Author: Grace Mally

Witnessing Stories

Use Thanksgiving to Share the Gospel!

Holidays are very useful for opening doors to share the gospel! Thanksgiving is one of the best holidays because it turns our attention to God—the Giver of all good things—and it gives us opportunity to share about God’s eternal provision. This year my dad came up with a little sequence of questions to direct people’s attention to the Lord, and we have been excited to see the Lord bless and use it. We want to share this idea with you, so that you can do the same with people you meet this week. You can use it after Thanksgiving too, as you ask people how their holiday was.

“Would you be willing to answer some questions about Thanksgiving?” my dad and I asked a young couple at a shopping mall last week.
“Sure,” they said.
“Great. The first question is, ‘Do you have Thanksgiving traditions in your family?”
“Yes,” they responded.
“Whom do you give thanks to?” we asked.
“Well, to God, of course,” they said, looking at us like, “Who else would we thank?”
“What do you thank Him for?” was our next question.
“For food and health and family…” they replied.
“Great. Have you ever thanked Him for eternal life?”
They looked at each other with sort of a surprised look and then the guy said, “Well, you can’t thank God for eternal life until you have eternal life—and you can’t have that until you die.”

We took some time to explain from the Bible how and why we can know before we die and, in fact, how we must know before we die. They were very interested and brought up a number of questions. They were not argumentative, just very interested. This was all new to them.
Then we asked, “Have you ever asked God for eternal life?”
Again they gave each other that look of surprise and both said, “No.”

After another 45 minutes of talking, answering questions, and covering the basics of how Jesus Christ paid for our sins on the cross, they both said, “God brought you to us today.”
“Well, if the Lord is bringing this to your attention, then you want to take care of it right away and not put it off,” we told them. “You said you have never asked God for eternal life. Is that something you’d like to do now?” we asked. We could tell their hearts were open. We offered to pray with them and began looking for a corner we could go to in order to get out of the busy flow of people walking by.
“We can pray right here!” the guy said.
First we prayed for them, and then the girl said she wanted to pray. Right there, she confessed her sin and asked the Lord for eternal life. Later that evening she texted me expressing thankfulness.

The Holiday season is just beginning–let’s not forget about the abundant opportunities it provides to talk with people! Just a simple sequence of questions is able to open many doors.

We’ll try to post some Christmas ideas before too long. 🙂


Thanking God for Friends From Malaysia!

Having spent a good amount of time in Singapore and Malaysia, we always enjoy spending time with people from that part of the world! There are several students from Malaysia who attend the University of Iowa, and we were thrilled that 8 of them were able to come to our church’s Thanksgiving dinner last night.

We had 11 different countries represented at our Thanksgiving Dinner. (You may notice the Indian feathers we provided to help the atmosphere. 🙂 ) Our guest speaker was Ben Bradford. He is a 13 generation descendant of William Bradford who came over on the Mayflower, who was a leading Pilgrim and governor of Plymouth Colony. Ben’s father is William Bradford the 12th and his older brother is William Bradford the 13th! They are a strong Christian family. Their family still has the cuff links from William Bradford who came on the Mayflower.

Young people from our church getting acquainted with new friends from SE Asia.

And tonight the places were reversed, as our Malaysian friends invited us (and a few friends from church) to their apartment in Iowa City for a Chinese meal. Sarah and I had so much fun….great Chinese food (these students are great cooks!) enjoyable conversation, lots of laughs…

Thank you for your hospitality, friends! We had a great time. And don’t forget… we still want to take you sledding. 🙂


The Greatest…

“For the church:
The greatest price was paid: the death of Christ;
The greatest honor was extended: to be co-regents with Christ;
The greatest intimacy was introduced: as the body and bride of Christ;
The greatest blessing was assured: eternity with Christ.
When He gave His word, it was to her;
When He gave His life, it was for her;
When He expressed His will, it was that He might spend eternity with her.
The church was in His heart and mind and will from before the foundation of the world and shall be in His embrace forever.” –Author Unknown

Witnessing Stories

We Don’t Believe in Coincidences!

You might think that at a college campus everyone is busy and no one is interested in talking about Christianity. But that is SO not true! Two days ago we went witnessing with some friends at a local college campus and we had so many great conversations. Nickie shared with a few international students that had never heard the gospel before–ever! From what I hear, it was a very good conversation and the students were very grateful.

