We are VERY excited to be going to England with the Jobe Martin family to run three conferences in Derbyshire, London, and Devon. Below is the information about these events. Please pray that the Lord does a great work. If you’d like to be on our prayer e-mail list, email me with the words “England prayer points” in the subject line. Also, please help us spread the word if you know anyone in the UK!
The first conference will be in Derbyshire:
Click HERE to see entire flyer. Here’s a summary:
Discipleship Conference for Families
Equipping families to stand for truth and be strong in the Lord
August 1-3, 2014
Location: The Hayes Conference Centre, Derbyshire (meals and housing provided)
Session Topics: Biblically Handling Technology and Social Media, Developing a Pattern for Discipleship (individual and family discipleship), Families for the Kingdom of God (being a family ministry team), The Evolution of a Creationist (creation vs. evolution), Will Our Generation Speak? A Call to Be Bold with the Gospel, Bible Prophecy, Biblical Discernment: Applying it to Cultural Trends, Dinosaurs and Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution
Conference registration deadline: July 19.
Click here to register.
The Second Conference we will be doing will be in London:
Click HERE to see entire flyer. Here’s a summary:
Christ Centred Lives Discipleship Conference
Encouraging individuals and families to be strong in the Lord & faithful in serving Him
Monday evening, August 4th, 7:00-9:30 PM
Tuesday evening, August 5th, 7:00-9:30 PM
Location: Chinese Church in London, 69-71 Brook Green, Hammersmith, London (no meals or housing provided)
Session Topics: Families for the Kingdom of God, Biblically Handling Technology and Social Media, Developing Discernment in a Culture of Deception, Training the Younger Generation to Be Strong in the Lord
On Monday, August 4th, during the day, we will run a “Young Men’s Strong in the Lord Conference” and “Young Ladies’ Purity Conference.”
Session Topics for Young Men: Being a Godly Young Man—Lessons on Leadership, Dinosaurs, Evolution, and the Battles of Our Day, Dragons that Young Men Face: Protecting Purity, Being Bold With the Gospel
Session Topics for Young Ladies: Radiant Purity—Waiting for God’s Best, Guarding Your Heart When you Have a Crush, Biblical Beauty, Deepening Your Walk with Jesus
Click here to register.
And the third conference will be in Devon:
Click HERE to see entire flyer. Here’s a summary:
Young Ladies Retreat
Encouraging girls and young ladies in their walk with the Lord
August 8-10, Torquay, Devon
Location: Brunel Manor, Teignmouth Rd, Torquay (meals and housing provided)
Session Topics: Applying God’s Word to Daily Life, Contentment, Radiant Purity, Guarding One’s Heart and Mind, Using One’s Time Wisely, Biblical Beauty, Finding Joy and Fruitfulness in the Season of Singleness, Becoming Deeply Rooted in Christ, How to Have Meaningful and Loving Sibling Relationships, How to Biblically Handle Social Media, Creation vs. Evolution, and Sharing the Gospel Boldly.
Click here to register.