Category: Miscellaneous

Family News/Mexico/Miscellaneous/Videos/Witnessing Stories

Mexico Call

I’ll admit, I didn’t think or pray often for Mexico … until I went there last month.

Of course, I knew there were needs there (as everywhere), but I didn’t have a special interest in the country, and I honestly didn’t know that much about it!

I was very surprised by what I learned while I was there. We had many conversations with young people who grew up as missionary kids, and they explained both the vast needs and open doors in Mexico.

Burdened by what we were learning, Nickie and I decided to put together this short video. We went to them and said, “You know what you told us about such and such? Could you say that once more for our camera?”

May the Lord cause us to lose interest in all that doesn’t matter, and enable us to put our thoughts, energy and prayers into the primary work He has entrusted to every believer—proclaiming the gospel to this dying world. The time is short!

“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.'”(Mark 16:15)

Christmas Ministry Ideas/Family News/Miscellaneous/Witnessing Stories

Christmas Party With Neighbors

20131216_224131_25275 Last Monday evening we had our neighbors over for snacks and harp music. We haven’t done a neighborhood Christmas party for years, but we’ve been realizing that getting to know our neighbors better takes … well… effort. [smile]

Monday was one of those days where many things seemed to go wrong. I spilled grain all over the basement floor and cleaned it up just in time to find that my mom had splattered her green drink all over the kitchen. She had left her metal spoon in her blender and turned it on which caused it to break (while it was blending) and spray everywhere. I will just say it wasn’t the ideal start to the day.

20131216_200229_25255 But, praise the Lord, everything got taken care of before people began to arrive… and we were so encouraged by the number of neighbors who came and by their response!



20131216_203703_25266 The evening enabled us to have many good conversations.


20131216_203651_25264 The neighbors seemed to really enjoy getting to know each other better. We also sang Christmas carols and my dad shared a “Christmas verse” with everyone from Genesis 3.

If you would like to do something in your neighborhood, here are some suggestions:

-Make a little invite and personally deliver each one.

-Don’t worry about not having enough space. Being a little crowded just makes it cozy!

-Consider showing a short video, doing a puppet show, skit, or special music.

-Set up a table with some Christmas booklets or resources that people can take if they want to.

-Don’t be stressed about having a bunch of people over who don’t all know each other. Just be friendly and tell them, “We all live so close, we thought it would be nice to get to know each other better!” You may be surprised at how much they appreciate the evening.

Christmas Ministry Ideas/Miscellaneous

Christmas Story from the Bible Print-Out

One of the best gospel tracts is to simply share SCRIPTURE. Here’s the Christmas story for you to print and give people this year. Even with cashiers or mailmen or anyone … you can simply say, “Have you read the Christmas story from the Bible yet this year?” Or, “Here’s the Christmas story from the Bible for you to read with your family this year.”

the_Christmas_story_2013-1 copy

Click here to view PDF.
Click here for KJV PDF.

AND…. we also have a bonus Spanish version, thanks to our friend Nester who put it into Spanish for our friends in Mexico to use. If there are Hispanic people in your area, think how touched they would be if you gave them something like this in Spanish. [smile]

La historia de la Navidad-1

Click here for the Spanish version.


Overcoming Evil With Good

One year ago today marks the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting in Connecticut. Our family appreciated this moving video about one of the families who lost a daughter.

“But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:37-39

Announcements/Christmas Ministry Ideas/Miscellaneous/Noah's Archive Bookstore

Christmas Evangelism Suggestions!


If you’re looking for a tract to use this Christmas, here is one that I recommend. It’s produced by Answers in Genesis. It’s filled with interesting information about the historical details of Christ’s birth – details that even most Christians get incorrect. It explains how the word “inn” does not actually mean “small hotel,” but rather “guest room,” which changes a lot about the story! I haven’t found a place where you can read the booklet online, but you can read some of the same information in this article.

The booklet is basically a brief history lesson combined with a clear presentation of the gospel and a lot of Scripture. Click here for more information. (Note: if you order 50, the price comes down to $.49 a piece and if you order 100, the price comes down to $.29.)

Also, for another option, here is a fun “Christmas Quiz” tract that you can print out and give away. These are fun to give because people smile and often start reading them right away.

