Author: Grace Mally

Family News/Miscellaneous

A Winter of “Hibernation” and Writing!

Things have been busy around here! The current big project is finishing the book on witnessing which I have been working on. The title is “Will Our Generation Speak? A Call to Be Bold with the Gospel.”

Sarah has been working full time with me on the book for most of the winter. I have no idea how I would be doing this project without her. I took this picture the other day as her desk was full of books while she spent the afternoon looking up some mission statistics for me for chapter sixteen.

We are in a race to the finish line now, and Mom has been helping us maximize work hours by bringing supper over to our office so we don’t have to take the time to go home for it. She also takes care of everything at home … she does so much.

Nickie and Bekah keep the Bright Lights ministry running, while also helping with the production of new materials … Bekah just finished a study guide for Before You Meet Prince Charming (which Nickie edited and laid out in InDesign) and Nickie has been spending many hours putting the cartoons for my book into InDesign and adding the captions.

Stephen … lol … is happy that he just finished doing our taxes.

Grandpa lightens the load for everyone by working in the basement four mornings a week, preparing materials for upcoming conferences. He recently showed me his long list of materials to pack for our first home school conference trip to SC next month. Grandpa also keeps our basement “warehouse” packaging area very well organized. We really appreciate him!

Andrew has been editing video from the Strong in the Lord Conferences. It’s a big job and video editing can be very tedious.

My dad has been putting many, many hours into drawing cartoons for my book. Since our little “cartoon pizza party” we had last fall to brainstorm for ideas we’ve come a long way … [smile] … and Dad has been doing such a great job.

More reports coming soon. For now, we’d appreciate prayer about this book, that the Lord would use it mightily in our generation.

Family News/Miscellaneous

Happy Birthday Sarah!

All of us girls at the Bright Lights office started out the day at the coffee shop next door to celebrate with Sarah, whose birthday was yesterday. Things are going well with us. We have been consumed with lots of writing, editing, and planning for the coming year.

“And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the LORD; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation.” (Isaiah 25:9)

Witnessing Stories

They didn’t know

“Why did Jesus come to be born as a baby?” my friend Annie and I asked two other girls at the mall. They thought and thought. They threw out a few ideas, but they didn’t really know.

Before giving a complete answer, we switched gears and began to talk about sin, God’s justice, and our need for a perfect substitute – Jesus.

“No one can kill God, so God had to put Himself into a body that could die. But in order to die he had to first be born,” I emphasized to the girls.

“Ah…I see!” one of the girls said, smiling as it clicked.

The thrill of watching an unbeliever have an “ah ha” moment as she comprehends a truth about the gospel makes me think about what a privilege it is to witness. Because Annie and I had let them wrestle with the question for a while, they absorbed the answer when we finally told them.

There are two days left until Christmas. Many of us will still be out and about shopping and interacting with people. Let’s not forget how many people genuinely don’t know why Jesus came, and let’s pray for opportunities to make it known!

Pictured above are Annie, Augusta, Sarah and Xin Hui. Xin Hui, from Malaysia, has been part of our church for the last couple years but left on Monday morning. Sarah and I enjoyed spending some time with her last Saturday (part of which included the witnessing at the mall). We are going to be missing you, Xin Hui!

Merry Christmas everyone!

“For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him…” (Col 2:9-10)

Bright Lights Local Group/Witnessing Stories

You May Be Surprised

If you have never Christmas caroled before, you may be surprised at how much some people are touched by it. We took our Bright Lights group caroling the other night, and I was reminded of what an impact it can make. Many stand outside the door, trying to savor the moment, thoroughly enjoying the old carols.

After we sing, we greet them, ask for a favorite, explain who we are, and leave them with some cookies and a book that explains the Biblical meaning of Christmas.

Many of the carols themselves have great gospel words: “Hark! The herald angels sing, Glory to the newborn King; Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!

While we were caroling, a passage popped into my head. I had been reading it the previous day. “O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works.” (Psalm 105:1-2)

Amazing. We get to praise the Lord in song, in front of the on looking world, (well, house by house) and thus proclaim both the gospel and our delight in it! What a privilege.

