20140628_082243_27136 This morning we had a wonderful time sharing the gospel at the Freedom Festival parade here in Cedar Rapids. We had a team of twenty-three (pictured above)! We’re very happy about some new friends who’ve joined the team!

20140628_083404_27146 We divided into small groups to pray

20140628_084322_27151 Because of all the action going on downtown, there were plenty of people to talk to!

20140628_102952_27155 After about an hour and a half, we came back to share how things went. Here Rose is sharing about a really encouraging conversation she had.

20140628_103132_27158 There were several such stories and it was an energizing time of hearing how the Lord worked.

I wish I could remember more details from the stories shared. Many people were very open, receptive, and grateful for the conversations we had with them.

After I discussed the problem of our sin with with three high school kids, I asked something like, “So what’s the answer to have peace with God?”
“Well, you have to get saved,” one girl responded.
“Who saves you?” I asked.
“The preacher, right?” she said. “Don’t you get baptized or something?”
“No…” I began
“Don’t you kind of have to save yourself?” another kid asked.
“No….” I continued to explain about God’s justice and the message of the cross.
“This has been really interesting,” one of the boys told me after we’d been talking for a while. Praise God for their attentiveness and receptiveness!

More fellowship at Chick fil A. We’re so blessed to have brothers and sisters in Christ with whom we can “stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel” (Philippians 1:27).

1 comment

  1. How encouraging! I am hoping to do the same at a Parade near here, as well. Thanks for sharing!!

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