At Bright Lights on Monday night, two leaders in our group shared with the girls about how the Lord had been working in their lives… Elyssa shared her courtship and engagement story and Amy shared about her recent missions trip to Peru. Both of their stories were very exciting and the girls seemed to really enjoy it. Both Elyssa and Amy stressed to the girls the importance of preparing and seeking the Lord at home.

Dear Miss Grace,
What a delightful surprise to discover your blog! My mom is currently leading our Sunday school class using the Bright Lights material. Your sister’s book “Before You Meet Prince Charming” has impacted my life and the lives of some of my friends in a mighty way!
Blessings in Him!
P.S. Does your family have newsletter telling what homeschool conferences you will be speaking at? We would love to come hear you speak!
Dear Katie,
You can see our speaking schedule at:
It’s great to hear your mom has been teaching the BL material in your Sunday school class, and that the Lord has used “Before You Meet Prince Charming” in your life. Praise God! It’s exciting to hear reports like that.
May He continue to bless you as you seek Him wholeheartedly!
Thanks again for the opportunity to share! I love telling what God did, and how He showed Himself strong so many times during the trip.