Grace Notes


Bright Lights Leaders Encouragement Retreats


We are very excited that Brights Lights Leaders Encouragement Retreats have been scheduled for six locations this fall and winter! If you are you a Bright Lights leader (past or present), or if you are you considering starting a Bright Lights group, I think you would be blessed and encouraged by the teaching and like-minded fellowship at these retreats.

Each one is hosted by a local Bright Lights leader. Registration is free.

Franklin, North Carolina (October 28-29th)
Hortonville, Wisconsin (September 30-October 1st)
Livingston, Montana (October 7th-8th )
St. Louis Park, Minnesota (November 4-5th)
Sumas, Washington (January 5-7, 2017)
Corona, California (January 20-21, 2017)

Earlier this year, Haley Skrnich (Bright Lights leader in Texas), and Emily Selander, (Bright Lights leader in Iowa), mentioned to us their burden to see Bright Lights leaders be refreshed and re-inspired. They shared their vision of these encouragement retreats and we really liked their ideas. We have increasingly excited as these plans have been coming together!

The retreats will be filled with times of Bible study, prayer, fellowship, sharing ideas, and time to get to know other Bright Lights leaders in your area. Unfortunately we will not be able to present at them, but Sarah recorded a 45 minute message that will be shown at each one.


“Speak Truth in Your Heart” Conference, Phoenix, AZ


Click here to see full size PDF of flyer.

We’re excited to announce our next “Speak Truth in Your Heart Conference.” It will be happening in the Phoenix, AZ area, October 28-29.

For more information, see blog posts from when Sarah presented this material at a camp in Washington state, North Carolina or at a conference in Dallas.

See the Bright Lights Facebook / Twitter page for images to share if you’d like to help spread the word. Go here to register.

Bright Lights Conferences/Speak Truth in Your Heart Conference

Speak Truth in Your Heart Conference, Dallas

img_0184 On June 7-8 we held the first official “Speak Truth in Your Heart” Bright Lights conference in Dallas, Texas. For many years we have been doing the same two conferences (the “Strong in the Lord” and “Radiant Purity” conference) so it was special to present totally NEW content.

The name of the conference (and Sarah’s soon-to-be-published book) comes from Psalm 15:1-2 “O Lord, who may abide in Your tent? Who may dwell on Your holy hill? He who walks with integrity, and works righteousness, and speaks truth in his heart.”

We praise God for the way we clearly saw Him working that weekend. We hope to do many more “Speak Truth in Your Heart” conferences! The need is great for young ladies to be replacing faulty thinking with God’s Word. From the beginning, Satan’s strategy has been to use deception. Often struggles in our spiritual lives are intensified because we don’t know the Lord and His Word well enough! Trusting Him is a natural byproduct of truly knowing Him. Psalm 9:10 says “Those who know Your name will put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.”

img_0190 Mothers and daughters, praying together in between sessions.



For more information on the “Speak Truth” Curriculum, see this blog post from when Sarah presented it at a camp last September.

img_0206 This was a group activity / object lesson on discipleship.

img_0221 Since Stephen and my dad couldn’t be there, we were grateful for the extra help loading up afterward from Daniel Skrnich and Mr. Noland.

Speaking Engagements/Uncategorized

Wichita Mother/Daughter Dinner

This summer was filled with many back-to-back events. Sadly, I barely had any time to blog reports of what the Lord was doing! So I decided I would share some brief summer reports now at the end of the summer, starting back at the beginning of June. I pray they will be an encouragement to you, and bring praise to Him!

img_0160-2 A church group in Wichita asked if Sarah and I would speak for a mother-daughter dinner. Praise God, it worked out to come on our way to Texas. We were refreshed to see the many godly families at New Hope Bible Church and to observe the “outward” focus that their church has.

img_0145 Meeting for coffee with some of the girls who helped to plan the tea. It was encouraging to see their excitement for witnessing, and to hear of how the families at their church do a creation evangelism gospel booth together at the Kansas State Fair and other events.

img_0164 We stayed with Abby and Guy Spragg while we were there. Abby has been a part of Bright Lights for about a decade. Her husband Guy has been a lot of fun to get to know, as has her little girl, Ellianne.

img_0136 … I am posting this picture simply because Ellie is just so photogenic. 🙂

Next I will post about the “Speak Truth Conference” in Texas.


Creation Evangelism Training Camp Schedule

FairPic1 copy Over a million people come to the Iowa State Fair each year … which means tons of opportunity for gospel impact!

Iowa St Fair - Creation Booth 1 (1024x768)[3] This is a picture of the Creation gospel booth that Roger Bishop has been leading at the Iowa State Fair for the past fifteen years. This year, he asked Ken Ham if it could become a ministry of Answers in Genesis. Mr. Ham agreed and he put our friend, Tony Ramsek, in charge of the outreach.

