
Single Ladies Retreat

BDM Single Ladies Retreat 2013 Brochure for Email - Smaller-1

Our friends, Mirren and Taryn Martin, are running a retreat at the end of July. Sarah and I and some other Bright Lights leaders are planning to be there and I am SURE that it will be a very spiritually rich and encouraging time. This has been on their heart for a long time, and one of their desires is to give single ladies vision and enthusiasm for ministry.

This is their description of the conference:

“Our prayer is that you will leave this retreat encouraged, challenged, and more spiritually fulfilled in your specific season of singleness, as well as inspired with new ways to serve Jesus Christ. Whether you are in a “dry” season and feel discouraged or depressed, or in a season of acceptance and joy, the purpose of this retreat is to provide teaching and fellowship that will bless your heart, leaving you more conformed to Jesus Christ and more excited about His plan for your life (Jer. 29:11).”

If you know any single ladies who would be encouraged by this, please spread the word! See flyer with more information here.


  1. Grace,
    We actually met Taryn and Mirren yesterday in person and they are the sweetest young ladies. I know this retreat will encourage many. Thank you all for your labor of love for Jesus Christ, blessing other girls and encouraging them to seek Him diligently. Looking forward to a report of the conference. Philippians 4:20

  2. That conference sounds so amazing. Have you ever thought of doing a Bright Lights Conference in Colorado? I have a group, and know several girls who I think would be very interested in going to a conference. Just thought I would ask:)

    Hoping your day is marked by the love of Jesus!

    In Joy,

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