Last weekend, Nickie and I were in Washington DC … for a very unique purpose.
We were helping Answers in Genesis pass out 4,000 DVDs and hundreds of books to public school teachers across the nation. These were teachers who had gathered for the NEA (National Educators Association) Convention.
It was a high-energy, challenging, and very encouraging weekend!
If you look closely, you’ll see that a lot is happening: Dan Lietha (AIG’s Cartoonist) is drawing free caricatures while Dan Breeding is using his owl to teach about God’s creation. Others are passing out the DVDs and engaging in scientific and gospel conversations.
Yes… the booth received a lot of attention. Praise God!
Not everyone was very happy about what we stood for. This man was protesting by pacing back and forth in front of our booth with his sign until authorities forced him to leave.
While Dan Lietha drew caricatures, Nickie and I got to know the teachers standing in line. Some stood in line for over an hour, and we had the opportunity to share the gospel with many of them. And sometimes, James or Tony preached the gospel to all of them at once, as pictured above.
Nickie’s conversation with these three girls lasted over an hour. They were full of spiritual questions.
Dan’s monitor lizard received lots of attention.
While sight-seeing before and after the conference, we also had many unique opportunities to praise God for. [smile] One morning Nickie and I had an great conversation with the shuttle driver. (Shuttle is in the picture behind Nickie across the street). Sometimes it’s hard to know how to start conversations with shuttle drivers about the gospel. But this time, I decided to just come out and ask him a straight-forward question. Only have one chance, right?! [smile]
“I have a question for you,” I told him. “If you died today do you think you would go to Heaven?” I asked (or something close to that).
Although the man said he was Orthodox Christian, he wasn’t very confident in his beliefs, wanted answers, and then thanked us warmly, saying, “I learned something today!”
What a refreshing start to the morning!
Here was another neat encounter. As we walked by this bus driver who was waiting for his passengers to return, we handed him a tract about the 4th of July. Then, after walking another fifty yards, we decided we should go back and talk to him more. And we were really glad we did. Turns out he was a believer and wanted more of our tracts to give to his passengers!
What a gift from God to have the opportunity not just to visit DC, but to pass out thousands of DVDs and books that will be going into the homes of influential people all across the country. Please join us in praying that those resources change our country from the inside out – one life at a time!
For more pics and video clips of the action, see HERE.