Author: Grace Mally

Announcements/Family News

Wedding Thoughts From My Dad

Hi everyone, I haven’t posted for quite a while because I’ve been busy planning my wedding. In three days I will be marrying Josiah Moffitt. Words can not express my thankfulness to the Lord for this dream coming true. Here’s what my dad wrote about it in our last family newsletter.

Dear Friends,

Hello from the Mally family and Bright Lights staff!

It Finally Happened – By Harold Mally
A Mally daughter is getting married! I wondered if it would ever happen. Sarah and Grace have been content, focused on what God has given them to do and excited about it. They certainly wanted to marry, but, of course, they wanted God’s will and God’s timing. It was my conclusion that God was keeping the boys away for a while because the Bright Lights ministry with girls required fulltime investment. I had wondered if that was going to be permanent or if God would eventually bring marriage into the picture. Yep. He has. Grace and Josiah Moffitt are getting married on November 2nd. Our whole family is so encouraged to see God’s mighty hand in bringing them together. Grace will share more details at some point in the future. But this is my article, not hers.

It’s not an easy task being a father, as all you fathers know, but it’s the most wonderful thing. I didn’t know that years ago. As a result, it was only by God’s grace that we have Grace at all. Hence her name, “undeserved gift.” This is a lengthy and miraculous story that I can’t tell in this short email about this undeserving father. But every father has a grace story. We need only to list the miracles we all have from God’s hand in the lives of the kids He entrusts to us.

As fathers we want the best for our daughters. We protect them. We teach them. We answer their questions – well, we try. We pray for them. We take them out for coffee to answer more questions. 🙂 (Grace has always been a big question-asker.) We have the joy of working together on ministry projects. When they are little we tell them stories at bed time. When they grow up we have long discussions about life, people, family, direction, the Bible, Christ and ministry. They ask us which outfit we think looks the best. They ask what we think they should say in response to certain people and situations. They look to us for counsel. They keep life interesting and challenging and rewarding.

Years ago I started a project for my daughters called the “Othniel Project.” You might recall the account in Joshua 15 and Judges 1 of what Caleb did to find a husband for his daughter. It seemed to me to be a pretty good plan. He made an offer. To whomever attacks the city of the giants and takes it I will give my daughter Achsah as wife. 🙂 We don’t have the same kind of giants today, but we have other kinds of giants and huge spiritual battles. So I began praying for and looking for a giant killer. More on this later, maybe next month.

I had expected both of my daughters to be married already. They knew lots of people and had lots of friends. But no boyfriends came into the picture. I did some exploring for them, but I was unsuccessful on my own. Truly it’s something only God can do. In the meantime, what God did do was gather other girls who had a heart for discipleship and organize them into a ministry team, mentoring younger girls through conferences and Bright Lights groups. It’s been exciting and we look forward to what’s next. We anticipate many changes—good ones! But God does not change. “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). But He brings growth and we change as He works in our lives. God’s changelessness is our security and stability. We confidently and expectantly anticipate the wonders of His unfolding plans.

So, what is going to change on November 2nd? Hmmm. Here are some rambling thoughts from a father:
· We will have another empty room in the house (Stephen has had his own apartment for a few years now).
· We will gain a new wonderful family member.
· There will be an adjusted authority structure as Grace is transferred to the protection and leadership of her husband.
· Many normal family routines will be adjusted. (Like I won’t get as many of Grace’s homemade pies and she won’t make me coffee in the morning.)
· A new ministry team will be formed as two people come together and are strengthened by each other.
· Many more good things because God is an endless source of good and all His purposes are good.

The words in Isaiah 25:1 are among many Bible verses that express my thankfulness to God for His help and grace to an undeserving father. “O LORD, You are my God. I will exalt You. I will praise Your name, For you have done wonderful things; Your counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.”


Upcoming Young Men’s Conference

Our world is in desperate need of godly young men who will be courageous leaders of their families and churches and who will faithfully represent Christ in this dying world.

Taught by a team of men (led by Harold Mally), this conference will challenge and equip young men to stand fast in the Lord. Includes small group times, activities, a chalk talk, singing, and practical, Biblical teaching. Dads are encouraged to attend the conference in order to hear what their sons are learning and reinforce it at home.

Being Christ-Centered and Cross-Centered
Bible Reading and Prayer
Defending the Faith
Overcoming Temptations
Humility in Family Relationships
Being Ministry Minded
Sharing the Gospel Boldly
Treating Girls With Honor
Being a Disciple Maker

For: Young men ages 12-18 and fathers

Dates: July 26-27, 2019

Location: The Church on Northland: 5200 Northland Ave NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

Schedule: Fri 6:00-9:00pm, Sat 9:00AM-6:00pm

Register here. $15 per person or $50 family max. Includes snacks, and materials.

Late Registration (after June 30) $18 per person/$60 family max

For questions contact: Bright Lights staff at 319-377-6728, [email protected]

Announcements/Young Men's Conferences

Stand Fast Conference for Young Men

The Stand Conference was an exciting weekend for us. It happened simultaneously with a Bright Lights conference in the Omaha area last April. The Selander family (who hosted the Bright Lights conferences) asked us to do a guys’ conference also, so my dad and a team of guys pulled together this conference in response to their request.