Christmas opens a whole array of wonderful opportunities for witnessing, and I think it really helps to be thinking and planning ahead. Otherwise it’s easy for the “good things” to squeeze out the “best things” that we could be doing at this time of year.

We often talk and pray as a family about how to use our time in December. I thought I’d share a few ideas, hoping it will spark thoughts of things your family could do. (And I’m sure many of you already do these things!)

It’s exciting to know that so many of you Bright Lights girls are in different states (and countries) and when we all work together we are a global team sharing the gospel at Christmas!

Here are some ideas:

-Every time you check out at a store, give them one of these nativity booklets or another Christmas tract. Tell them, “Here’s some fascinating facts that most people don’t know about the true Christmas story.”

-Invite international students over to your home for a Christmas party. Have snacks and share about the Biblical account of Christmas. Explain how most of America misses the whole point.

-Every time you pass a Salvation Army bell ringer, put something in their bucket and then give them a tract. (We have a friend who told us how she buys a snack at the cashier line to give them along with the tract. It’s also a good idea to stop and talk with them for a minute. They likely get bored. And although they may claim to be a Christian, they may not truly understand the gospel.)

-Invite neighbors over for a Christmas party.

-Pick a family at your church who could use some encouragement. Invite them over for Christmas snacks, singing, and read a Christmas passage in the Bible together.

-Go out witnessing at malls and take a short Christmas questionnaire. (I suggest using a few simple questions such as “Why did Jesus come to be born as a baby?” “What would be the best gift you could ever receive?” etc. )

-Go Christmas caroling. Remember that you don’t need perfect singing voices. It’s more the thought that counts. Just sing a couple carols and leave them with a small plate of cookies (and the “Uncovering the Real Nativity” booklet. [smile])

-Go to a nursing home to sing for the residents and talk with them. If you have never done this before, you may be surprised at how much it means to people.

“…you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35

In other news, we are grateful for the help of Hannah and Tia (who come help at the Bright Lights office) for their help in decorating our Noah’s Archive storefront for Christmas today!

More Mexico reports coming soon.


Equipping Conference: Confronting the Culture


I am very excited to announce this conference being held in the Dallas area, January 3-4!

Challenging Christians To:
Defend the faith and Be Bold with the Gospel
Deepen Discernment in a Culture of Deception
Develop Biblical Patterns of Discipleship

See HERE for the flyer or HERE to go to their website and register.

Last spring we began brainstorming with the Martins… saying, “We’ve done a lot of young ladies’ conferences together, but wouldn’t it be great to do a conference together for whole families?” We both had the same vision: a discipleship conference for whole families with a focus on evangelism and ministry.

The Martins decided to set one up in their area in January, and they have done a lot of work already in planning it! We are excited to be involved, and to see how the Lord will use it!

It is not just for families, but also for individuals students, grandparents, and anyone who is able to come.

Even if you can’t come, we’d appreciate prayer for this conference. As you’ll see if you look at the flyer, there are very important topics being taught. Our desire is that the Lord would greatly use this to equip Christians to be strong and bold for Him in our generation. We’d also appreciate help in spreading the word!


Congratulations Guy and Abby!

20130722_102201_23808 Our special friend and long-term Bright Lights leader, Abby Kramer, is now Abby Spragg!

20131019_145420_23436 It was a special day and we are so happy for Guy and Abby!

20131107_143629_23807 The Bright Lights conference leaders who were able to make it to the wedding.

Guy sang a song he wrote at the wedding with his guitar as accompaniment:

We’ve been waiting, You’ve been guiding, showing us the path to go
Yours the better way to travel, all along the steps You show.

Give us patience, Lord we pray Thee, help us learn to wait for You
You have better timing always, then we could ever do.

All the goodbyes, and the heartache, draw us closer and closer to You
Mold and make us, to your image Lord, sanctified and true.

As we gather here together, for to make two as one
Lord we praise Thee, glorify Thee, for the work that You have done.

In our marriage help us show, You to be the Lord of our all
Guide us on Lord, through the future, make us faithful to Your call.

-2013, Guy Spragg

Miscellaneous/Witnessing Stories

Report About Maria

Some of you may remember that a few months ago I shared the story of this lady in Mexico who our friends, the Clarks (missionaries there) led to the Lord in July. (Story here.) Below is an encouraging report I wanted to pass on of how Maria is growing in the Lord.

