Category: Miscellaneous


Ready to Give an Answer

Baby with WOGS

I received this picture last night from a friend with this message: “I thought you would enjoy some pictures of our little daughter … preparing for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in St. Paul. She is only 4 months old, so may or may not be able to actually go this year (depends on the weather and how cold it is)…:-)”

In just a few years, maybe we will be able to get another picture of her out there passing out tracts! When children begin passing out tracts when they are young, they avoid the “fear stage” that most adults have to go through in learning to passing out tracts. Tract distribution is simply a way of life and you don’t know any different [smile]. (Not to mention, being cute is a big advantage for them!)

When our family speaks on “family ministry,” we stress how important it is for children to get a taste for ministry. When a child realizes “God used me today” that is very significant in their lives. Nothing else compares.

Passing out tracts with my dad on St Patrick’s day is my first memory of evangelism, and a few things stand out in my mind. 1) What we were doing was really important 2) I knew that somehow I could do it as well as big people 3) I knew my dad was pleased.

I think those three things made me want to keep doing it.

“Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength” Psalm 8:2


St. Patrick’s Day is Two Weeks Away!

Two weeks from now is St Patrick’s Day! Here’s the video we put together after the parade last year.

For some ideas of ways to be a bright light this St. Patrick’s day, see last year’s post. You may also want to take a look at our St Patrick’s Day tract and questionnaire.

May we, by God’s grace, have St. Patrick’s attitude, who said: “I am ready [to give] even my life without hesitation; and most willingly for His name. And I choose to devote it to him even unto death, if God grant it to me.” – St Patrick

Miscellaneous/Videos/Witnessing Stories

The Bible is Not Like the Telephone Game

During the recent debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye, Mr. Nye said that the Bible is like the game of telephone (meaning that it has been distorted over the years).

Since unbelievers say this so frequently, it’s important that we have a good answer! Our prayer is that this 4 1/2 minute video will help young people answer this argument with more clarity and confidence.

“But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:14-16


How to Pray For People Watching Debate Tonight

This is a very important time to be praying for the thousands of unbelievers that will be hearing the gospel! We should pray for unbelievers as we would want to be prayed for if we were the unbeliever (Matthew 7:12)!

Here are three ideas of what to pray:

That that God would open eyes.
“to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.” (Acts 26:18)

That the Holy Spirit would convict people of sin.
“And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (John 16:8)

That people would believe the message of Scripture.
“For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe.” (1 Thess 2:13)

And remember, it’s not too late to tell people about this debate! If you haven’t shared it on FB or other social media, I really recommend you do that right away! This is a fantastic opportunity for unbelievers to hear the gospel.

Family News/Miscellaneous

Sarah’s Webinar

20140128_201401_26088 Last week, Sarah ran her first webinar for Bright Lights leaders. The topic was “Singleness, a Season of Fruitfulness and Joy.” We were encouraged by the feedback we received, praise the Lord.

20140128_201859_26129 Nickie, Tia, Stephen and I probably had a little more fun than we were supposed to in the other room moderating the questions and comments that were coming in. (And we appreciated the good comments and questions that were sent!)

Miscellaneous/Witnessing Stories

University of Iowa


Answers in Genesis now has a new little 4-to-a-page postcard available for distribution. Yay! (So nevermind about my last post. [smile])

A few hours ago my friends Nickie, Nolia, and Luke and I passed out several hundred of these postcards at the University of Iowa. There was a lot of interest! All we had to say was, “Did you hear about the debate between Bill Nye and–” and many were immediately interested in our postcard. Several stated how much they loved Bill Nye.

I found it interesting how stores that normally would be opposed to advertising something Christian were very willing to help us advertise this debate.

When I explained to a man who worked at a liberal bookstore what I was advertising, he said, “Well I want one!” taking a postcard with intrigue. Then he offered for me to put a whole stack at the front of his desk. “Then people can take one as they go by,” he told me.

I wish I had more time to put up posters in all the stores in town.

Creation Museum/Miscellaneous

More Ways to Spread the Word

Although Answers in Genesis has promotional materials available for the debate, I wanted something that could fit 4 to a page and still be readable. So I tweeked their design and put together the sheet below. I thought I’d post it in case anyone else wants to use it too.

Tomorrow we are going to try to go pass out 1,000 of them at a nearby university. It’s very easy for people to go and watch this online.


Click HERE to print these. (If anyone would like it to say 6pm CST instead, let me know and I can e-mail you a different PDF.)

These are also great to give cashiers or basically anyone … I was at the post office the other day and the man behind the counter exclaimed, “I love Bill Nye the Science Guy! You can watch this online? I might just do that! Thank you!”

Even though the debate is coming up very soon (this Tuesday) this may actually be the IDEAL time to let people know about it. People easily forget stuff like this if you tell them too far in advance!


How Many Ways Can We Use This?!


