Category: Videos

Announcements/Videos/Witnessing Stories

Evidence for the Resurrection Video

Evidence for the Resurrection Gospel Tract from Tomorrow's Forefathers, Inc. on Vimeo.

I was vividly reminded a couple weeks ago that when GOD is coordinating encounters, we can move forward with courage and excitement. I pray the story on this brief video encourages some of you to use these three questions that lead into gospel conversations.

Remember, for the next two weeks people will be focused on the resurrection of Jesus more than any other time of the year. Talk about OPPORTUNITY!

To read our gospel tract on “Evidence for the Resurrection,” click here.

England/Videos/Witnessing Stories

Sharing the Gospel at the Mayflower Steps

20140812_070730_29275 We had the privilege in August to go to the location where the Pilgrims boarded the Mayflower in Plymouth, England.

20140812_070724_29274 It was an interesting feeling to be there and think about what must have been going through the Pilgrims minds when they took off.

20140812_101705_29313 This was the last phrase of a plaque put up as a memorial to the Pilgrims overlooking the steps.

While we were there, we decided to see if we could get into a few conversations with people about the gospel. We knew we a great starting place – we could ask them about their perspective on the Pilgrims!

Both of the encounters on the video below ended up being great conversations (most of which happened after we turned off the camera!) I thought I’d put a few bits and pieces from the conversations here for Thanksgiving! I’m sorry it’s a little choppy and windy!

I received an e-mail from this man later, saying he enjoyed the conversation. Please join me in praying that the Lord raises up laborers unto the [very needy] harvest in England. I believe many are interested in conversing about the true message of the Bible, and very few are sharing it.

Videos/Witnessing Stories

Five minute NEA Gospel Outreach Report Video

We’ve had another fantastic day in England and I’m looking forward to blogging about it later when I have time. In the meantime, I wanted to share the latest video that Nickie and I put together about the witnessing outreach at the NEA last month.

Nickie and I always feel sharpened after returning from the outreach at the NEA Convention. We learn a lot from listening in on the witnessing conversations of those who’ve had more witnessing experience than we have!

We’re excited to now give you a little taste of what the Lord did last month in Denver. This 5 minute video has witnessing footage from the booth as well as reflections and tips from team members.

You can also see a really exciting story from the NEA recently posted on Ken Ham’s blog here.

Miscellaneous/Videos/Witnessing Stories

The Bible is Not Like the Telephone Game

During the recent debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye, Mr. Nye said that the Bible is like the game of telephone (meaning that it has been distorted over the years).

Since unbelievers say this so frequently, it’s important that we have a good answer! Our prayer is that this 4 1/2 minute video will help young people answer this argument with more clarity and confidence.

“But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:14-16

Family News/Mexico/Miscellaneous/Videos/Witnessing Stories

Mexico Call

I’ll admit, I didn’t think or pray often for Mexico … until I went there last month.

Of course, I knew there were needs there (as everywhere), but I didn’t have a special interest in the country, and I honestly didn’t know that much about it!

I was very surprised by what I learned while I was there. We had many conversations with young people who grew up as missionary kids, and they explained both the vast needs and open doors in Mexico.

Burdened by what we were learning, Nickie and I decided to put together this short video. We went to them and said, “You know what you told us about such and such? Could you say that once more for our camera?”

May the Lord cause us to lose interest in all that doesn’t matter, and enable us to put our thoughts, energy and prayers into the primary work He has entrusted to every believer—proclaiming the gospel to this dying world. The time is short!

“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.'”(Mark 16:15)

Videos/Witnessing Stories

Excitement of Last Sunday

An estimated 10,000+ people gathered downtown to watch the St Patrick’s parade. Simultaneously, about thirty believers — ages four to sixty-five — gathered to share the gospel with the crowds!

It was freezing out, and even with all of our layers we were still COLD! But it was worth it. [smile]

Here’s a little glimpse of what happened.

A highlight for me was seeing the enthusiasm in the younger ones. It makes an impact to be a part of multiple witnessing conversations and realize how many people simply don’t know the gospel! But they were encouraged by how interested people were, and they saw that the Lord was able to use them at their young age. Now they are excited to come witnessing again next time.

Thank you to everyone at our church who helped fold tracts, and to Stephen and Andrew who captured all the video footage. Also thank you to Stephen who put this clip together.

Your God has commanded your strength; Show Yourself strong, O God, who have acted on our behalf (Psalm 68:28).

“I am ready [to give] even my life without hesitation; and most willingly for His name. And I choose to devote it to him even unto death, if God grant it to me.” – St Patrick