Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends Case – NOT FOR RESALE


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Brothers and sisters are among the most important people in life! Yet often they are also the most trouble. Many siblings fight, argue and miss out on the close relationship that God intends. The problem is not just the surface battles but the underlying attitudes, wrong concepts and offenses. Many broken relationships never get fixed. Few enjoy the special life-long treasure that God intended.

The emphasis of this book is not merely “getting along” with your brothers and sisters, but making them your best friends. Every chapter of the book has a section written by Sarah, Stephen, and Grace, giving the book three perspectives and three personalities. It includes many personal stories, lots of humor, cartoons, practical ideas, and helpful insights. We encourage entire families to read it aloud together.

“This painfully honest, hilarious book offers a creative look at how to build relationships between siblings. We read a few pages every day, and I am always delightfully surprised by how well the children apply what we have read.” –Mom of Eight

“As a Biblical Christian counselor for over thirty years, I have counseled hundreds of young people…This book is a tool every family needs. It will help you achieve your goals of family harmony.” –Dr. Jim Logan, Intl. Center for Biblical Counseling

“Worth its weight in gold!” –Old Schoolhouse Magazine

“This is a major piece of work. It addresses many biblical and Christlike qualities of life and illustrates them well.” –Dr. Daniel Smith, Chancellor of Emmaus Bible College

Table of Contents
1. Home Sweet Home: In Crisis
Why Your Own Family is Often Your Biggest Struggle
Would you like to get along with your family as well as you do with your friends?
Can you name six major reasons most families have struggles?

2. The Chance of a Lifetime
Your Life Work Starts in Your Family
Do you know God’s first requirement for leadership?
Have you discovered how God is using your family as His training program in your life?

3. Skunks and Mothballs
Looking at the Future Picture
Do you know how to make a cat and dog best friends?
Can you name at least twelve benefits that result when brothers and sisters are best friends?

4. Problems Come and Problems Stay
Finding the Root Problem
How many conflicts in your family result from past problems?
What are three keys to forgiving when you don’t feel like it?

5. Peace Treaties in the Living Room
Healing Hurt Relationships
If you could push a “restart” button for life, would you?
What type of person can apply the hardest chapter of this book?

6. Home Survival Kit
The Number One Key to All Relationships
Would you like to know why you had your last argument?
You may have the key to your house, but do you have the key to your home?

7. Oh Brother!
Dealing with “Bothers” and Sisters
What should you do when your brother or sister is bugging you?
Are “automatic responses” good or bad?

8. The Door to My Room is Locked
Three Life-Changing Attitudes
Do you know how to stop an argument once you are in the middle of it?
If you could see inside your brother or sister, how would it change your attitude?

9. Too Big, Too Small, Too Short, Too Tall
What’s Your Birth Order?
Do you know the common weaknesses of firstborns?
Can you name five blessings that come from the youngest?

10. Family Warfare
The Amazing Weapon Called Praise
Do you know why this is a best-kept secret?
Are you pleased with how you respond to criticism?

11. Did You Say “Friends” ???
Practical Ways to Build a Friendship
Are you ready for a practical idea to help you get from “just getting along” to being best friends?
What does mountain climbing teach us about relationships?

12. Are You on the Front Lines?
Having Family Ministry
Do you know the very best thing your family can do together?
If you knew what God wanted you to accomplish in your youth, would you do it?

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Weight 45 lbs


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