Author: Grace Mally

Bright Lights Local Group

Bright Lights


Last night at Bright Lights Sarah taught the younger girls downstairs on “truthfulness” while the older girls watched a video upstairs called “Why I choose to believe the Bible”. It refuted many of the common modern arguments regarding the reliability and trustworthiness of Scripture. We all enjoyed it a lot.


For our activity last night, we divided into teams and had each team nominate a candidate to run for the pretend role of “chef for the year”. Then we all listened and laughed as each candidate gave a speech on why everyone should vote for them. Many of the tactics they tried to use sounded pretty familiar to the presidential candidates we’ve been listening to recently… 🙂 We tallied up the votes and announced the winners by percentages at the end of the night.

Witnessing Stories

Two Girls I Met at Panera Bread

I have a new favorite question to use when sharing with someone about Jesus. Here is how I found it.
I was filling my little glass with water at Panera the other day when I noticed a girl behind me in line. Her multiple piercings made me feel compassion for her. I said, “hi”.
She said, “hi”.
I asked, “So…are you enjoying your Christmas break?”
“Yeah…” she said, “I’m just hanging out with my friend and we decided to come here”.
“That’s nice. This is a good place to come,” I responded.
She sat down with her friend and I sat down with my family.

After a few minutes I grabbed my notebook from my purse and went over to their table.
“Hello again,” I said, “I don’t want to interrupt or disturb you guys but I’m doing a little survey and I was wondering if you would be willing to take it?”
“Sure” they responded happily.
I sat down with them and said “I don’t normally do this at restaurants but I thought you wouldn’t mind.”
They smiled.
I said, “The first question is ‘Do you consider yourself to be a good person?’”
They answered, “Yes”.
“Alright,” I said, “Question two is: ‘How many of the 10 Commandments can you name?’”
They got about 5 of them and I told them the rest.
“If God judged you by the 10 Commandments would you be innocent or guilty?” I asked.
“Guilty” they replied with no hesitation.
“So” I continued, “if you died today and stood before God, do you think he would let you into heaven?”
“Uh…no…probably not….well… maybe…yeah…I think so…because I try to be good.”
“Ok” I said, “well does it concern you that there’s a possibility God might not let you into Heaven?”
“Yeah, it concerns me a little I guess.”
“There is a way to be completely sure you are going to Heaven” I responded, hoping they would ask what it was. They didn’t act interested.
I was tempted to just make a little speech about the gospel and then leave but I remembered a quote I really like by Mark Cahill: “Sharing the gospel should be a conversation not a presentation.” So, I decided to ask another question. I wasn’t quite sure what to ask, but then it came to me.
I said, “Let me ask one more question: Who do you think Jesus Christ was?” (I should have said “is”. I don’t know why I said “was”.)
“Uh… God’s Son??? Some great person who lived along time ago? That’s about all I know. I’m not really religious,” one of them answered.
“Ok, well, you know that he died on the cross—” I continued.
“Yeah, we know that.”
“Most people in America do,” I said, “But most people don’t really understand why. He died for our sin so that we could go to Heaven. He was the last person that deserved to die because he was perfect but He did it for us.”
They didn’t quite know what to say. Since they were eating lunch and I didn’t want to take more of their time I left but gave them each a little red pamphlet called, “The Credentials of Jesus Christ”, (written by my dad). I told them that it was something our family had put together and that we’ve handed out a lot of them this Christmas.
They began flipping through it and I went back to my table.

After sharing the story and asking for prayer for them at our church’s Wednesday night prayer meeting, I was reminded by my grandma that even if a conversation seems “unsuccessful”, it may have made more impact then we think. I also learned from that conversation that the question, “Who do you think Jesus Christ is?” is an excellent question to use if you want to get into a good conversation with someone. It leads right to the core of the gospel! I decided that I like it better then the question, “Would you like to know how to be sure you are going to Heaven?” because the question doesn’t point at them, it points at Jesus, the Savior. I’d encourage you to ask that question to someone this week! And don’t forget to share with people not only about the purpose of His death, but also that he is the only one who ever rose from the dead. Because of this fact, we see that Jesus is more than a leader; He’s a Savior. No other religion has a savior, they just have leaders – and they are all dead. Buda, Mohammad, Joseph Smith, etc. are dead. Jesus is alive!

Family News

Stephen Travels with Governor Huckabee

Stephen has been traveling with Gov. Mike Huckabee this past week shooting pictures for Icon, an online wire service that he works for. It’s exciting to hear the “inside scoop” from Stephen about what’s going on. He has been traveling on the media bus and today he flew a couple times on the media plane. I was just talking to him on the phone and he was telling me about how they let him and the other media into Huckabee’s bus (called the Huck-a-bus) this morning where Huckabee was watching the bowl game with his wife and 3 dogs who travel with them.

The black dog in the front is Jet. The one in his lap is Toby. The one you can kind of see on Mrs Huckabees’s lap is Sonic (named after her favorite restaurant). They always travel with their 3 dogs. 🙂


Above: Three pictures I borrowed from Stephen
Below: A few pictures from today when we went to hear Huckabee

We went to hear Huckabee speak this afternoon partly to hear Huckabee and partly to see Stephen. I thought they both did a pretty good job. 🙂

We were suprised to see a picture of Stephen standing with his camera behind Huckabee on the New York Times blog the other day. Check this out…click here.

Family News


It felt so good to “all be together again” when I came home for Christmas!