I imagine that a majority of you are already planning on watching the Bill Nye/Ken Ham Debate on February 4. Hopefully many of you are already planning to live-stream the event for a group!

This morning as my dad was out shopping he had three different conversations with people about the debate.
“Have you heard of the big debate coming up?” he’d say.
Each person he asked responded with great interest, saying, “No, what big debate?”
“It’s between Ken Ham from the Creation Museum and Bill Nye the Science Guy.”
All three had heard of Bill Nye. Only one had heard of Ken Ham.
Then my dad continued, “It’s getting a lot of publicity because the creation/evolution issue is so critical. If evolution is true there is no standard for right and wrong. (People are just “animals” and we are all a big accident!) But if we are created by God, we are made in His image, for His purpose, and there is a standard for truth.”

Dad came back excited about his conversations and about the great “witnessing-conversation-starter” we have for the next twelve days! It’s easy to bring this up with anyone because it’s simply a news item. People like news and controversial debates.

We can share with people that the seating in the 900-seat auditorium sold out in 2 minutes because people are so interested in this debate! We can also share what today’s e-mail update from Answers in Genesis stated: “We already have registrations for an estimated 650,000 people attending in groups to watch the event.” (Wow, praise the Lord!)

And then, if people are interested to talk, we can then ask them, “Do you have any beliefs about the topic of origins and how we got here?” and pray that the Lord opens their heart to be willing to talk with us. Let’s not miss the good opportunity this debate provides us to speak of our Creator with people in the next week and a half. Let’s make the most of every opportunity (Ephesians 5:16).

What you can do:
-Print out and carry the little postcards with you so you can give it to those you talk with (cashiers, bank-tellers, waiters, neighbors, etc.).
-Pray for open doors for conversations.
-Consider live-streaming the event. (In your living room, church, a local university, or a community center…) There is still time—we still have twelve days. Answers in Genesis has provided posters.
-Sign up at to receive e-mail updates.
-Pray for others who are live-streaming the event, and for fruitful conversations afterward. The other night I was talking to a friend who is live-streaming it in a large room at his college and he’s very excited about how the Lord will use it.


Some Highlights from the “Rise Up” Conference

20140102_104909_25810 Over the turn of the New Year, Sarah and I attended a conference in Tennessee called “Rise Up” – it’s a conference connected with our church. We were so refreshed by the fellowship. We were able to spend time with many friends and “friends of friends.” We also appreciated the depth in the Bible teaching (one of the main reasons we went).

20140101_215441_25793 There was an additional Bible study time from about 9pm – 10pm each evening for the young people on Ephesians 6. I’m now convinced that I do not think about the armor of God enough – each piece has such a rich supply of meaning for us! (In the picture above, “spokesmen” from various teams were sharing insights they had received through the studying the passage together.)

20131231_222126_25756 At 10pm, we had hymn sings … which was SO much fun because the singing was GREAT.

20140102_004023_25806 Late on the last night, four of us began talking about witnessing. More and more kept joining our circle until it grew to this group of about twenty. Though we didn’t all know each other, there was a bond as we were all discussing how we can be better witnesses (and better followers) of Christ. We just sat around answering each other’s questions, and I was so encouraged by the good insights shared and the zeal for the Lord in the group!

20140102_005912_25808 Around 12:30 am, someone mentioned, “I think we are supposed to be out of the hotel ballroom by now,” so we ended with a special time of prayer. I think I will always remember that spontaneous late night discussion.

I just looked over my notes from the conference. Here are a few quotes I jotted down during the sessions. They probably aren’t word for word, but hopefully they’re pretty close.

“In Acts, every time they had a problem they had a prayer meeting.” -Mike Attwood

“There are 530 million north Americans that need to be reached with the gospel in the next generation.” -Scott Degroff

“Our own personal relationship with Jesus must remain top priority. If we have that, we will remain unshaken in our Christian life.” -Roy Hill

“We cannot be filled with the Spirit and filled with self at the same time.” -Scott Degroff

“If my wife treated me the way the bride of Christ in America is treating Jesus it would break my heart. I am jealous on His behalf; I want His bride to love Him!” -Scott Degroff

“The enemy of usefulness is pride.” -Mike Attwood

“One of the best ways to encourage someone is to remind them of what the Lord has already said. That’s what the Holy Spirit, the Comforter (or “Encourager”), does (John 14:26).” –Lynn DeGroff

“Ask yourself ‘Am I going to be happy to give account to Christ of this past year?’ You cannot live it over. It’s done. And you will give account for it.” -Scott Degroff

“The term ‘evil speaking’ (Eph. 4:31) means ‘speaking down about the people of God.’… Have you ever found that you thought more and talked more about Christians the way Satan [the accuser of the brethren] does instead of the way Christ [who is interceding for us] does and been convicted about that?” –Scott Degroff (Also see James 4:11)

“If you stumble, instantly confess it and come right back to that place of intimacy with the Lord.” – Scott Degroff

“Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. (2 Cor 5:9-10)