Each session was taught by a different person, so there was a wide variety in speakers’ personalities and ages. Here Aaron Biegler is teaching on sibling relationships.

Steven Biegler speaking on victory over temptations and growing in Christ

Other Sessions Included:
Being Christ-Centered and Cross-Centered
Bible Reading and Prayer
Defending the Faith
Being Ministry Minded
Sharing the Gospel Boldly
Treating Girls With Honor
Discipling and Being Discipled

Sprinkled throughout the conference were many creative and energy-consuming activities. I guess they figured that the guys wouldn’t be as excited about making bracelets as the girls are.

What a great weekend. So much to praise God for. They were very encouraged and decided to plan another one for Cedar Rapids next month. Here’s the information for the next one:

July 26-27, 2019

Young men, ages 12-18
(Fathers are encouraged to attend with their boys.)

Friday 6:00pm-9:00pm
Saturday 9:00am-6:00pm

The Church on Northland
5200 Northland Ave NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

Early Registration Deadline: June 30th

Register here.

Please let us know if you’d like an informational email or flyers to share with friends!

“For now we live if ye stand fast in the Lord.” I Thessalonians 3:8

Announcements/Testify Training Camp/Witnessing Conferences

Testify Training Camp: Registration Open

Registration is open for our upcoming two Testify camps at the Iowa State Fair and Willowbrook Bible Camp. Because of space limitations, we decided to do two camps this year. Camp 1 will be August 8-12 and Camp 2 will be August 15-19.

It has been a thrill to see the Lord work and bless at these camps in previous years, and we anticipate Him to do the same in 2019 as we pray. Speakers will include Bryan Osborne, Micah Tuttle (Bryan at Camp 1 and Micah at Camp 2) and Tony Ramsek.

Register here. You can register as a day camper if you’re local, or for the full camp (which includes housing) if you’re coming from out of town.

See PDF of flyer.

This video, made after last year’s camp, gives a taste of what the camp is like!

Testify Training Camp from Tomorrow's Forefathers, Inc. on Vimeo.

Additionally, this video shows more detail about the booth that Answers in Genesis does at the Iowa State Fair–which is an aspect of what we do at the Testify camp.

Announcements/Young Men's Conferences

Stand Fast Conference For Young Men

We are excited to announce the Stand Fast Conference for young men, happening simultaneously to the Radiant Purity Conference we are doing in Council Bluffs April 26-27. Info from the flyer below!

Our world is in desperate need of godly young men.

– Young men who will rise up to the challenges of the day and be courageous leaders of their families and churches.
– Young men who will walk in integrity no matter the cost as they represent Christ in this dying world.
– Young men who will follow in the footsteps of their Savior as humble servant-leaders.
– Young men who are not overcome by temptations, but rather lay down their lives for the cause of Christ.

Taught by Harold Mally and a team of men (including both young men and fathers), this conference will challenge and equip young men to stand fast in the Lord. Includes small group times, activities, a chalk talk, singing, and practical, Biblical teaching.

Dads are encouraged to attend the conference in order to hear what their sons are learning and reinforce it at home. There will also be sessions for dads covering topics such as the importance of protecting your children, how fathers can set a godly pace for their family, and how to win the hearts of your children. This conference has limited space and therefore is open to only the first 50 who register.

Being Christ-Centered and Cross-Centered
Bible Reading and Prayer
Defending the Faith
Overcoming Temptations
Humility in Family Relationships
Being Ministry Minded
Sharing the Gospel Boldly
Treating Girls With Honor
Discipling and Being Discipled

For: Young men ages 12-18, and fathers
Dates: April 26-27, 2019
Location: Hillside Bible Fellowship, 135 Bennett Ave Council Bluffs, IA 51503
Schedule: Friday evening 6:00 – 9:00 PM, Saturday from 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Registration: $25 per person or $75 family max Includes lunch on Saturday, snacks, and materials. Register online HERE.
For Questions, Contact: Bright Lights staff at 319-377-6728 or email [email protected]


Hell – An Unpopular Sermon Topic

I really appreciated this sermon on Hell by a friend of ours, John Thomas, given at Gwinnett Bible Chapel in Georgia last month. Although Hell is unpopular to talk about and difficult to think about, it is important that we do both. Jesus spoke of it often. It sets our perspective straight on what our priorities in life should be.

Sometimes I feel terrible when I hear about devastating stories of the persecuted church and all the Christians who have suffered so much. However, when Christians suffer they can set their minds on incredible hope. Even for those who spend years in prison and are tortured for Christ, they know their suffering will end and then they’ll be with Jesus. And there is immense purpose to their suffering–it is not wasted. But those who who reject Christ and choose the passing pleasures and comforts of this world are choosing Hell where there is no end, no help, and no hope.