Spending Christmas Eve with my mom’s brother and his family

Creation Museum/Family News

Volunteering at the Answers in Genesis Museum

The reason I haven’t updated this blog in a while is because I’ve been away this December volunteering at the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum. It felt like I was living in a different world but I loved it. Some of the highlights were getting to know many of the staff who work there (they were very warm, friendly, fun, and enthusiastic about the ministry), visiting with guests, and learning more about how the museum operates. I was so excited about this oportunity. It’s awesome how the Lord gives us surprises and variety along our path as we serve Him.

Here I am feeding the Chameleon. Can you see him?


Family News

Lots of Ice


About a half hour ago, Stephen and I were working on our computers when we heard a loud crack and discovered this broken branch…just one of the many fallen branches in our yard this morning. We had a pretty severe ice storm last night!


Ice covering every twig like this gets pretty heavy!


Bright Lights Local Group/Christmas Ministry Ideas

Bright Lights Caroling


Last night at Bright Lights we went Christmas Caroling around the neighborhood. The girls in my small group did such a good job. In fact, they wanted to run so we could reach more houses. 🙂


After caroling and then warming up with hot chocolate, Sarah taught on submission. The point that stood out to me the most was this: Often we as young ladies have a wrong perception of submission. We may think of it as a stuggle and burden, but really submission is the very thing that gives us beauty. We should delight in it!
“For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful. They were submissive to their own husbands” 1 Peter 3:5


Announcing a Prayer Caucus

Typical Iowa Landscapes…

Our family lives in Iowa. Ever heard of that state before? 🙂
Below is an e-mail our family sent out yesterday. If you live nearby, I hope you can make it! If you don’t, let me suggest setting up something similar in your community.

Dear Friends,

As you know, Iowa is a pretty exciting place to live these days with the 2008 caucus right around the corner. I’m sure many of you have the same questions our family has had. What should our involvement be? As Christians, what is the best way to influence this nation? What is the most effective way we can use our time? The whole country is looking at Iowa right now. How does God want us to use this opportunity that we have?

Well, we’re not sure we have the answers to all those questions. But we do know that the most powerful way we can be involved is by prayer. I assume that all of us have been in prayer individually for our country and for the upcoming elections, but we would like to schedule a collective time of prayer for this nation and the upcoming caucus and election.

We’d like to invite all of you to join us for a special prayer meeting on Tuesday, December 18th.

Time: 7:00
Place: Cedar Rapids Bible Chapel
Plan for the Evening: This is not a political event or a church service for preaching or worship. Due to the time of year, however, we will plan to enjoy singing some Christmas carols together. Feel free to bring some Christmas cookies to share if you would like. We will supply punch, coffee, and tea.

It would be wonderful to have as many fathers present as possible and at least a couple representatives from as many churches as possible. We would especially ask for many of the shepherds of the Body of Christ in our area to be present also. No one will be asked to pray aloud but there will be that opportunity for those who want to.

Our Prayer Focus:
Thanksgiving for God’s blessing to our land and our families
Confession to the Lord of the sins of our land
Petition for His protection, provision, direction, and blessing

Day of Fasting: Our family would also like to suggest Thursday, December 20th as a day of prayer and fasting for this country.

“For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.” (Psalm 75:6-7)

Feel free to forward this e-mail to others or to invite friends to join us for this special meeting for prayer.

I’ve also include an attachment entitled “a different kind of caucus” explaining some of the thoughts behind our prayer meeting.

May God bless each of your families this Christmas season!

For His Glory,

The Mally Family


A Thought-Provoking Artical from My Dad:

As Christians we have been wondering for many years how to best keep America strong for the Lord. Without question God DID bless America in the past but is He blessing America now and will He in the future. Is “In God We Trust” a true statement? Certainly we as Christians do not put our trust in politics but in the gospel. Though America is not the equivalent of the Kingdom of God, nevertheless God wants every nation to glorify Him. It is good when we can live in peace and not have our land plagued with evil things. Of course there will always be enemies but when any people humble themselves before the Lord He is able to heal their land. And He must do it because man cannot do it on human effort or human wisdom or all the dollars in the world.

Therefore, as Christians living in Iowa, knowing that Iowa plays an interesting and unique role in American presidential politics, and knowing that Linn County is a major and influential population center of this state, we encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ to petition the Lord, at what may be an unusual point and pivotal point in U.S. history. It is possible that what happens in the next month in Iowa will have a dramatic effect on the future of this nation. It is possible that what happens in Linn County alone could affect the state, the country and the world. But it will not be due to politics. It will be due to the hand of God alone responding to the humility of His people.

We invite you to come and pray. Perhaps it could be called a “prayer caucus”. It will not be to choose a candidate but to pray for God’s blessing on this land as the selection process of candidates begins. We desire for God to bring into leadership men who are faithful to him. Men who lead by conviction rather than follow by polls. Men who know the truth rather than who are victims of deception and misconception. Men who decide issues by foundational beliefs rather than by majority opinion. Men who know that America will be healthy not because of fiscal strategy, party cooperation, foreign policy, oil, or education but only by God’s blessing.

How will we regain God’s blessing? Not by political victory but by the humility, confession, repentance, and petition of God’s people. Therefore a collective “prayer caucus” ought to precede the political process. Let us come together to collectively humble ourselves together before the Lord. Then we will wait and watch the hand of the Lord.