnessing before, but when we bumped into her, she had her own little questionnaire sheet all marked up and told us about the six conversations she had just had! Praise the Lord!!

20140607_170045_27050 We heard some encouraging stories over pizza afterwards. Here are two of them:

Karen shared about a truck-driver they had spoken with. The truck driver expressed how amazed he was that they were talking with him. He said, “I’m not even from here, I just stopped in to sit down for a little while.” He continued, “I was just looking through ebay on my phone and then something about the Bible popped up…. and then you guys come and start talking to me about God’s salvation!” Praise the Lord for how He arranged circumstances to give this man a receptive heart to the gospel message!

Kelly spoke with a lady who was hurting in many areas of life. After she explained the gospel, the lady said, “I was just praying and crying out to God to help me!” The lady saw this conversation as an answer to her prayers!

Here is a little taste of Karen and Kelley’s stories:

20140607_180424_27061 This family works with native Americans in Canada, and it was encouraging to hear about how the Lord is using them there. The father shared with me about the darkness and great need in his community, but he also explained about the exciting open doors the Lord has given him. He said that men invite him into their homes and say, “Come teach the Bible to us!”

Thank you very much to everyone who prayed for our conference last weekend. I believe the Lord answered those prayers! Let’s continue to pray that the Lord works in a mighty way in our land, raising up laborers to the harvest.

“…therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest (Matthew 9:38).”