Grace Notes

Family News/Recent Productions

At the Wissmann’s…

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…preparing to record a Bright Lights Music CD. It has been so exciting to see the Lord putting all the details together. We can’t express enough appreciation to the Wissmann family for all they are doing to help. They have gone above and beyond our expectations in so many ways!
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Today was a full day of practicing and pulling together all the song arrangements. We’d appreciate prayer tomorrow and Wednesday that everything would go smoothly in the studio, and that the CD would bring much glory to the Lord and be a big encouragment to many!

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Oh, and did I mention practicing music wasn’t the only thing we did today…:)

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Sarah Roberts and Nathaniel Wissmann–ready to catch that balloon!

Family News



It’s always exciting to see how the Lord provides just the perfect help at the perfect time. This evening we picked up some good friends, Sarah and Daniel Roberts, from the airport. They will be with us for a month this summer and Daniel will be helping Stephen with video, etc. while Sarah will be helping with some special Bright Lights projects.


One thing we have in common is that we both play harps (except they have 4 kids in their family, so they can play quartets while we can only do trios…[smile] ) We really appreciated Daniel’s help in fixing our harp tonight. He regulated it and fixed some other various problems it had. It sounds a lot better now.

Stephen + the online user’s manual 🙂 helped.

“For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.” Psalm 100:105

Announcements/Creation Museum

Bright Lights Conference at the Creation Museum

Bright Lights Creation Poster

Conference Schedule: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Registration opens at 8:00 AM

Includes: Three conference sessions in Special Effects Theater, two small group sessions in the Garden Pavilions, and the rest of the day to enjoy the museum and fellowship with other mothers and daughters. To learn more about the museum, visit

Cost: $18 per adult / $10 per child under 12 yrs.
Price includes one day admission to the museum.

To download a flyer: click here

To register: click here. (Note: There is a limit of two hundred attendees at this conference.)

If you would like an informational e-mail about the conference to forward to friends from your church or homeschool group, contact us and we’ll send one to you.

To see information about other Bright Lights conferences planned for Ohio and Virginia in the beginning of August, click here.

Witnessing Stories

In the Park


Thanks so much for your prayers. The witnessing went very well last night. It was exciting to see the girls who came with us courageously stepping out and learning to initiate conversations with people.

Afterward, as we were eating ice cream and sharing stories, we discovered we had collectively witnessed to over 50 people. (That’s more unsaved people than many churches have walk through their doors in a whole year!) It definitely seems to me that we are able to reach the most unsaved people when we go out to where they are and talk with them. We know that the Lord is the One who draws people to Himself, and we are just praying that He continues to work in these people’s lives.

Bright Lights Local Group/Witnessing Stories

Sharing Jesus Class

Did you know that in some ways younger girls have an advantage when it comes to sharing the gospel? The reason is this: people are not intimidated by them! Instead, they are impressed by their maturity. If a few sweet, smiley young girls go to the park and take “surveys” (questions about the gospel), people are almost always willing to talk! This is great approach to initiate conversations about Jesus. (And if anyone would like to know what questions we ask in our surveys, feel free to e-mail and ask.)

Last Monday evening a group of young ladies from our Bright Lights group gathered here at the Bright Lights office for a class on evangelism. We discussed various ways to engage people in conversation using tracts, surveys, the “wordless bridge”, etc. Then we divided up and practiced witnessing to each other. I am so excited about their enthusiasm.

We also watched a little witnessing clip from Way of the Master to learn what to say to atheists.

We’d appreciate prayer tomorrow evening (the 25th) because several of us will be going out witnessing together in the town square. Please pray that the Lord would strengthen and empower each one of us to overcome fear and experience the joy of blessing others with the Good News.

“And Jesus…said, Verily I say unto you, ‘Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.'” Matt 18:3

“Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” 1 Tim 4:12

Thoughts/Witnessing Stories

Girls “Fishing Gear”

Timing makes a difference when you are passing out tracts! –Especially with cashiers. I really like this purse because I can quickly reach in the front flap, grab a tract, and say, “…and here’s something for you!” when the cashier gives me my receipt.

I also like this purse because I can fit so much stuff in it (as I was explaining to my dad and brother this morning, who didn’t seem to quite relate…).

