Looking back on 2022, one of the highlights was celebrating my parents’ 50th anniversary! We rented a cabin for a few days back in April to celebrate. My dad decided that they would celebrate their 50th for a year starting with 49 and he made custom polo shirts that say “49ers going for the gold.” They wore them all year.
We appreciate my parents’ example of keeping their romance alive after 50 years!
They frequently go on romantic dates and get-aways, and my dad has a whole collection of love songs he has recently written to my mom. He sings them to her at night before bed, I hear. We think he does pretty well for only knowing a handful of chords on his guitar.
They tell us that being empty nesters isn’t so bad!

My mom often exclaims that it’s a miracle what God has done in their marriage. They are quick to share about the rough spots and friction they’ve had in the past and how, with lots of prayer and growth, their marriage has become increasingly close as the years have gone by. Happy 50th, Mom and Dad!

Congratulations! 🎉