Bright Lights Office/Family News/Miscellaneous

Training Session at the Bright Lights Office

This morning at the Bright Lights office, Stephen gave us a training session on how to update our website. I was very thankful that Nickie was there as she picks up on techy things a lot faster than Sarah and me. The Lord knows what He’s doing when he puts teams together.

Our new website has been a big answer to prayer. It had been needing to be done for a long time, but was one of those projects that kept taking second place to more urgent projects. We finally began praying more intentionally about this specific need.

We are so thankful to Stephen for putting it together for us, and thankful to Nickie for doing all the design work for it.

Stephen has less time these days as he works full time as a photographer for the Iowa Hawkeyes, but he still finds time to keep our computers in great shape, do all our finances, take care of our website, and assist us with other technical needs.

There have been a lot of exciting changes recently. I have now been married for about six weeks and have been greatly enjoying the adjustments. My husband Josiah is a software engineer – praise God for another techy addition to the family. 🙂

I’m continuing to come to the Bright Lights office part time. We look forward to seeing how the Lord unfolds our future!