“Are you carolers?!” the elderly couple in this vehicle asked as they rolled down the window.
“Yes, would you like us to sing something for you?”
“Would you??” they asked eagerly.
The lady explained how she used to carol around this very neighborhood as a girl.

Then we came back for hot chocolate and our normal Bright Lights lesson time and activities.

Nickie shared with the younger girls about our response to Christ, emphasizing how we need to be committed disciples.

Simultaneously, Sarah was sharing with the older girls upstairs. We are beginning a six week “winter discipleship” study in which we are going to be keeping each other accountable to be seeking Jesus more diligently.

The joy of fellowship with sisters in Christ…
Pictured above are Amanda, Annie, and Hannah

“But will God indeed dwell on the earth? behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house that I have builded?” (1 Kings 8:27)


Birthday Party In a Bus

Last weekend we suprised Chelsy Bontrager for her birthday. Her sister, Allison, did a fabulous job planning the whole event and Chelsy was completely surprised. We spent most of the time in their bus. (Their family has a really neat singing ministry and are “on tour” about a third of the year.)

Allison treated all of us to lots of great snacks…coffee drinks, biscotti, chocolate…

Most of us haven’t seen each other since the last Bright Lights conference trip, but we always pick up right where we left off. Encouraging fellowship with like-minded girls is special. Although most of us live hours apart, we’ve grown close through doing ministry together. (When you think about it, that’s really one of the best ways to become closer as brothers and sisters in Christ.)

The girls helped me by “rating” the cartoons my dad has drawn so far for my book and giving suggestions. [smile] Pictured above are Lilly and Allison.

Before the girls from out of town headed home, we had them over to our house for lunch after church.


Eschatology and Evangelism

My dad played this clip as an introduction to the sermon he gave at church yesterday.
We have been studying eschatology (end time prophecy) recently, and my dad’s sermon was on “eschatology and evangelism.” Here were some of the points from his sermon:

We are in a time like no other. Israel is back in the land. Satan wants to control the world and the political, economic and moral stage is being set to make conditions right for the Antichrist.
As the coming of the Lord draws near,what does the Lord want us to be doing?

• Be Aware – we can’t know the day or hour, but we can know the general prophetic timetable and understand current events.

• Be Ready – that means be saved.

• Guard you heart – identify Satan’s lies in society, contend for the faith, stay in the Word, maintain a clear conscience, and abound in ministry.

• Keep gathering with other believers – “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:25) True fellowship isn’t just being together but working together.

• Make Christ known – there are two thrones in Scripture that are important to understand. People must come to the “throne of grace” (Hebrews 4:16) now to avoid standing at the “great white throne” (judgment of unbelievers) later. (Revelation 20:11-15)

• Be excited about the future that God has prepared for us – it can’t be destroyed or defiled. It is kept by God’s power to be revealed later.

How is the study of eschatology helpful?
• It motivates us to proclaim the gospel because the time is short
• It gives us confidence and boldness because we see God’s mighty hand in fulfilled prophecy, both past and present
• It gives content to our message. We can explain all the ways God has fulfilled prophecy down to minute details, and we can point ahead–knowing that He is continuing to fulfil prophecy.
• It opens doors for conversation because people are interested in end times.

Heart of the matter: the gospel needs to be proclaimed, and there is urgency–so let’s not get distracted.

“Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation…” (2 Peter 3:13-15) [emphasis added]

Family News/Miscellaneous

What A Night!

Two nights ago, we saw many answers to prayer in regard to our church’s Thanksgiving dinner outreach. We had about sixteen International students join us! Students at this table were from Malaysia and Taiwan.

Students at this table came from Germany, France, Spain and Sweden.

After the meal we had special music, singing, a slideshow of pictures and Mr. Woodhouse gave a terrific message about the founding of our nation — with a very clear gospel presentation.

“Most young people in Europe don’t really care about religion,” the European students told me over dinner, explaining how empty the large church buildings are on Sunday mornings. I acknowledged I had heard similar reports.

“I think one reason for that is evolutionary teaching,” I told them, “Because if people believe that they evolved, and science has disproven the Bible, how can they really believe it?”

“I was taught evolution, but I don’t see a contradiction between evolution and the Bible,” one of them said. “I just take the beginning of Genesis metaphorically.”

