Our friends the Bontragers host a unique event every year at their farm called the “Turning Hearts Celebration,” based off Malachi 4:6.
Home school families from all over Iowa and surrounding states come for a day of great fellowship, hay-rack rides, food, special music, and speakers. It has been exciting to see this event grow. This year topped every other year with over 1,200 people!
We wondered how that many people would fit, but much prayer went into the day, and the Lord worked it all out. (The Bontragers even served dinner! [smile])
It was nice having some friends who are students at the University of Iowa come with us.
The Duggar family sharing special music
In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Duggar did a Q&A time and shared a lot of good advice. I think my favorite point that Mrs. Duggar made was how Matthew 18:15-16 revolutionized the way she dealt with tattling with younger children. All the wisdom we need for every area of life is in the Word of God.
It was a good thing the Bontragers had a good sound system because as you can see, not everyone fit in that barn! The Bontragers ended the evening with a concert. If you haven’t heard their family sing before, I recommend you check their schedule here to see if they are coming to your area. You would be encouraged!
It is very encouraging to be with a large group of godly families for a day – to be reminded that God is raising up a generation of ministry-minded warriors!
When we consider the strong opposition to homeschooling in Germany and other nations, we’re reminded to be grateful to God for what He’s given us here. Those of us who were raised in godly homes with much godly teaching have great responsibility. “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.” (Luke 12:48) May we not lack zeal or focus, but run looking unto Jesus.
… let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus … (Hebrews 12:1-2)