Category: Witnessing Stories

Miscellaneous/Thoughts/Witnessing Stories

Homemade Tracts

I met these special young ladies last summer in Texas during a Bright Lights conference. I wanted to post this video, hoping their idea is one that some of the rest of you Bright Lights out there may want to try!

8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. (Ephesians 2:8-10)

Witnessing Stories

Farmers’ Market Adventures

Last Saturday we went to a farmers market to share the gospel. We prayed that the Lord would lead us to the right people. One girl we talked with had nearly died in a car accident several years back. Brad (a friend we were witnessing with) asked her, “If you would have died, would you have gone to Heaven or Hell?” This really opened up the conversation with her and her boyfriend. She responded with serious interest to the gospel message.

Another guy named Andrew explained that he just got saved last year. He was with some unsaved friends that he had been trying to witness to, and he really appreciated the help in sharing the gospel with them! He said, “Just last night we had a long talk/debate about these things!” Andrew explained that he has been trying to share his faith, but he doesn’t know very many other people who do. He said, “It’s so encouraging meeting you.”

It is a beautiful thing to pray and then watch the Lord answer with those short interactions that are of eternal significance — explaining the greatest news in the world … one conversation at a time.

Deut 31:6 says: “Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.” This was written to Israel as they were preparing to go into the promised land. We serve the same God Who also sends us to conquer but in a different way.

Bright Lights Local Group/Witnessing Stories

Downtown on the 4th!

The 4th of July is one of the best times I know of for witnessing. People just sit around bored waiting for the fireworks to start. Everyone is in a festive mood, and many are very open to conversation!

A group of 12 of us gathered downtown to share the gospel with people. It turned out to be a terrific evening.

Here Michael Biegler and Jonathon Olson were having a conversation with a couple who were a bit argumentative, yet interested and friendly. They talked for over 30 minutes.

In the picture above, Nickie and Hannah talked with several older ladies. Sometimes older people know a lot of Christian terminology but have never actually understood the simplicity of the gospel!

As I was taking the above picture, I also noticed two girls sitting a ways away, listening to Nickie. Later, Nickie told me she talked to those two girls as well! She said they were seriously interested, and close to the point of putting their faith in Christ! Please pray for them.

My dad and Brad had several great conversations. They came back to our group afterwards with excitement and it was fun hearing their report!

When it got dark we all came together to share stories. Few activities are as satisfying as getting the gospel out to many people.

At Bright Lights last Monday, Sarah, Stephen and I taught a meeting on witnessing. (We combined the girls in Bright Lights and the guys from Stephen’s Light Shop group.) In the picture above, Michael is sharing a story from one of his conversations from the 4th:

One couple he talked with claimed to be believers, so he asked them, “Do you share your faith very much?”

“Well…” the guy hesitated.

Michael replied, “Well, suppose you were a fireman and someone was in danger on the 2nd floor of a burning building, and you had all the equipment to rescue him–”

About this point, Michael noticed that the wife gave a little half-smile, and glanced at her husband.

“He is a fireman,” she said.

Michael laughed and replied, “Oh, then you will really relate to this. Okay, what if you didn’t rescue that person even though you had the ability to do so? You would be in big trouble, wouldn’t you?”

“Oh yeah!” the guy strongly affirmed.

“Well, as a fireman you are only saving them from an earthly death, but when we share the gospel we are showing them the way to be saved from eternal death. Which do you think is more important?”

This leaves us all with a challenge. Let’s view life from an eternal perspective, obey the commands of Jesus, and enjoy the blessings of being in the battle WITH CHRIST.

Miscellaneous/Witnessing Stories

Unusual Mission in Washington DC!

Last weekend, Nickie and I were in Washington DC … for a very unique purpose.

We were helping Answers in Genesis pass out 4,000 DVDs and hundreds of books to public school teachers across the nation. These were teachers who had gathered for the NEA (National Educators Association) Convention.

It was a high-energy, challenging, and very encouraging weekend!

If you look closely, you’ll see that a lot is happening: Dan Lietha (AIG’s Cartoonist) is drawing free caricatures while Dan Breeding is using his owl to teach about God’s creation. Others are passing out the DVDs and engaging in scientific and gospel conversations.

Yes… the booth received a lot of attention. Praise God!

Not everyone was very happy about what we stood for. This man was protesting by pacing back and forth in front of our booth with his sign until authorities forced him to leave.

While Dan Lietha drew caricatures, Nickie and I got to know the teachers standing in line. Some stood in line for over an hour, and we had the opportunity to share the gospel with many of them. And sometimes, James or Tony preached the gospel to all of them at once, as pictured above.

Nickie’s conversation with these three girls lasted over an hour. They were full of spiritual questions.