Iowa St Fair - Creation Booth 3 (1024x768)[6]

Naturally, since this is in our home state, we are excited to get on board — and to get others “on board” also, which is why we are running a Creation Evangelism Training Camp to coincide with the outreach. (We will have training sessions in the morning and then go over to the fair in the afternoon to put into practice what we are learning.) We are grateful for all that the Lord has been putting together, and look forward to seeing what He has in store.

Tony is bringing 60,000 Noah’s Ark million dollar bill gospel tracts to pass out. Please be praying for all who will be receiving the gospel, that they would receive the good news with soft and humble hearts and turn to Jesus to be saved! Please also be praying for God’s mighty hand at work during our “Creation Evangelism Training Camp.” Here is our teaching schedule:


If you live locally and would like to come for just a couple sessions, please ask and I will email you more information on this option. We would love to have as many as possible benefit! (Please note that the schedule above is subject to change.)

Click here to see flyer with more information about the camp. Click here to register.


Witnessing Workshop Next Weekend!

Next weekend we will be running a Witnessing Workshop in Cedar Rapids. I am anticipating the Lord to answer prayers and work in big ways! If you know any who would be interested in attending, please spread the word.

Here is our schedule:
witnessing workshop schedule_small

Click here to register. For families, please note that there is also a special family price.

We are excited that Tony Ramsek from Answers in Genesis will be teaching many of the sessions. Tony has led the Answers in Genesis gospel outreach to the NEA Convention for many years, and this year he will also be leading AiG’s gospel outreach to the Iowa State Fair. We have greatly appreciated his insights in witnessing and his heart for the lost!

Tony came to Cedar Rapids in May for some planning meetings about the Iowa State Fair outreach, and we were grateful to have him speak for our church. We were blessed by his sermon on Romans 1:14-16.

Please join us in praying that the Lord raises up a whole army of witnesses in the Cedar Rapids area who are so overflowing with the gospel that they, like Peter and John, “cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.” (Acts 4:20)!

Also, for more information on the Creation Evangelism Training Camp that we are running on August 15-19th in connection with the Iowa State Fair gospel outreach, see this post.


Early Registration Deadline for Witnessing Camp is TODAY

Today is the last day to receive the early registration price for the Evangelism Camp happening August 15-19th. Click here to see flyer with more information.

Click here to register.

For information on family discounts, please email me.

If you can’t make it, we’d appreciate prayer! Witnessing is one of those things that I believe Satan is very opposed to, and witnessing (or witnessing training) is certainly not something we can do without the help of the Lord.

We’d also appreciate prayer that God would bring the ones He wants to this camp. I have personally seen that one of the biggest ways I’ve grown in evangelism is by rubbing shoulders and working side by side with others who are more experienced in witnessing than I am. The passion is contagious, and watching others in action is a wonderful way to learn. I’m super excited about seeing many have this experience by helping with the evangelistic efforts that will happen at the fair. Also, I believe everyone will really enjoy the interaction and fellowship.

Click here to see a short video we made that shows a little bit about what it’s like to help at a gospel booth (such as the one we will be running at the Iowa State Fair in connection with the camp).

Note: If you’re interested in coming from Texas, there is a vehicle coming that may have extra room. Let me know if you are interested.

Family News

Ark Encounter Opening!

IMG_0626 Nickie and I, standing outside of the Ark Encounter after the official opening day (July 7th).

IMG_0629 On our way back home from helping with the Answers in Genesis outreach in Washington DC, my dad, Sarah, and I, together with Nickie and Haley, have been volunteering at the Ark Encounter for the past several days to help with the needs of opening. It has been a very exciting time and God is doing many things.


Loading up a 70 inch TV at Answers in Genesis


Today we had the interesting experience of having seven men from the IT department at Answers in Genesis help load a very heavy 70 inch flat screen TV into the back of our van. Early tomorrow we head to Washington DC to help with the gospel booth that Answers in Genesis will be running at the NEA convention. The TV will be used for showing drone footage from the Ark Encounter. Please pray that it will cause many public school teachers stop by our gospel booth on July 2nd and 3rd to hear how Jesus is our Ark of salvation and He rescues us from coming judgment.

Example of drone footage of Ark Encounter:

Bright Lights Conferences

Pray for girls here in St Louis!


Please for girls and parents who are here tonight and tomorrow at our “Strong in the Lord” conference in the St Louis area. In this first session (going on now) Sarah is challenging the girls to be one of those few who does not go the world’s way, but lives their lives for Christ! Please pray that the Lord works in a powerful way in their hearts. Thank you.