Author: Grace Mally

Bright Lights Conferences/Radiant Purity Conferences

Radiant Purity Conference, Bristol, Virginia

IMG_4589 The Radiant Purity Conference in Bristol, VA. The girls were very responsive and soaked up the lessons like a sponge.

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What would a conference be without skits?
No hectic moments backstage, no missing ques and come-ins, no messy bins of skit props, and no bloopers to laugh about afterward…

va09_rp_18In our “modesty panel,” we share lots of tips on how to put together modest outfits.

va09_rp_17Here’s a true “behind the scenes” picture… Since Daniel recently edited the DVDs of the Radiant Purity Conference we did in Omaha last April, Sarah recommended we watch the skits as a “refresher” to help us with our acting. We are excited about our new DVDs… 🙂

IMG_4349_2We’re so grateful to Lindsay, Sarah and Loren who spent many hours in the church kitchen providing healthy meals for all of us (on top of all their other responsibilities and the hectic conference schedule). You may notice the large stack of Grandma cookies; we bought those for snacks for the conference attendees and…*smile*… we found we had a few too many. So let me just warn you, if you see any of our staff in the next few weeks, don’t offer them a “Grandma cookie”.

IMG_4491 One morning while we were in Virginia, we were able to meet up with a lady who has been in contact with us regarding translating Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends into Bulgarian. It was exciting to hear stories about what the Lord is doing in Bulgarian families! She showed us one of their most recent projects– a Bulgarian translation of The True Story of Noah’s Ark.

IMG_4638 After both conferences in Virginia were over, we, along with several of the families who helped to host the conferences, sat around eating pizza and listening to testimonies and stories from the week. It was a very special time for everyone with lots of laughter and tears.

IMG_4703After our time of sharing, the guys packed the trailer…

Untitled-1 copy…while the girls cleaned the church. Hannah (left) a former Bright Lights intern, is the one who hosted the conferences in Bristol. Thanks again, Hannah, for your initiative and all your hard work! 🙂

IMG_4712After all the work was done Saturday night, we gathered around the piano and sang. It takes a while to wind down from the excitement of a conference and singing praises to the Lord was a great way to conclude the week.

“O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever…He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his works with rejoicing.” Psalm 107:1, 20-22

Bright Lights Internship

Upcoming Plans!

We’re HOME! Wow, it was a great trip. The Lord gave us an incredible team and we were all excited to watch Him work throughout these past 18 days. Since I got behind on posting through the second half of the trip, I thought I’d do some catch up now. But first, I need to announce some important upcoming events for those of you who may not have heard.


August 31-October 30: Bright Lights Internship

This nine-week internship includes Biblical studies, practical ministry training, and a variety of service opportunities with Bright Lights. Please email for more information. For young ladies 18 and up. There is still space for 1-2 more young ladies. Note: Flexibility may be arranged regarding dates.

October 5-9th: Bright Lights Leader’s Training

This five-day conference taught by Sarah Mally will equip, train and encourage young ladies who are interested in starting a Bright Lights group. It will also be an encouragement for any young lady who is interested in learning more about discipling others. Bright Lights leaders who have already been through the Training on CD are also welcome to attend to enjoy the fellowship and be refreshed with new insights and ideas. For young ladies ages 16+. Mothers are also welcome. See our website for topics and further info. See schedule for logistical details.

Contact us for questions!

Bright Lights Conferences/Strong in the Lord Conf.

Pray for the Video!

I’m sorry I’m a little behind in posting! After our free day in the woods, we did a Radiant Purity Conference in the same church in Virginia, and then drove to the Columbus, OH area where we will be doing our next two conferences. The Strong in the Lord Conference is beginning in about a half hour.

IMG_4855Adjusting cameras

We’d appreciate prayer that we’d be able to capture the conference on video. Please pray that the Lord would bless the project and cause the everything to run smoothly.

IMG_4844Samuel, Nathan and Daniel unloading another box of cables

Stephen and Daniel have been working very hard the past two days laying down cables and setting up speakers and the sound systems, lighting, cameras, back drops, etc. We’re also very grateful to David, Nathan and Samuel for the sacrifices they made to be here to run the cameras.

IMG_4865Setting up the lights

We’ve already seen the Lord fit many details together and we’re so grateful for our team of skilled young men who are willing to help in this way. A good video of the conference would enable us to be able to reach so many more girls with the message of Bright Lights. But there are always many things that could go wrong, so we’d appreciate prayer that God would cause it to be a success. Thank you so much. The conference starts tonight and runs through tomorrow at 5pm.


Mountain Top Experience

116I9654 On Thursday, in between conferences, we had a great time hiking in Grayson Highlands State Park.

116I9648I can’t tell you how refreshing it was to be out there in the woods!

116I9662God blessed us with a beautiful breezy day and I sort of felt like I was walking inside a beautiful painting. One of the highlights of the day was just spending more time with the others in our group. We don’t always have much time to talk while running the conferences.

