My Dad wrote a Christmas poem this year. He read it to us last night.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Harold’s Herald
“Merry Christmas” is everyone’s word,
As they hurry on to shop.
“Happy New Year” is also heard,
Without even time to stop
“Get in the spirit,” some of them say,
“Bah Humbug,” you hear from others.
Christmas is coming, it’s almost the day
To give presents to sisters and brothers.
But as each December flies swiftly away
With shopping, and cookies, and singing,
The ads and the stories and songs do betray
The truth that the angels were bringing.
Shepherds replaced by stockings and toys.
No thought of Emmanuel.
Santa’s coming for girls and boys.
Of the Savior does no one tell.
Though stockings are hung on the mantel with care
And the halls are decked with holly.
Christmas morn seldom starts with prayer
And the hearts are decked with folly.
New songs of the season reflect Him no more,
Nor the tidings that angels did herald,
Nor of the “faithful who come Him to adore,”
So well proclaimed in old carols.
In the sky it’s a sleigh and no longer a star;
The Savior displaced by Saint Nick.
It is reindeer not wisemen that come from afar.
Politically correct does the trick.
Snowmen are nice on a white yuletide day,
And the merriness people have wished us.
But for most of the world, if the truth we did weigh,
The Grinch really has stolen Christmas.
This concept people don’t even remember—
The event called the incarnation.
They simply delight in the festive December
And join in their false celebration.
Christmas used to be a wonderful time
To retell to the world the glad tidings
Of the great plan of God, in both décor and rhyme,
That his Son was with us abiding.
And still to this day we see houses alight,
With electrical technical glare.
But true joy from new life and escape from sins plight?
Of this they seem unaware.
Our country avoids the true Biblical story,
Just pretending it to proclaim;
All to sell some inventory,
Hoping wise men today won’t complain.
Our stores and people, in sales delight,
But from the one whom “this day is born”
They seem to shy away in fright,
And with alternate decor adorn.
What happened to Bethlehem and “no room in the inn?”
To the “Word made flesh and dwelt among us?”
What happened to Jesus who shall save us from sin?
And “Glory to God in the Highest?”
To many it’s just Happy Holidays,
No need to know the reason;
Just have fun with snowmen and sleighs
And the festivities of the season.
Lest money be lost from people offended,
Lest God be given glory.
Lest “politically correct” be unwillingly suspended
By telling the real Christmas story.
The point is missed by so many these days
It’s not a mere memory of birth;
But rather a time to welcome with praise
The coming of God to the earth
This is a concept the world does despise,
Though, they like the gifts and next sale.
Satisfied they are with their compromise
As long as the truth they can veil.
But why sing of mistletoe, snowmen and toys
Let the Wonder of history be heard!
What an insult to God when the world employs
Fantasy instead of God’s Word.
– Harold Mally