Author: Grace Mally

Bright Lights Internship

Desktop Publishing Class

This week Stephen is teaching a “Desktop Publishing” course. He’s teaching the class primarily for our four Bright Lights interns (so they will be more capable and equipped to help with Bright Lights) but we also opened it to our community, and we ended up with a nice sized group of home school students.

Today (day one) everyone learned the nine steps of graphic design, the importance of drawing “thumbnails” before you start your project, the eleven design rules, how to organize text on a page, how to edit photos in Photoshop, and how to make grids and insert text and graphics into InDesign, and all about picas, points, CMYK, RGB, different types of files, and other basic information, etc.

The day was somewhat intense, especially for those who weren’t familiar with InDesign and Photoshop, but everyone did great! We are looking forward to a fun and stretching week!

( “…Help, Stephen! ……it’s not working…… ” )


Lincoln Day

Abraham Lincoln, February 9, 1864, Washington, D.C. Anthony Berger Photograph

As you may know, today many people are celebrating “Darwin Day” –Darwin’s 200 birthday. Coincidentally, today is also Abraham Lincoln’s 200 birthday. Who’s birth do you think we should celebrate — he who freed the slaves or he who degraded blacks by his racist writings?

In Darwin’s book The Descent of Man, he called those with dark skin “degraded,” and wrote that he would rather be descended from a monkey than such a “savage.” In contrast, Lincoln wrote that all men are created equal and should be treated equally before the law and God.

Bright Lights Internship

Internship “Orientation”

Yesterday was a full day! We started out with a time of sharing from the Word and prayer. We also heard some neat testimonies from the girls of how the Lord had worked in their lives to prepare them for this time – again confirming to us how the Lord brought just the perfect team for these 10 weeks.
Then Sarah shared with them the complete story of how the Lord provided the office into which we just moved. (I am planning to share this story on Grace Notes as well in coming weeks.)
Since yesterday was the first day for all of us to work in our new office, it was rather exciting, as can imagine. We still keep asking each other, “Where do we keep this?” “Where do we keep that?”


Here Nickie is explaning to the girls how to process “orders”. After we all practiced a few times I think we understand… 🙂
Nickie also trained the girls in knowledge of the Bright Lights material we ship out and explained to them the details of how it all works (i.e. the discount prices Bright Lights leaders get, etc.) how to package orders, and how to answer some of the most common e-mails that we receive.

Sarah also gave the girls a few projects to begin working on for Bright Lights this week. (Writing ideas for a Before You Meet Prince Charming Study Guide, helping to plan our next local Bright Lights meeting, etc.)

Late afternoon/evening the girls went grocery shopping. Some of the evenings they are planning to cook and eat on their own in the guest house, and some evenings they are planning to eat at our family’s house.

Bright Lights Internship

Internship Begins!

We are so excited. A new era is beginning! Karissa, Alexandra, Mary, and Hannah (left to right) are our first “official” Bright Lights interns. (Mary’s mom and brother also joined us for lunch).
We couldn’t have asked for a sweeter team!!

We had a very encouraging discussion at lunch today rehearsing how the Lord had worked in our lives, and their lives, preparing us so perfectly for this time.

The girls will be living at the “old Bright Lights office” (the house behind our family’s home) for the next 10 weeks and will be working with us in the new office. (Think how much more we’ll get done with four more people. 🙂 )

Seeing the Lord’s faithfulness in each little detail encourages us, and we can’t wait to see what He has planned for the future!

Bright Lights Local Group

Obedience in Every Area of Life…

Bekah May, a good friend who has been involved in Bright Lights for years, taught the lesson last Monday night. She covered lots of great topics including accepting the way God created you, saying “no” to the flesh and “yes” to the Spirit, nutrition, and developing a motivation to glorify God vs. pleasing others. She has an incredible testimony of how the Lord has changed her life in this area. Thanks, Bekah! We praise the Lord for you and the testimony of your life.

Fellowship and crafts during “small group time”

Bright Lights Office

Speedy Moving Day!




We couldn’t believe how fast everything was moved today — thanks to so many energetic friends who came to help!! We were suprised when we finished around 11:30am!