Family News

One Year Later…

A year ago yesterday our family slid on ice, hit a semi, rolled our large white van over the median fence and slid through a narrow break in oncoming traffic to the far side of the interstate. Our crunched van and shattered concert grand harp mattered very little to us. We all knew we had just come very close to death. And our minds were on our mom who was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. (Full story here.) But a year later, we celebrate not only that we are alive, not only that our mom is happily healed, but that the Lord has even restored our van and harp to better than they were before.

A Christian family we didn’t even know heard about our situation and gave us their van as a gift. Here is an excerpt from their email: “Our family has been studying the book of Acts … and something that has really impacted us is how freely our brothers & sisters in the early church gave to those in need amongst the body of Christ … As I read of your van accident in your daughter’s recent email, not knowing when this had happened, I really felt the Lord laying it on my heart to give you our van … I figured we were too late to help … Well, when I received your email this morning, my heart soared with the possibility that we might be able to help brothers and sisters who are in need of something …”

We’ve enjoyed the van on several long trips in the last 9 months and it’s much nicer than our old van.

Additionally, our insurance paid for our harp to be sent to France to be repaired. We packed it up in a huge box and a shipping company picked it up. A few months later the repaired harp arrived. I think it’s even better than it was in it’s original condition.

Why did the Lord provide for us so abundantly? I guess the much larger mystery is, “Why did the Lord spare us from the much bigger danger (hell) even though it cost Him the life of His Son to provide this rescue for us?” We may not know the answers to our questions, but we do know one thing: He is deserving of all our praise, and all our hearts.

Announcements/Bright Lights Conferences

Bright Lights Conferences in Council Bluffs, Iowa, April 23-27

We are excited to announce our upcoming “Strong in the Lord Conference” in Council Bluffs, Iowa (near Omaha), approaching next month!

Age: 8-14

• How to Be Strong for the Lord in Your Youth
• Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends
• Developing a Love for God’s Word
• How to Turn Your Heart to Your Parents
• How to Be a Bright Light in the World
• Avoiding Wrong Influences
• Deepening Your Walk with Jesus Christ
• How to Boldly Share the Gospel

Includes small group times, humorous skits, testimonies, hands-on activities, a chalk talk, harp music, singing, and practical, Biblical teaching that will challenge and prepare young ladies to remain strong for the Lord through their teen years.

Parents are encouraged to attend the conference in order to hear what their daughters are learning and reinforce it at home. There will also be sessions for parents covering topics such as the importance of protecting your children, how fathers can set a godly pace for their family, how to win the hearts of your daughters, and building strong mother/daughter relationships.

Dates and Location:
April 23-24, 2019 – Council Bluffs, IA

Tuesday evening from 6:00 – 9:00 PM
Wednesday from 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Registration: $20 per person or $65 per family
Late registration: (after March 31) $25 per person or $75 per family
Includes lunch on Wednesday, snacks, and materials.

Register here.

Follow our “Strong in the Lord” Conference, we will also be doing a “Radiant Purity Conference.”

Note: Our first “Stand Fast” Conference for young men happening simultaneously.

Age: 12-22+

• Finding Security in Christ
• Replacing Lies of the Enemy with Truth
• Purity is Not about Your Past
• Truth Over Emotions
• Building Strong Relationships With Parents
• How to Delight in Jesus, the One Who Satisfies
• Using Your Years of Singleness for God
• Crushes, Friendships, Disappointments, and Desires
• Practical Tips for Sharing the Gospel with Your Friends
• Christ-Centered Social Media

A girl who is set-apart for Jesus and walking closely with Him shines with a radiant brightness in this world of darkness. Purity is not found in a list of rules, but in the pursuit of Jesus Christ. It is not a burden, but rather a privilege to represent Him in this world. How can we honor Christ in our relationships? How can we find security and satisfaction in Jesus? How can broken lives be restored to radiant purity? How do we resist temptation and stand strong in trials? Where do parents come in?

Creatively presented through stories and testimonies, practical instruction, skits, and real-life examples, this conference gives Biblical answers to everyday questions and deep life struggles. The material is discreet and appropriate for twelve-year-olds, yet relevant to all ages. Includes testimonies from young ladies who serve as Bright Lights staff, a chalk talk, and harp music.

Fathers and mothers are encouraged to attend. Parents’ sessions will include: 20 Ways to Protect the Hearts of Your Daughters, Every Mother’s Example, and When a Young Man Pursues a Young Lady

Dates and Location:
April 26-27, 2019 – Council Bluffs, IA

Friday evening from 6:00 – 9:00 PM
Saturday from 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Registration: $20 per person or $65 per family
Late registration: (after March 31) $25 per person or $75 per family
Includes lunch on Saturday, snacks, and materials.

Register here.


St Patrick’s Day – Less Than 2 Weeks Away!

Guess what just arrived? Twelve thousand “History of St Patrick’s Gospel Tracts.” These are a great way to share the gospel with neighbors, coworkers, doctors, dentists, chiropractors, postal workers, cashiers … you get the idea! Hardly anyone knows who St Patrick really was and most receive the info with interest and then get to read the gospel. If you’re passing them out at a parade, it’s easy to distribute thousands in a very short time with just a small handful of people. See ordering options here.
Note: If you wear a hat like my dad’s, people are even more likely to take them! 😀