I explained how many Christians who are also scientists teach how the Bible and science are consistent. I told them how we run a bookstore in town that carries about 350 titles of these kind of books. (Books on creation science in every area of science and on every level, from first grade to PhD.), explaining that “We (Creationists) look at the same evidence as evolutionists do, but come to different conclusions because we start with different presuppositions. For example, we believe Noah’s flood explains a lot of things — like canyons. People who believe the earth is millions of years old believe that canyons formed over long periods of time. But we believe they happened quickly by the huge amount of water during the flood.”

The surprised, skeptical look on his face told me these were sort of new and different ideas to him, yet he seemed intrigued that I held this view.

“So you really take the whole Bible literally?” he asked.

“Yeah!” I said.

“I’ve heard that there were people like you in America but I’ve never met one,” he replied.


“So…how old is the earth?” he asked.

I laughed, anticipating his reaction to my answer. “About six thousand years,” I said.

Understandably, this was somewhat surprising for him.

I didn’t really want to talk about origins the whole time, so I stressed the importance of the gospel (the cross and resurrection) but I asked, “How can one believe the end of the Bible if they can’t believe the beginning?”

“Yeah, I’ve wondered that before,” he said, “Like about the contradictions in Scripture.”

I mentioned how it’s true that people claim there are contradictions, but I’ve never been shown a contradiction that was a true contradiction. They always have answers and explanations.

Though it was obvious these comments were all new to him, he was nice and he definitely seemed like a thinker.

Some friends and I met these girls from Vietnam while talking with students on their campus a few weeks ago. I was then able to attend a presentation on Vietnam they taught last week — and then they came to the Thanksgiving dinner.

If you still have room at your Thanksgiving dinner in your home or at your church, consider inviting some international students. They are grateful for the opportunity to learn about American culture while they are here, and Thanksgiving is a perfect open door for this. (Christmas is too!)

We were able to have an e-mail invite sent to all the international students at our local college, and I assume something similar could be done at any college. Even though many of the students had never met us before, they seemed eager to come and expressed how much they enjoyed the evening.


Sunday School Adventure

“Do you want to teach the preschool Sunday School class tomorrow?” Stephen asked me.

It was Saturday night after our last Bright Lights conference in Minneapolis. The people who normally teach the preschool class at Straightgate (the church at which we held the conference) were sick and a fill-in was needed.

“Sure,” I said. I was thinking, Preschool class? That shouldn’t be too difficult. I was imagining four or five kids.

I figured that I should get a little more information, so I went to talk with Eric from the church.
“How many kids do you normally have?” I asked.
“About thirty,” he replied. He went on to explain that they were usually very wild.

I had forgotten — This wasn’t a normal church. This church had a huge bus ministry. These were inner-city preschoolers.

“How long does the class last?” I asked. I was thinking maybe 45 minutes, but I learned that they meet from 9:30 all the way to 11:00.

Three other Bright Lights leaders from our team also came to help, and some people from the church were helping as well. Although we were a little apprehensive at first, we had a WONDERFUL time with those kids. It was one of the highlights of the trip for me.

Chelsea with the kids.

Amanda leading songs

We couldn’t get over how cute the kids were.

Snack time!

The kids certainly had no lack of personality! [smile] Actually, these preschoolers are only a fraction of the inner city kids that come to church every week.

There were many classes meeting in different rooms…here was one class meeting downstairs.

Straightgate is an amazing church. They have about 200 bus kids and basically everyone in the church is a Sunday School teacher or is working with the bus ministry in some way! What an example of a body being used and reaching out.


Why I Haven’t Been Posting!

…I’ve been working on a book on witnessing. It should be done in spring of 2012. It is going to be a compilation of stories and ideas to encourage Bright Lights girls (and our generation in general) to be bold with the gospel.

I’d really appreciate prayer. I really want this to be God’s message, not my own ideas. We also have a lot of decisions to make regarding cover, title, cartoon ideas, what content to “cut”, you get the idea.

Radiant Purity Conferences/Strong in the Lord Conf.

Bright Lights Conferences in Minneapolis

Last week was an exciting week of conferences at Straitgate Church in Minneapolis. We really appreciated being able to use this beautiful facility and enjoyed working with the great people at the church.