Anyway, a friend from Living Waters recommended this to me, and I wanted to pass along the recommendation. Sometimes I’ve missed a good opportunity just because I couldn’t dig out a gospel tract fast enough. –But not with this purse!

So when we buy purses, let’s think “fishing” more than we think “fashion!”




Four Bright Lights Conferences scheduled for August!
We will be doing a Strong in the Lord Conference and a Radiant Purity Conference in Bristol, Virginia, and then we’ll repeat the same schedule in Pataskala, Ohio.

To view flyer for Bristol,VA, click here.
To view flyer for Pataskala,OH, click here
To register online, click here.


Homeschool Conferences

Florida Travels

Because of a tight schedule, buying peaches at a stand while we stopped for gas was about as touristy as we got in Florida this year.

At the FPEA home school conference, it was exciting to visit with Bright Lights leaders and hear what God is doing in their groups. The mother in this picture hosts a BL group in her home. She told us that she was searching eveywhere for tea cups for the snack time and couldn’t find what she wanted. Then–out of the blue–a relative sent her a box of 30 old fashioned tea cups. Just what she had been looking for! And her relative didn’t even know she wanted them. Isn’t it encouraging to see the Lord provide in ways like this?!

Saturday morning before the conference started, Sarah and I met for coffee with Kelsy and Katherine, friends who run the Generations of Virtue booth. We see each other at a lot of the same conferences, and we have a lot of the similar messages, experiences, and passions that could keep us talking for hours if we had the time. They have also spent quite a bit of time in Singapore and Malaysia. It was neat to hear about the doors the Lord is opening for their ministry.

As I was washing my hands, I noticed the house-keeping lady was cleaning and restocking. Two rolls of toilet paper were rolling away from her on the floor, so I picked them up and handed them to her.
“Thank you, God bless you honey!” she said with surprise.
“Oh, you are welcome. Thank you for keeping the restrooms so clean!” I said.
“Oh, bless you, honey….aw, can I give you a hug?” she asked.
She gave me a hug and her business card so I could e-mail her boss and tell her that the restrooms were clean. I said I would.
Then I pulled out a 10 commandments coin and gave it to her.
“And what is this?” she asked.
“This is a coin with the 10 commandments. The 10 Commandments show us our sin. We need God’s forgiveness. He will cleanse us from our sin if we ask because Jesus died on the cross for us. Many people pray, but they never ask God for eternal life. But it’s a free gift He will give to those who ask.”
Tears began to stream down her eyes. I was so surprised, and I hardly knew how to react! I only said a few words – why was she so touched? I figured the Lord must have been touching her through me somehow. She thanked me heartily and told me she would go to the website on the tract. ( May the Lord continue the work he began in her life!

After the Florida Homeschool Conference was over, we talked until midnight at a restaurant with the vendors from the ICR (Institute for Creation Research) booth. It was a good time of building new friendships with great people.

As my dad was pumping gas at this station, I handed an employee a tract while she was restocking candy bars. After I explained what it was, I asked her what her “religious background” was and we began chatting about spiritual things. She told me, “I don’t think anyone’s going to hell. Actually, I don’t think there is a hell.”
“Oh really? So you don’t believe the Bible, then? Because the Bible talks about hell.”
“Oh yeah, well I believe the Bible, but I still think everyone’s going to Heaven.”
“So Hitler is in Heaven…?” I asked.
“Oh no, I guess he’s probably not,” she said.
“Ok, but you just said you didn’t believe in hell.”
“Well, I do for some people, I guess,” she said.
This may seem humorous, but it’s just an example of how many people think! It’s like this deadly delusion that’s blinding Americans today. They don’t believe in hell, or even if they do, they are sure they’d be good enough for Heaven. People need to be awakened to reality before it’s too late! What if you had cancer, but your doctor didn’t tell you?! What if he was afraid of offending you so he simply told you that you might not feel very good for a while? You wouldn’t be very motivated to find a cure because you wouldn’t know the deadly reality of your disease.

If we truly care about people, we will show them what God says in the Bible: that sin is deadly, and it leads to hell –separation from God. God offers a cure, (He did the most loving thing possible to save us from hell!) but He only gives the “cure” to those who ask for it. John 3:16 He doesn’t force people to come to Him. True love isn’t forced.

