
Hell – An Unpopular Sermon Topic

I really appreciated this sermon on Hell by a friend of ours, John Thomas, given at Gwinnett Bible Chapel in Georgia last month. Although Hell is unpopular to talk about and difficult to think about, it is important that we do both. Jesus spoke of it often. It sets our perspective straight on what our priorities in life should be.

Sometimes I feel terrible when I hear about devastating stories of the persecuted church and all the Christians who have suffered so much. However, when Christians suffer they can set their minds on incredible hope. Even for those who spend years in prison and are tortured for Christ, they know their suffering will end and then they’ll be with Jesus. And there is immense purpose to their suffering–it is not wasted. But those who who reject Christ and choose the passing pleasures and comforts of this world are choosing Hell where there is no end, no help, and no hope.