IMG_4395 It was so beautiful Lauren just couldn’t quit hiking –even after her shoes wore out!


IMG_4416 It was fun to get acquainted with the friendly free-range ponies in the park. They were so cute.

IMG_4452 After we were all tired and hungry, we enjoyed a great lasagna dinner out on the Stam’s back deck. The Stams are the family who hosted both the Strong in the Lord Conference and the Radiant Purity Conference (which I’m going to post about next) in Bristol. They have a wonderful family and we so appreciate all the sacrifices they’ve made to bring these conferences here!

Bright Lights Conferences/Strong in the Lord Conf.

Strong in the Lord Conference in Bristol, Virginia

IMG_4292 Praying with our group of leaders before the conference starts.

IMG_4325 Girls and mothers arriving

IMG_4319 …picking up their name tags…

301W0386 …and gathering for the main session.

IMG_4341Throughout the conference we go back and forth between the main sessions and small group times. The groups have names such as “Stars”, “Fireflies”, “Flashlights”, etc.

116I9513 “What was your favorite part of the conference?” I often ask the girls. “The skits!” they often reply with a little grin and twinkle in their eye.

116I9580 We use the skits to reinforce what we’re teaching. This skit is called “The Conscience Skit” and teaches the importance of confessing your sin and keeping a clear conscience.

116I9607 The “CBN Broadcast Skit”

116I9623 We concluded the conference with candles and encouraging the girls to “…Let Your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and praise your father in Heaven…!” (Matthew 5:16)

One of the highlights after the a conference is talking with the girls and moms as they are leaving. Many moms and explain with emotion how much the Lord used the conference in their lives and their daughters’ lives. We are reminded that even though we can’t see all of the fruit right now, we must “look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” 1 Cor 4:18

Strong in the Lord Conf.

The Beginning of a Great Trip!

After about 17 hours on the road, our “Bright Lights Team” is still looking cheerful as we arrive in Bristol, Virginia. We were very encouraged about how God put this team together. We’ve already had a lot of good talks and good times together.

The first two conferences will be held at this church here in Virginia.

Today was spent unloading, setting up, practicing music, practicing skits, entering last minute registrations into our database, and organizing countless details… Everyone has a different area that they are in charge of. For example, Abigail and Tia put up signs all over the church indicating where each “small group” will be held. They did a terrific job. Here’s a little glimpse of their afternoon….
IMG_4261 “How should we arrange these signs so the girls can find their small group rooms easily?” “Should we put it there?”

IMG_4260 “Or should we put it here?”

IMG_4259 “Oh, this is so confusing!”

Family News

New Friends

We had a group of Chinese over for dinner the other night. Some are only visiting the US for a few weeks on business, and some live in the area. It was a very nice evening!

IMG_4143 After dinner and a time of music, my dad shared with everyone the three major world-changing events of history. Can anyone guess what they are? I know, you’re probably wondering how he narrowed it down to “three”. It’s not a major war, not electricity, not the automobile, or anything like that.
1) The first major world-changing event is when evil entered the world. Before this everything had been perfect because God created a perfect world.
2) The second major event is when God provided the solution for evil. This happened when Jesus died on the cross.
3) The third world-changing event is an individual one. It happens when individuals embrace the cross and are cleared of their own guilt. As people individually make this decision, it changes their world and then changes the world around them.

IMG_4158 One of our new friends had a good time trying the harp.




IMG_4130 Yu Chen and Stephen
After getting acquainted, Yu Chen mentioned that he had some available time if we needed any help with anything. Of course, we took him up on it :), and yesterday he helped my dad all day long as he was loading the trailer for our next trip. Thanks, Yu Chen!


Projects Underway…

Days have been pretty productive here at the Bright Lights office recently! This is Sarah and Daniel’s “spot.” As you can tell, they are both working very hard…on projects that can get somewhat tedious. Daniel is working on editing video from the Radiant Purity Conference (we are planning to make the DVDs available so families or Bright Lights Groups can host mini “video conferences” in their areas) and Sarah is working on a Bright Lights Songbook to go along with the new CD. We’ve been wanting to get these projects done for a long time, and we are SO grateful to the Lord for providing Sarah and Daniel’s skilled help! (Oh, and my stuffed monkey is also enjoying the company…)

Family News/Recent Productions

Recording…Day Two

Yesterday we had another great day of recording. The slideshow below will give you an inside scoop of the excitement at the studio.

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Family News/Recent Productions

Great Day in the Studio!

We had a great day in the studio today, and we finished almost all of the instrumental accompaniments. We are using harp, keyboard, guitar, dobro, mandolin, banjo, and flute. I’ve been so encouraged to see how well each song is coming together!

Matthias and Stephen Wissmann (amazing musicians!)

After each “take”, we listen, talk about it, figure out what needs to be changed, and then record again. Tom, our recording engineer, does an incredible job. We definitely feel blessed to be working with him.

Ruth Wissmann

Having fun in the waiting lounge