One girl said the she and her friend had just been talking the night before about what happens when a person dies. Even though she wasn’t ready to receive the gospel, we do think God had prepared her for our talk by giving her those thoughts/questions the night before. It was just another reminder that God does direct our steps and prepare hearts when we ask Him to! Another person told us that he was going to go read the gospel of John now.

Here’s something one of the guys who went witnessing with us sent in an e-mail: “I used to be so afraid of this type of thing. I thought just going up to people and trying to share my faith with them would drive them away and would be a bad experience overall. My stereotype is shattered! Many people we talk to seem genuinely glad that they talked to us and interested in hearing what we have to say.”

Two of us began witnessing to a man named Rod. We asked him one of our favorite starter questions: “In the last 6 months has your interest in God increased, decreased, or stayed about the same?”
He said it had definitely increased and then explained that he had come to the campus this afternoon specifically to pray for students on the campus to come to Christ and be discipled.
Wow, I could hardly believe what I was hearing!
He explained that his ministry was to travel around the country with his wife in their RV and pray at college campuses. We told him that we had just come to the campus specifically to share the gospel there! (Actually, this was only the second time we had come to Coe College this year!)
“When did you get here?” we asked him.
“About a half hour ago,” he replied.
“That’s when we got here!” we told him.

We felt like we were there because he was there. We were majorly refreshed and energized, seeing this as a special confirmation from the Lord. I gave Rod a Bright Lights brochure so he would have our contact information.
“Bright Lights? My nieces are in this!” he said.
“Are you serious?” I asked. “What are their names?”
“Melanie Thompson and her sisters… they lead a group in Ohio,” he said.
“I’m good friends with them!” I told him,“I was just talking to Melanie the other day!”

Later on, James (a guy who was witnessing with us) also approached Rod to witness to him. When he learned about Rod’s ministry, he asked, “Did you ever pray at the University of Indiana?”
“Yes” Rod replied.
“I was saved there!” James exclaimed.
Both were very encouraged. The body of Christ is amazing. What can I say? The Lord is so good to us.

Just this afternoon I talked on the phone with Melanie, who had already heard about the encounter from her Uncle Rod. She told me that her uncle has already been to 1,000 campus praying! What a testimony to faithfulness–even though fruit isn’t always seen immediately.

“The God of heaven will give us success; therefore we His servants will arise and build…” (Nehemiah 2:20)

Bright Lights Conferences

First Bright Lights Leaders Training Via Video!

We are praising God for a very special time He arranged in Council Bluffs, IA, last weekend!

Bekah and Nickie each taught some of the sessions, and the rest were videos that had been recorded at the last Leader’s Training, in October of ’09.

The Lord brought together an enthusiastic group of young ladies, and many of them are planning to go home and start their own Bright Lights groups now! Praise the Lord!

Several of the girls shared stories of all the scheduling conflicts they had to resolve to be able to attend. We saw many answers to prayer. Many attendees came at the last minute. It will be exciting to see how the Lord continues to work in each girl’s life!

From what I hear, these young ladies are the motivation behind the training. 🙂 Emily, Kaylin and Audrey are the daughters of Karen Selandar who hosted the training conference and worked so hard to make it special. Thank you again, Selandar family!

Food and fellowship… always a highlight, right? 🙂

Tia, Nickie, Lindsay, Bekah, Lilly
Nickie and Bekah were grateful for the extra help Tia, Lindsay and Lilly provided as they came alongside to share testimonies and get acquainted with everyone.

“For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” (Titus 2:11-14)


Watch and Pray Conference

Earlier this month we attended the annual “Workers and Elders Conference” in Cedar Falls, IA. (In connection with our Bible chapel) I had been praying that the Lord would teach me to pray, and what did He do? Send me to a 3-day confernece on prayer!

Here are a few tidbits:

– “Watch” means to keep alert, just as Col 4:2 tells us to “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it…

-Prayer cultivates intimacy with the Lord. We pray because we want to become closer to Jesus –because we want to draw near.

-Praying is like building muscle. The more we pray, the more we want to pray.

-The word “fervent” could be described as “boiling.” God wants hot, boiling prayers, not lifeless, cold repetitious prayers. We must get close to the source of heat in order to boil.

-If our heart longs for the same things as Christ longs for, it won’t be difficult to pray in His will.

-Paul truly believed his ministry would be more effective if people were praying for him, because he asked for prayer so often in his letters! Prayer makes a difference.