Dan’s monitor lizard received lots of attention.

So did the owl.

While sight-seeing before and after the conference, we also had many unique opportunities to praise God for. [smile] One morning Nickie and I had an great conversation with the shuttle driver. (Shuttle is in the picture behind Nickie across the street). Sometimes it’s hard to know how to start conversations with shuttle drivers about the gospel. But this time, I decided to just come out and ask him a straight-forward question. Only have one chance, right?! [smile]
“I have a question for you,” I told him. “If you died today do you think you would go to Heaven?” I asked (or something close to that).
Although the man said he was Orthodox Christian, he wasn’t very confident in his beliefs, wanted answers, and then thanked us warmly, saying, “I learned something today!”
What a refreshing start to the morning!

Here was another neat encounter. As we walked by this bus driver who was waiting for his passengers to return, we handed him a tract about the 4th of July. Then, after walking another fifty yards, we decided we should go back and talk to him more. And we were really glad we did. Turns out he was a believer and wanted more of our tracts to give to his passengers!

What a gift from God to have the opportunity not just to visit DC, but to pass out thousands of DVDs and books that will be going into the homes of influential people all across the country. Please join us in praying that those resources change our country from the inside out – one life at a time!

For more pics and video clips of the action, see HERE.

Witnessing Stories

Dad’s Hindu Yogurt

While eating breakfast at the hotel a few mornings ago, my dad read the writing under the top of his yogurt container. It was one of Dannon’s “light and fit” tips – something that only a few unique individuals in this world actually take the time to notice. [smile]

It read, “…reduce stress with some alone time. Even a half hour can help you reach your nirvana.”

“This is Hindu yogurt!” Dad exclaimed.

Wanting to get some ministry out of this discovery, Dad walked up to the man at the front desk.

“Here — read this,” Dad told the guy in the suit, holding out the flimsy peel-off lid for him to see.

The man read it.

“That’s Hindu!” Dad told him. “Nirvana is the Hindu term for their equivalent of salvation. But Hindus actually have no way to understand salvation. True salvation is being reconciled to God, our Creator. But since they worship 33 million gods, they don’t have a correct concept of God or a correct concept of man (because man is made in the image of God). Therefore there is no way for them to understand either the true problem or the solution. However, we [Christians] know that there is one true living God, our Creator and salvation is being reconciled to Him.”

He smiled and nodded in agreement.

“They ought to put a Bible verse on this!” Dad continued.

“You should write to them,” the man suggested.

I guess we just never know what little things can lead to conversations. [smile]

Our family is HOME now and it definitely feels great to be back! Lots going on around here and things are going well.

Witnessing Stories

They didn’t know

“Why did Jesus come to be born as a baby?” my friend Annie and I asked two other girls at the mall. They thought and thought. They threw out a few ideas, but they didn’t really know.

Before giving a complete answer, we switched gears and began to talk about sin, God’s justice, and our need for a perfect substitute – Jesus.

“No one can kill God, so God had to put Himself into a body that could die. But in order to die he had to first be born,” I emphasized to the girls.

“Ah…I see!” one of the girls said, smiling as it clicked.

The thrill of watching an unbeliever have an “ah ha” moment as she comprehends a truth about the gospel makes me think about what a privilege it is to witness. Because Annie and I had let them wrestle with the question for a while, they absorbed the answer when we finally told them.

There are two days left until Christmas. Many of us will still be out and about shopping and interacting with people. Let’s not forget how many people genuinely don’t know why Jesus came, and let’s pray for opportunities to make it known!

Pictured above are Annie, Augusta, Sarah and Xin Hui. Xin Hui, from Malaysia, has been part of our church for the last couple years but left on Monday morning. Sarah and I enjoyed spending some time with her last Saturday (part of which included the witnessing at the mall). We are going to be missing you, Xin Hui!

Merry Christmas everyone!

“For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him…” (Col 2:9-10)

Bright Lights Local Group/Witnessing Stories

You May Be Surprised

If you have never Christmas caroled before, you may be surprised at how much some people are touched by it. We took our Bright Lights group caroling the other night, and I was reminded of what an impact it can make. Many stand outside the door, trying to savor the moment, thoroughly enjoying the old carols.

After we sing, we greet them, ask for a favorite, explain who we are, and leave them with some cookies and a book that explains the Biblical meaning of Christmas.

Many of the carols themselves have great gospel words: “Hark! The herald angels sing, Glory to the newborn King; Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!

While we were caroling, a passage popped into my head. I had been reading it the previous day. “O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works.” (Psalm 105:1-2)

Amazing. We get to praise the Lord in song, in front of the on looking world, (well, house by house) and thus proclaim both the gospel and our delight in it! What a privilege.