But the conference was not without difficulties! Difficulties are good, though. They cause us to pray more, and it builds our faith as we see the Lord work things out for good!

A few days before the conference my dad and brother became aware that the church was located in a dangerous part of Minneapolis. (This picture is of the church’s fenced-in parking lot.) When Stephen looked up the crime record in the area he became quite concerned, and he said that if he had known he’s not sure he would have agreed to do the conference there. Dad and Stephen are very protective, and they didn’t want to be responsible for any problems while 400 moms and daughters came to this area of town.

My dad felt that the principle found in Deut 22:8 applied in this situation, and he wanted to take whatever precautions we could. First, we sent out an e-mail to everyone registered, asking them to park in the lot (not on the street), not leave valuables in car, carpool if possible, and other things like that.

Here we are dividing up phone numbers among the leaders who were helping us set up on Monday. We checked and saw that about 80 attendees hadn’t opened the e-mail about security precautions. So we decided to make contact another way…i.e. lots of phone calls!

We also hired a policeman. He was really nice!

And we were very grateful for the help of a group of young men (especially the Watson brothers) who directed parking, escorted the moms and girls, and patrolled the area. Even though there were some other interesting people around in the neighborhood, the presence of our team of young men, our new officer friend, and of course God’s hand of protection made everything safe even when it was at 9pm when we dismissed.

Dad dismissing the audience and giving directions

It seemed like there were a lot more dads there than usual. We thought this was great, because we LOVE it when dads come. We think it’s beneficial for them to hear what their wives and daughters are learning. My dad also leads the small group time with the men and they seem to always have great discussions.

We had such a great group of attendees.

Our friend Mindy Caron (right) and the group she brought to the Radiant Purity Conference from northern Minnesota. At the Radiant Purity conference she told the encouraging story of how God brought her and her husband Ben together.


Josie Morris, Ruth Watson, Mrs. Watson, and Mrs. Kramer in the kitchen. They worked really hard and made it very special…even making homemade applesauce and other homemade snacks.

After each conference we always have a cool down time to share stories over dinner. While I was taking this picture, Laurie (in green) was sharing about one 8-year-old girl in her small group (who was from the neighborhood and part of the church’s bus ministry) who contemplatively asked, “So you are saying that when my brother does something mean I am supposed to do something nice to him in return?” It’s really encouraging to see the lessons “click” with the girls.

Our group of leaders

We had a fantastic place to sleep. Mrs. Issac opened her home to all of us–with lots of loving care besides. Thank you again, Issac family! Here we are on having a special “singing” time together with the Bright Lights group that regularly meets in their home.

There are some *interesting* parts of living with so many other girls in a basement for a week. It’s fun, but you also learn things like:
-how to get completely ready in the morning without even stepping in a bathroom
-how to fall asleep with earphones in and the lights on
-how to turn the water on and off during your shower to reserve water, while also making your shower really fast!
-How to take showers at odd times…like Stephen, who had to take showers at 3:30am! (He and my parents were sleeping on the top level while the rest of us had the basement.)

BUT, these things are all an improvement from icy cold showers (we still love you, our Wisconsin friends, though! 🙂 And we’d still come back if you invited us! haha ) and it’s better than traveling to other houses for showers (although there are some blessings in that too!)

We thought this sign in one of the bathrooms of the Issac’s house (where we stayed) was especially appropriate!

There are many little practical things we learn after living for a good portion of the summer with LOTS of other sisters. We have finally learned a big secret that makes mornings much more pleasant: no one is allowed to set their alarm clock on their cell phone. Instead, someone individually wakes people up at the time they request to be woken up. (They even made me turn off mine which is really cool and sounds like a tropical jungle! 🙁 ) Otherwise, we just have way too many weird sounding noises going off in the morning…(i.e. a rooster, a frog, annoying bells, praise songs, you get the idea.) And SOME PEOPLE (okay, myself included) don’t even wake up to their own alarm clock half the time even though most everybody else does.

Ah…fun memories.

Well, to everyone who prayed for us: THANK YOU. There are so many more stories that I don’t have time or space to record. We are so privileged to serve the King of the Universe who has good plans, good lessons for us to learn, and who provides for us just what we need for what lays in our path.

“Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts.” Psalm 145:3-4