In July, we hosted our first-ever online Strong in the Lord Conference. We had been praying that we would be able to finish this project for years, and are really thankful to my brother Stephen for coordinating the videography and the editing for these online sessions. It was exciting to see the Lord bring it together and a little shocking that it actually happened after all of these years!
More than that, it was very exciting to see the response—600 moms and daughters were able to join us from 10 countries (Australia, Canada, China, England, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Mozambique, Slovakia, and the United States). Most of all, we were thrilled to hear wonderful feedback about how the Lord used it in girls’ lives. Praise the Lord.
The sessions were recorded live at a previous “Strong in the Lord conference” but Sarah also included a special welcome and conclusion for all the girls online. Her husband Andrew joined her too.

About 15 families from Indonesia joined us for our online conference last month. After they finished each session, they met each other over zoom to share what they had been learning. It is really encouraging hearing about the creativity and ideas of various families who participated!

It took this special group of ladies from Mozambique almost double the time to get through the sessions since they had to stop continually for translation, but they did it! Now they have a heart to reach more young ladies in their church, and the vision to start training programs for young ladies.

It was really special to hear all the ideas that moms had about how to cultivate special times with their daughters and make it memorable for them. Here are some fantastic ideas we received from moms:
• “We took walks together each day, and we had special lunches and treats. Just simple pleasures enjoyed together.”
• “I gave them each an invitation to the conference and they really liked that. … During the conference I took them for a walk around the block individually to give them an opportunity to process anything privately that they wanted to and that seemed to go really well. Not everyone had things they wanted to share and that was fine, we just enjoyed the walk together, but some of them did and it was helpful for them to have an outlet to discuss without all the sisters around.”
• “My daughter and I stopped at a local coffee shop and picked up one of our favorite drinks and headed to a park to watch some of the videos. It was a nice change of scenery and a break from sitting in the house.”
• “I bought them special gel pens and stickers.”
• “The first night of the conference we watched Sarah’s wedding on YouTube while eating popcorn and enjoying special chocolate treats that we rarely eat. The morning of the 2nd day of the conference we spent time doing spa type things as mother and daughter before we started the first session … We really tried to make it a whole weekend of fun. Something to remember.”

Some took time in the schedule to make some fun crafts

These sisters reenacted the “folly wisdom” skit together.
Here are some encouraging things moms shared after completing the conference with their daughters:
• “I saw renewed love for Jesus and a willingness to read the Bible more. … This was like a breath of fresh air to our souls.”
• “[My daughter] … is so excited to serve the Lord right now”
• “We loved the skits, testimonies, teaching time, Scripture study, brother and sister time….excellent!!!!
• “If you are wondering if it is worth the time and investment let me tell you IT IS. The truth in this conference is life-changing and necessary for all young girls. And to do it alongside mom is a joyous added blessing.”
• “The truths your daughter will learn are just invaluable. It [is] so well put together. We had fun learning, as well as laughing. My daughter was excited to do another session and loved the homework.
• “My girls have never seen young people give powerful testimonies like that and they were inspired and it made a big impact.”
• “[Hearing] the girls’ testimonies, it really resonated with my 12 year old daughter. I think she could really relate to their feelings and struggles…”
• “we have LOVED LOVED LOVED every moment of this conference”
• “The skits were a particular hit. We were laughing and having a good time.”
Rachel was in Sarah (Mally) Hancock’s Bright Lights group when it first started in 1996 and now she and her daughter, Ellie, were able to go through the conference together. It is so encouraging to see the Lord raising up the next generation of young woman seeking Him. From one generation to the next, may the name of the Lord be praised!
We ran out of materials last time, so we wanted to schedule a second one as soon as possible. The dates will be November 13-14th, and we also have just placed a large order of handbooks so that we have plenty for this conference!
For more information or to register click here.