“Are you carolers?!” the elderly couple in this vehicle asked as they rolled down the window.
“Yes, would you like us to sing something for you?”
“Would you??” they asked eagerly.
The lady explained how she used to carol around this very neighborhood as a girl.

Then we came back for hot chocolate and our normal Bright Lights lesson time and activities.

Nickie shared with the younger girls about our response to Christ, emphasizing how we need to be committed disciples.

Simultaneously, Sarah was sharing with the older girls upstairs. We are beginning a six week “winter discipleship” study in which we are going to be keeping each other accountable to be seeking Jesus more diligently.

The joy of fellowship with sisters in Christ…
Pictured above are Amanda, Annie, and Hannah

“But will God indeed dwell on the earth? behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house that I have builded?” (1 Kings 8:27)

Witnessing Stories

Courageous and Wisdom Teeth

Tuesday afternoon our family went to see Courageous. It was fantastic.

As I was buying my ticket, I gave the girl at the booth an “animal card” – one of my new favorite tracts. They have amazing facts about animals with reference to the Creator and a Bible verse on the back. People really like them and they are so easy to give out.

Since no one else was in line at the moment and the movie hadn’t started yet, I decided to go back and talk with her. Our conversation went something like this.

“Hey, since no one is behind me here in line can I has you an interesting question?” I asked.
“Sure,” she said.
“What’s your view on what happens when someone dies…like, do you have any spiritual beliefs about that?”
She wanted to talk about it right away and said, “Well my cousin died 7 years ago so it really made me think about it…” she explained. “He was only 25 and I couldn’t understand why…”
“Ah, like you had a hard time wondering why God allowed it to happen?”
“Yeah,” she said.
“So it was a tragic death?” I asked.
“Well, he had his wisdom teeth pulled and then developed an infection and that led to something else and he died…”
*internal gulp*
“I’m getting my wisdom teeth out on Friday,” I told her.

Maybe that wasn’t the best thing for me to hear at that moment. My little witnessing attempt became sort of…well…haha, I don’t know…it wasn’t exactly going as I expected! I tried to get to the gospel, mentioning how it’s not God’s fault there is evil in the world — it’s ours. And if God got rid of all of the evil in the world that would include us because each one of us has evil (sin) inside us. That’s why we need Jesus.

She agreed but I’m not sure if she understood. She needs to hear more.

Anyway, here I am three days later sitting with ice packs wrapped to my face, grateful that I like smoothies and yogurt!

And I’m also grateful for my friend Karen from church who just brought over 5 little miniture ice cream containers!

I’m thinking I should go back to see Harmony, the girl from the Theater to follow up. And to tell her I’m still alive. 🙂 If you think of it, pray for Harmony.

Creation Museum/Miscellaneous/Witnessing Stories

Interesting Times at the NEA Convention!

Last weekend, Nickie, my dad and I helped Answers in Genesis pass out free material at the National Educator’s Association in Chicago, like I did last year in New Orleans. (See here or here)

The enviroment was very liberal, of course, but praise God the AIG (Answers in Genesis) booth got a lot of attention.

A donor enabled AIG to be able to give away thousands of DVDs and books. Many Christian teachers were very grateful and many non-Christians also picked up materials, intrigued by the massive giveaway. Some science teachers were interested, some were hostile. And some had some pretty strange ideas.

“So what do you think about origins? How did we get here?” I asked one man.
“Oh, aliens,” he said.
“Ah…so what evidence do you have to backup your position?” I asked.
“Oh, I saw it on Youtube,” he replied with confidence. “And they’re comin’,” he said (in a warning tone of voice.)
“The aliens?” I asked.
“Yeah, we’ve been trashing this planet and it’s comin’…” he said.
“Well, we believe it’s coming alright,” Frank replied (he was standing next to me)
“But we believe it’s the Lord Jesus Christ who is coming…” he said.
The guy didn’t want to stay much longer after that.

Dan Breeding
(also known as “Dan the animal man”) helped at the Answers in Genesis booth and brought some of his exotic animals. Here’s the porcupine, affectionately named “Barb.”

It was entertaining to see how surprised some people were by the live alligator. Hundreds of people had their picture taken with Dan and the alligator with our banner in the background. What a great message to now be on hundreds of cameras, iphones, and blogs around the country as people show the picture to their friends. 🙂

We had many conversations about how we take Genesis literally and how it is consistent with science and what we see in the world around us.
“Do you really believe God created the world in six literal days?” One science teacher asked me in a very condescending tone of voice. (I like to mention how the question isn’t “how God did it in six days”, but “why did He take so long?!”)
The issue of six literal days is such an important area in which we as believers need to be taking a stand. It’s really a question of the reliability of Scripture. If we can’t read Genesis literally, how can we read Matthew or John literally? And if millions of years of evolution existed before God created Adam, that means that there were millions of years of death, decay and suffering before the curse of Genesis 3. That means that God essentially created pain and suffering (i.e. it didn’t come as a result of man’s sin.) This belief undermines both God’s character and the message of the gospel. Notice that Jesus said, “Have ye not read, that He which made them at the BEGINNING made them male and female,” (Matthew 19:4) Jesus did NOT say, “After millions of years of evolution God made them male and female…”

Here was our team. One of the best parts of the trip was all the good fellowship we had during meals and at the hotel about witnessing, apologetics, theology, eschatology, spiritual gifts, and other biblical topics.

