Grace Notes


Bright Lights Conferences in Ohio and Michigan


Our Bright Lights conferences in the Columbus, Ohio area and the Detroit, Michigan area are coming up very soon!

Radiant Purity Conference (Columbus, Ohio) – August 9-10
Strong in the Lord Conference (Columbus, Ohio) – August 12-13

Radiant Purity Conference (Detroit, Michigan) – August 15-16
Strong in the Lord Conference (Detroit, Michigan) – August 19-20

For more information see here.

If you would like to help us spread the word to any friends you know in either of these states, we have an informational e-mail I could send you to forward on. Just please contact me and ask if you would like it.

We would appreciate prayer that the Lord would bring the girls, moms, and dads that He wants to be there, and that He would be preparing their hearts now.


Guess What Just Arrived?

20130723_130449_22211 Last week we received a very special package in the mail with some copies of the new Spanish translation of Will Our Generation Speak? We are very grateful to the Clark family in Central Mexico and their team for undertaking this large translation project!

They are using the book this week at a youth camp in Mexico. We’d appreciate prayer that the Lord would work in the hearts of young people there, burdening them with a compassion for the lost and zeal to spread the gospel.


Single Ladies Retreat

BDM Single Ladies Retreat 2013 Brochure for Email - Smaller-1

Our friends, Mirren and Taryn Martin, are running a retreat at the end of July. Sarah and I and some other Bright Lights leaders are planning to be there and I am SURE that it will be a very spiritually rich and encouraging time. This has been on their heart for a long time, and one of their desires is to give single ladies vision and enthusiasm for ministry.

This is their description of the conference:

“Our prayer is that you will leave this retreat encouraged, challenged, and more spiritually fulfilled in your specific season of singleness, as well as inspired with new ways to serve Jesus Christ. Whether you are in a “dry” season and feel discouraged or depressed, or in a season of acceptance and joy, the purpose of this retreat is to provide teaching and fellowship that will bless your heart, leaving you more conformed to Jesus Christ and more excited about His plan for your life (Jer. 29:11).”

If you know any single ladies who would be encouraged by this, please spread the word! See flyer with more information here.

Announcements/Family News

Upcoming Conferences and Misc. News

20130424_164851_20989 We decided to do a postcard this year to let previous Bright Lights attendees know about the 2013 conferences.


We’d appreciate prayer for the Lord to work in girls’ hearts this summer, and that the Lord would continue to arrange the details of these conferences. Nickie is putting together a handbook for each girl to supplement the Strong in the Lord conference and we are excited about that project! Please pray that the Lord would use it.

20130417_155803_20949 Things have been busy around here as we are now gearing up for a few home school conferences this spring in Oklahoma and Texas. We’re grateful to some friends from our local Bright Lights group who have provided some extra help.

Stephen turned 28 on April 16th. He’s pretty difficult to shop for, so he usually ends up with a very random assortment of gifts, haha.

The other day Sarah and I Skyped with a Bright Lights group in New York. They had made a list of questions in advance for Sarah and it was fun to be able to get to know them a little. It was a special time!

20130414_165237_20937 A recent visit to a CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) international get-together at the University of Iowa reminded me of how much need there is for international students to hear the good news of the gospel. I learned that there are 1,500 Chinese international students just at the University of Iowa alone (3,500 internationals total at that university)! So much opportunity. Now we’re brainstorming about organizing a trip for international students to the Creation Museum.

20130420_193609_20977 Carl Kerby and his son, Carl Jr., were in the area and able to spend the evening with us the other night. It was a big encouragement! If you aren’t familiar with their teaching and resources, you should be! See their website here. The resource from them that we use the most right now is DeBunked a DVD made up of several short videos which are great to use for showing to unbelievers. If you’ve been to a Radiant Purity Conference, you’ve seen the 8 minute Ark Debunked video which answers the question “How did Noah fit all those animals into the ark?”

Announcements/Family News

Yesterday’s Delivery

You know the feeling when something good happens or you reach a mile-mark, and your heart swells with the desire for Jesus to be praised? That’s how it felt yesterday …

… when the semi arrived (a day early) and we unloaded all of our books. We are so excited to have this project done and to be getting the book into people’s hands.

The 90 degree weather + high humidity made it an extra *special* day for unloading, didn’t it, Bekah? [smile]

Dad organized our office basement “warehouse” while we were in Connecticut so we’d have space to put the boxes.

Nolia, who has begun volunteering in our office three afternoons a week (and has been a very sweet addition) spent all afternoon putting books in envelopes to mail to all those who have pre-ordered the book at the various spring home school conferences.

Thank you so much to everyone who was praying for this project! I definitely came to a new understanding of the Lord’s strength, which is not limited by our weaknesses.

“Praise God in his sanctuary … Praise Him for His mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness … Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.” Psalm 150


Upcoming Bright Lights Conferences

We have three Strong in the Lord Conferences and three Radiant Purity Conferences scheduled for this summer. Registration can be done online. Click HERE for more information.

July 17-18
Strong in the Lord Conference
Topeka, Kansas
Young Ladies ages 8-14 and parents

July 20-21
Radiant Purity Conference
Topeka, Kansas
Young Ladies 12-22+ and parents

July 24-25
Strong in the Lord Conference
Carrollton, TX (Dallas Area)
Young ladies 8-14 and parents

July 27-28
Radiant Purity Conference
Carrollton, TX (Dallas Area)
Young ladies 12-22+ and parents

August 7-8
Strong in the Lord Conference
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Young ladies ages 8-14

August 10-11
Radiant Purity Conference
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Young Ladies 12-22+

Announcements/Family News

Will Our Generation Speak: Behind the Scenes

Will Our Generation Speak? A Call to Be Bold with the Gospel is now in the very final stages. We wanted to give you a peek behind the scenes at what is involved in putting pictures into the book. The time lapse in the middle of this video clip allows you to watch my dad’s screen as he draws.

This drawing took my dad a couple hours, but Stephen sped it up to a couple minutes and created this clip to give you a little feel for one of the things that’s been going on around here over the winter months.


Why I Haven’t Been Posting!

…I’ve been working on a book on witnessing. It should be done in spring of 2012. It is going to be a compilation of stories and ideas to encourage Bright Lights girls (and our generation in general) to be bold with the gospel.

I’d really appreciate prayer. I really want this to be God’s message, not my own ideas. We also have a lot of decisions to make regarding cover, title, cartoon ideas, what content to “cut”, you get the idea.

Announcements/Bright Lights Conferences

Upcoming Bright Lights Conferences!

August 9-10
Strong in the Lord Conference
Collegeville, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia area)
Young Ladies ages 8-14

August 12-13
Radiant Purity Conference
Collegeville, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia area)
Young Ladies ages 12-22+

August 16-17
Strong in the Lord Conference
Willoughby Hills, Ohio (Cleveland area)
Young Ladies ages 8-14

August 19-20
Radiant Purity Conference
Willoughby Hills, Ohio (Cleveland area)
Young Ladies ages 12-22+

Register online or at the door. See Upcoming Conference Page for more details.