We had a pretty good talk there in the candy bar aisle, and when I left she told me she was definitely going to pass the little tract around to all the employees at the gas station!
It’s a lie we believe that “people don’t want you to give them a tract”.

Homeschool Conferences

Michigan Home School Conference

Sarah working at our booth at the Michigan Home School Conference


We’ve been keeping a Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends Coloring Book open at our booth for kids to color. We accidentally sold this coloring book at the end of the Michigan conference, so if anyone came home with a half-colored coloring book (including this nicely colored green-headed dog) we’d be happy to send you a new one. 🙂

We were asked to lead the singing for the keynote sessions at the conference. As Sarah and Stephen were trying to pick out songs, they remembered that just one week previously at the San Diego home school convention they had learned a new song called “For All Generations”. Written by one of the mothers who helped to lead the conference, it’s a powerful song about what makes Christian families strong — perfect for a home school conference. It went over wonderfully, and many wanted information so they could teach it to their church or friends. We are grateful to Stephanie Wojnicki for the beautiful song, and we are grateful to the Lord for bringing it to our attention just one week before we needed it!


After Michigan, on our way to the FL convention, we stopped to visit a good friend of ours (who was a good friend of my grandma). It was a highlight of the trip for me. Every time we visit Clorinda, she encourages us and speaks about the things of the Lord. Her endearing Brazilian accent, zealous personality, and humor make her fun to listen to. I’ve never heard her chat about menial things — it’s always about the gospel, about how we need to be obedient to God, be a persevering warrior for Christ, and be in prayer about what God is doing in the world. (I want to be more like her!!)

Pictures and reports from Florida coming next.

Witnessing Stories

Conversation in Hotel Lobby


This morning I was reading my Bible on the couch of the hotel lobby when a man sitting nearby asked me, “Are you part of a Bible study group?”
“No, I just like to read my Bible,” I said.
“What denomination are you?” he asked.
“Not really any…I just believe the Bible. What about you?”
“I grew up Roman Catholic,” he said and went on to explain his background and childhood.
“So do you think Heaven is a free gift of something you have to earn?”
“Roman Catholics would say you have to earn it,” he said.
“But what do you think?” I asked.
“You have to earn it,” he replied.
“So, if you have to earn it, your faith is in yourself, right?”
“Well, I suppose…” he said, but then explained at length how everyone’s standards are different and it’s not fair to judge others by your own standard because maybe they have had a different background than you, etc.
“Well,” Sarah (who had now joined our conversation) replied, “maybe God has a standard and, although we can’t judge each other by our own standards, God can judge us by His perfect standard.”
“Well, that could be, but I think that you have to think about everyone’s different background and what is true for one person might not be true for another,” he said.
“So do you believe there is any kind of absolute truth?” Sarah asked.
“No, I don’t think there is,” he said after a moment of thought.
“So you believe everything is relative?” Sarah asked.
“Yeah pretty much,” he replied.
“Are you sure about that?” Sarah asked, (trying to get him to make an absolute statement… )
“No, I’m not really sure, but I heard some people on TV talking about how all of God’s Word is subject to man’s interpretation” he said. “And everyone has a different interpretation.”
“It’s true that there are many people out there who are trying to discredit the Word of God,” Sarah replied, “but I’ve never heard any piece of evidence (whether science, historical, etc.) that discredits the Bible.”
“Well there are theologians that will back me up,” he said.
“Yes, and there are also theologians that will back me up,” Sarah said.
“And that just goes to prove that everything is relative,” he said.
“No, that just goes to prove that some people are right and some people are wrong,” Sarah replied with smile.
He scratched his head, glanced out the front window, and complained that this was too heavy of a conversation to have at ten in the morning. Just then his ride came.
He shook our hands and asked our names. We left him with a creation science tract from Answers in Genesis called, What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs? and told him he’d find it interesting.

Afterwards, Sarah and I were discussing the conversation and how it was obvious that he really didn’t know what he believed. In fact, most people don’t. You can tell by the way they keep changing their minds—even as they are talking with you. They don’t have solid ground to stand on. We do, as we continue to stand on the Word of God and Jesus Christ –our never-changing, absolute Truth.

“How firm a foundation ye saints of the Lord is laid for your faith in His excellent Word. What more can He say than to you He has said — to you who for refuge to Jesus have fled.”