While people came by to see the animals we would give them free DVDs. Most people loved the owl, but not everyone loved what we stood for.
“Hey would you like a free DVD?” I asked one young guy in the crowd looking at the owl.
“I don’t want your DVD or any of your #@$&# &#$&&# teaching,” he said, (or something like that) in a very irritated tone of voice.
“Oh, what’s your view?” I asked him.
That was all it took. He blew up. He angrily told Dan how stupid he thought our views were, using lots of profanity. As he kept talking about how offensive our booth was to him Dan told him, “Well you are offending me by telling me you think I came from a monkey!” but he wasn’t really open to reasoning or responding to Dan’s comments. He was just mad.
The interesting thing was how many in the crowd began to defend us—even NEA delegates who didn’t otherwise agree with us.
“Just because I don’t agree with their booth doesn’t mean I have a problem with them being here,” another man kept saying.
“Yeah, why can’t he just walk by?” one lady asked.
One of the delegates even began to cry and mentioned contacting the police. I guess they were suprised because they didn’t understand how the gospel and message of a Creator is very offensive to some who don’t want to acknowlege the possibility of a God to whom they would be accountable for their actions or lifestyle.

We at the AIG booth were just grateful for the extra exposure! The angry guy drew an even bigger crowd than the alligator did! 🙂
Dan took advantage of the opportunity by preaching to everyone about how Jesus is coming back one day and we need to be looking to Him.

Nickie wanted to hold the snake. I didn’t know she liked snakes that much. Haha.

At the beginning of the day Dan told us he knew there was going to be spiritual warfare and it was likely they would try to think of a way to stop him from bringing his animals. He was right. First the Navaho Indian booth across the aisle kept complaining to the authorities saying they were offended by the animals. Somehow linked to their superstitious beliefs. But thankfully all we had to do was move the alligator to the other side of the booth and then we were okay.
Next NEA called the city animal official to inspect, but the whole inspection turned out in our favor. Satan cannot thwart what God has planned.

Miscellaneous/Witnessing Stories

4th of July Witnessing

Of all the times for passing out tracts and witnessing, I think the 4th of July is one of the best!

It’s one day of the year where people just sit on their lawn chairs with nothing to do all day long. Well, some people do. I don’t know about your town, but in my town of Cedar Rapids some people set up their lawn chairs ridiculously early, like, at 10am to get a good seat for the fireworks. (As if you can’t see the fireworks from anywhere else!) Anyway, as they spend the day waiting for the fireworks, this provides lots of time for them to read tracts and talk with us. 🙂

Often there are kids’ activities and festive things going on. Since most are in a festive mood, they are usually open to receiving things related to the holiday.

Click here for a little 4th of July tract. It prints four per page. We usually simply say, “Happy 4th of July” or, “Here’s something about the price of liberty” as we pass them out. If you smile and are confident, people usually receive it gladly.

The text inside says:

Freedom has a price – blood. Every nation celebrates its independence and every nation has paid the same price – blood. Men have died to win that freedom.

This is a simple concept. People understand it. And nations honor their independence day for two reasons: 1) Freedom is a great thing and 2) the price was high.

There are several kinds of freedom. The one we usually think of first is political freedom. But the most important kind is spiritual freedom — spiritual peace with God for eternity. This freedom had the same price – blood. But because the war was of a different nature and there was a different enemy, the blood required to pay our penalty was that of the Son of God Himself. And He willingly shed His blood for us. God placed Himself in a body that could die so that He might take our place and die for our sin. We can now be saved from eternal death by honoring Jesus Christ, the one who paid the price, by trusting by faith what He did for us. Let it be true that “In God We Trust”. Not just for earthly blessings, needs, and wisdom, but first of all for forgiveness and eternal life.

(And there are several verses on the back.)

I wanted to post this now to get “wheels turning” as you all make plans for the 4th. If any of you have additional ideas to share for outreach activities on the 4th, I’d like to hear them!

We will actually be in Wisconsin over the 4th of July becasue of a Bright Lights Conference there that week, so we will have opprortunity to do some outreach in a different area which will be fun.