-Church revivals in history start with prayer

-“When we talk to God, all other things that scare us begin to melt”

-We pray, not only because prayer changes things, but because prayer changes us.

To hear audio messages from the conference, click here.

This summer, one of my good friends (and great example to me) from church, Augusta, suggested that us ladies have more prayer time together. She’s from India and she told us about the frequent all night prayer meetings and times of fasting her believing friends in India held. So a few of us ladies decided to start coming to church at 7:30am to have a prayer meeting before the service started. It has been such a sweet, powerful time. We have become closer friends with each other, our hearts are more prepared for the service, and we have already seen the Lord answering prayers. How exciting to have a God who listens and acts!

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20


Draw Near!

122908_1 James 4:8 has been a special verse to me recently. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” How often do we pray, “Lord, please draw me nearer to you,” without realizing that in many ways the ball is actually in our court now! (Hebrews 10:19-22) Anytime we want to, we can draw near to God through prayer or studying the Word.

“Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Turn ye unto me, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will turn unto you, saith the LORD of hosts.” (Zec 1:3) Jesus was always saying things like, “Come to Me,” “Follow Me.” God has officially given the invitation. Now it’s our decision how much we are going to respond!

It’s obvious that God likes it when we search hard for Him. That’s why He hides things in Scripture and makes us work to find them. Like digging for gems. “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13) The more we respond, the more “gems” we find. And often when we have to work hard for something we have a greater sense of appreciation for it.

“O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles. Then will I go unto the altar of God, unto God my exceeding joy…” (Psalm 43:3-4)

Witnessing Stories

A Painful Scream

Last Saturday, Sarah, my mom and I went to this park to witness. As Sarah was turning off the engine my mom let out a blood curdling scream (believe me, when my mom screams it’s really loud!). As the automatic window closed, it had caught my mom’s fingers in between the window and the top of the door. Sarah quickly rolled the window down again, and we looked at mom’s fingers. They had black indention lines where they had been caught, but Mom said she was okay. Sarah and I were pretty startled ourselves after that loud scream, and Sarah and my mom went home to get ice.
I stayed at the park thinking, This has never happened before, and when does it happen? Right when we arrive at a park to witness. But often enemy attack means something good is about to happen. And that was certainly true this day.

“What do you think happens after you die? Sarah asked one lady, after she and my mom had returned.
“I don’t know but I’m scared,” the lady replied.
“Well, that’s a good start. It’s good to be concerned.” Sarah said, explaining how we are all sinners and God is a righteous Judge.
“Now I’m really scared,” she said.
But just as Sarah began sharing the good news, her granddaughter came up and she needed to go. Now Sarah had to give her some answers really fast! Sarah looked her in the eyes and told her, “you don’t need to be scared about what happens when you die, you can know for sure you are going to heaven if you trust these verses…” she said.
“What verses?” the lady asked.
Sarah showed her 1 John 1:9 and Ephesians 2:8-9 and encouraged her to confess her sin to the Lord and ask Him to save her.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Sarah told her to read the tracts she gave her, and get alone with God to talk to Him about it. Sarah could tell by the look in her eyes that she was taking this very seriously. Wow–we prayed that God would direct us to hungry hearts and it’s so encouraging to see Him doing it.

Then Sarah began a little questionnaire with a young mom who said she believed in Heaven because she has good dreams about her grandfather and she knows that he is there. She believes she is a good person and that she is going to heaven because she gives all her time to take care of her little boy.
Sarah gently walked her through the 10 commandments and then talked about how “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” and also John 3:16 and how it’s not a general belief but a personal belief.
She looked at Sarah in a funny, curious way and asked, “Can I ask why you picked me to talk to?”
Sarah replied that there wasn’t really any particular reason, but that she had been praying the last few days that God would lead her to the right people.
“I’ve seen you at the mall before,” the young mom said, “and you’ve talked with my niece before.”
“Did your niece mind when we talked with her?” Sarah asked.
“Oh no, not at all!” she said. “You come across so nice—and when you talk with people they always remember it,” she told Sarah.
Sarah gave her some tracts and reminded her how every person has to make an individual choice to come to Christ. She asked Sarah’s name and shook her hand with a big smile.
“Thanks for being so sweet!” Sarah said.
“Well, thank *you* for being so sweet,” she responded.
I tell this story as a reminder that often people are very grateful when we talk with them. Not always, but often. But we won’t know that until we take the time to step out and begin the conversation!