Dear Grace,
…We have been encouraged, and grateful to the Lord to find that, with each visit to her, she seems to be expressing that she really understands, and is trusting in Jesus. We gave her a CD player and a CD with much of the NT on it, as well as 5 stories from the Unshackled radio program in Spanish.

When Ted went by to see her on Sunday afternoon, he said that as he was walking up the little mud path leading to her house, he could hear the sound of a stereo system, and sure enough, she was sitting beside the CD player, with her head tilted, listening to the CD. She told him that she puts it on first thing in the morning when she wakes up, and listens to it until she goes to bed at night!

She reaffirmed her serious doubts about the JW’s, and also mentioned that since that first day Ted visited her and she prayed, she has had a newfound peace and joy. She said she did not feel this before, but she only kept praying every day that the Lord would send her someone to tell her what was the truth!

Ted says that it is amazing how sharp her mind is, and how she is thinking and considering things; knowing she is illiterate, and appears so old and shriveled, you almost wouldn’t expect that.

Well, we thought you would like to know, and also, please thank others you know who have been praying for her.

I received that report in August (about a month after she was saved) and yesterday I learned more encouraging news:

“A month or so ago, she [Maria] became distressed when her sister borrowed her New Testament CD for a few days. She felt she couldn’t live without it! When visiting with her, we will sometimes begin to relate to her a story from the New Testament about Jesus, and she will often cut right in and say, “Oh yes, I know that story”, and will go on to tell it in detail! This is a woman who had probably never heard any part of the Bible before in her life! But she has many of these stories in her heart now.”

Praise the Lord for His graciousness in the way He works in the hearts of people, giving them a love for Him and His Word!

One week from today my parents, Sarah and I along with Nickie and Bekah will be flying to Mexico to speak at a family camp that the Clark family runs annually. The Clarks have been heading up the translation of quite a few of our resources, and our prayer is that these resources would be widely used and distributed. We’d appreciate prayer for safety for our team, for effective ministry in spite of the language barrier, and for the Lord to raise up a host of godly and ministry-minded families in Mexico.

“For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O LORD, You surround him with favor as with a shield.” Psalm 5:12

Miscellaneous/Thoughts/Witnessing Stories

What the Bible Says About Death

Halloween is a great time to spread the gospel. It’s such an open door. People are already thinking along the lines of spirits, death, and ghosts.

This year, my dad wrote a little tract on “What the Bible says About Death.”


The tract is purely Scripture and we are excited about using it this year. If you’d like to use it too, please click here. Just print on both sides, cut in fourths, and fold in half.

Here’s what the inside of the tract says:
death tract text


Daughters of Destiny Camp

20131023_063504_23502 Last week Sarah and I spoke at the Daughters of Destiny camp, held once a year at Mountain Top Youth Camp in the hills of North Carolina.

20131023_120454_23507 It was a very beautiful camp! The lodge was built right at the top of a hill with a great view.

20131022_162648_23493 The sunsets were beautiful.

20131022_185236_23495 There were 60 girls, a very nice size because we had the chance to actually get to know each other over the course of the week. We were encouraged by their hunger to grow in Christ, their diligence in note-taking, and their enthusiasm about what they were learning.

20131025_091759_23553 A variety of classes were offered during the days, taught by several moms and older girls. One was a sketching class, pictured above. Some of the other classes were clay sculpting, herbs 101, Scripture study techniques, hair cutting, paper making, weaving, puppet ministry, and creation evangelism.

20131022_122041_23472 On a hike up the mountain.

20131025_170239_23576 The camp ended with a banquet and a “sacred music concert” performed by the girls. The theme of the evening was “the Lord’s love for us” and it was a very special night. Sarah concluded with a chalk talk. (And praise the Lord, we got our travel easel set up and taken down without dad or Stephen with us!)

Some of the girls have come to this “Daughters of Destiny” camp every year since it began — nine years ago! They testify to the dramatic encouragement it has been throughout their teen years. In addition to the teaching they receive at the camp, the friendships made with other like-minded girls is a gift they enjoy throughout the year.

“I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing your praise … The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever…” (Psalm 138:1,8)