Here is the little desk Stephen was using when he rented a drawer to Sarah. (You may remember the story if you’ve read our book.) Today it went to a new home.

Bright Lights Office

Bright Lights Office Moving…..

The new Bright Lights office / ministry building is now finished and was approved by the city inspector last week! We are now in the process of moving!
Packing up the “old house” where the Bright Lights office has been….

Sarah and Nickie

This is only one of the 3 basement rooms. I can’t tell you how grateful we are to the Lord for SPACE! This room will be our packing orders / work room. The other rooms are for our warehouse and storage. Upstairs is office space. More pictures to come.

Today, Sarah, Stephen, and I (plus a few others who stopped by and helped – Tracy, Carlos and my grandpa) spent most of the day at the building organizing and cleaning, moving things around, consolidating, sorting, and preparing for our the big moving day we have planned for tomorrow. We finally finished late tonight and crashed at Pancheros. Yum.


Baby Rescue


Some of you may remember the story in our book (chapter 5, page 109) about when I got a fish hook stuck in my foot. Today we recieved the following e-mail:

Just wanted to share how your book helped us in a practical way today. I have been working through “Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends” with my kids….
…Our favorite part are the stories you all share to relate your lessons. Well, thanks to one such story we were able to avoid tragedy here in the George home today. My little ones were playing and fishing out back in the lake when I heard some crying and went to see what was happening. My 1 year old had a fishing hook stuck through his mouth. Literally like you would catch a fish. All the way through! Well, your story immediately came to mind and thanks to that I knew NOT to pull the hook out because there is a barb on the end of the hook. We called 911 and waited on the fire rescue who came and cut the ends of the hook off and then were able to slide the rest out. He is doing great and sleeping peacefully as I type. I have thanked the Lord repeatedly for His care and for bringing your story to mind.

-Mother from Miami

Also note:
We just learned that this family has a 9-year-old boy, CJ, who was diagnosed with cancer last September and is preparing to go into a heavy, 7-week treatment beginning one week from today. Please keep this family in your prayers! Click here to visit their blog.

Family News

Surprising Trust

Since my dad wasn’t feeling well last night, I got the job of cutting Stephen’s hair. I told him (as I was cutting) how I really had never done this before and wasn’t sure what I was doing.


Bible Reading Plan


I’ve been suprised and encouraged by how many people have told me they are doing the Bible reading plan! (And I’m optimistically assuming there are many more who haven’t told me.)

Just tonight I was talking with a friend of mine who told me of her little sister’s excitement about doing this Bible reading plan knowing that so many others are doing it too.

Here are a few responses I’ve received over e-mail:

“I am really enjoying the beginning of Genesis. Are you? As I have focused on only three to four chapters a day I have really picked up on a lot of interesting things! It is kind of cool to know someone who is reading in the same places you are!”

“The real reason that I’m writing…is to thank you for posting about reading through the Bible chronologically. I’ve decided to do it, too! I was just praying the other day and asking the Lord to give me ideas of what to do next in my Bible study time, and then I read your post. It was perfect timing. So, thanks.”

“…about reading the Bible. The holidays get pretty hectic. Anyway, I’m going to do it. It sounds like a lot of fun and I’ve always wanted to. I discussed it with my mom and she’s going to do it with me!”

“I was actually searching and searching for a chronological Bible reading plan this whole month and I couldnt find one just written out! That is perfectO, and I will definitely be reading with it, along with one or 2 other girls from my church. Thanks a lot!!”

“I’m trying the chronological Bible plan you and Sarah mentioned (on your blog and in the BL update letter) this year! My quiet time verse for this morning was Job 16:20-21 (“My intercessor is my friend as my eyes pour out tears to God; on behalf of a man he pleads with God as a man pleads for his friend.” ) I like to think of Jesus being my friend – sometimes life can feel a bit lonely. And I like the thought that Jesus intercedes for me before God. When I pray for others I should have the same attitude of mercy, rather than a condemning and complaining attitude….Thanks for passing on the plan! It’s going to be neat to see how the order goes.” =)