I talked for about an hour with some staunch evolutionists. Very interesting and enjoyable conversation. Here’s a quick summary.
“Hey I’m working on a little project learning what people believe. Would you mind answering a few questions?” I asked.
“Sure,” they said.
“What do you think happens when someone dies?” I asked.
“Nothing–you just go into the ground,” they said.
“Okay. So did you grow up with any certain faith or religion?” I asked.
Sam hadn’t, and Naomi had grown up in a Unitarian church.
“The next question is this: If you had a problem with Christianity or an argument against it, what would it be?” I asked.
“Just one problem with Christianity?” Naomi asked.
I smiled. “No, you can give more than one,” I said.
“Well, I guess it would be that I don’t agree with Christians who say the Bible is 100% literal and has to be taken as fact— I think it’s more metaphorical,” she said.
“What about you?” I asked Sam.
“I don’t have a problem with Christianity,” he said. “In fact, a Christian friend just helped me out with something recently. Actually, I hope there is a God,” he said.
“So why don’t you believe the Bible?” I asked.
“Because I believe in evolution,” Sam said.
So we dove into a long discussion about Creation and evolution. Dinosaurs. Holes in the evolution theory. Complexity and beauty in creation which speak loudly of a Creator. And so on.
Naomi explained how they believed in science and I just take the Bible by faith.
“But it takes faith to believe evolution too,” I told them. “Because it’s a story of something that happened in the past.”
They couldn’t disagree.“Yeah, I wasn’t there [when it happened],” Sam said.
“So really, you don’t see any problem between Christianity and Science?” Sam asked.
“No not at all!” I told them, explaining how many of the early scientists were Christians.
“I really hope there is a God,” he said again. “The idea of a Creator and afterlife is so much nicer than just going into the ground to become worm food.”
Sam asked, “What actually is God?
As I explained God’s attributes I admit I was amazed by how little Sam knew about the Lord!
Finally, I got to share the gospel—how God, the Creator, became a man, Jesus, to take care of the problem of sin.
“Jesus is God??” Sam interrupted me, very surprised.
“Yes,” I said.
“I thought He was God’s Son,” he said.
Sam mentioned how he had never talked about religion very much with his friend who is a Christian. He said he didn’t want it to breach the relationship.
“Well we’ve been talking about it all this time and we’re still friends,” I told him.
He agreed.
I know Sam was genuinely intrigued and surprised by all I told him. They took the booklets that I gave them, and we parted with a friendly goodbye.
Please join me in praying for Sam and Naomi that the Lord would open their eyes to the truth!! It’s so, so sad to see how our society just indoctrinates people in evolution. Even though they can’t defend evolution, they still believe it because they’ve been taught this all their lives. But God can open the eyes of the blind.

“I am sending you to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.” (Acts 26:18)


Nancy Leigh DeMoss’ True Woman Conference

A few weeks ago Sarah, Nickie, Bekah and I took a booth representing Bright Lights to Nancy Leigh DeMoss’ True Woman Conference in Indianapolis. There were over 6,000 women present! It was exciting to see the many ways the Lord is using Nancy Leigh DeMoss and her ministry.

My favorite session was one by Joni Eareckson Tada. Because of her breast cancer and other health issues, she wasn’t able to be there so she made a DVD the week before. Talk about a powerful message on suffering! Joni reminded us that our lives are on display. Ephesians 3:10 says “so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.” When angels, demons, and other people see us responding with grace to the suffering God brings, God gets the glory! We prove, like Job, that God can be trusted and loved on His own merits—even though He allows pain in our lives. We don’t suffer for nothing. Hebrews 6:12 tells us that we are to be “imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” You can listen to her message online from this page.

Talking with moms and girls and explaining the purpose and goals of Bright Lights…

In between the Deeper Conference and Nancy Leigh DeMoss’ conference, Bekah, Nickie and I enjoyed volunteering for a few days in the Answers and Genisis office. There is always so much going on over there! If any of you ever have an interest in volunteering at the Creation Museum / Answers in Genesis see here.



HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association) interviewed Sarah, Stephen and me about “Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends” on their HomeSchool Hearbeat Radio show airing this week, starting today. They are just short one minute clips. Click here for details. To find a station in your area, click here. Also, on November 4th we are teaching a webinar on “Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends.” Details here.