Author: Grace Mally

Singapore and Malaysia

In Singapore!!

We arrived here in Singapore yesterday after about 20 hours in the air. We were thankful to get into several good talks on the plane, also. We have had a very nice time so far visiting with lots of friends from last year and sight seeing. 🙂

Radiant Purity Conferences/Strong in the Lord Conf.

3 Bright Lights Conferences in Ohio and Michigan

Wow – I didn’t mean to go for almost a whole month without posting! I’ll try not to let that happen again!
This past month our family has been pretty consumed with conferences… the preparation and packing the week before, the 11 day trip itself, and the week of “catch up” after we got home.

We took our team of “Bright Lights Staff” and did 3 conferences in Ohio and Michigan. It was a very exciting trip for everyone. We also all got very worn out! Most of all we were very grateful to see the Lord’s hand at work. At every conference I am reminded how God is the One who does the work. I love the way Paul states this in 1 Corinthians 4:7. “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves…” For all of you who have been praying for us, thank you very much!

Wendy, Kim, Ann Marie, and Chrissy are ready for the first attendees to arrive at our registration table


We did our “Strong in the Lord Conference” Friday night and Saturday, and then our “Radiant Purity Conference” Monday night and Tuesday at the same church in Ohio. It worked out wonderfully, and it was great not to have to tear down and set up again at a different church. Our group of girls stayed in one of the church’s large downstairs rooms for 8 consecutive nights! Yes, the room did get a little messy…

…but we all had a good time and we were very grateful for the church’s hospitality.
Here is a picture of our “Counselor Skit” that we do at the Radiant Purity conference. Although each of the distressed patients appear very different, the counselor explains to them that they all actually have the same problem. But I better not give away any other details. 🙂


After hearing the same jokes over and over again at the conferneces, they don’t seem very funny to us anymore. We’ve decided it’s a lot more enjoyable to watch the audience. 🙂

Strong in the Lord Conf.

On the road….

Our family and about 20 other college-age girls have been on the road for the last 8 days doing Bright Lights conferences. We just finished 2 conferences in Ohio, and tomorrow morning we leave for Michigan for our last conference. Everything has been going very well!

More updates and pictures coming soon!


Someone’s been working hard…


Sarah snapped this picture of Stephen yesterday afternoon. He’s been a pretty busy guy recently…

Today was a hectic-but-good day. We had five girls volunteering over here at the Bright Lights office. We really appreciated their help because there is a lot of work that needs to be done in preparation for the upcoming conferences we have scheduled in the next 2 weeks.

Tonight our family went out to eat for my mom’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Mom! 🙂

Bright Lights Local Group

Bright Lights

Monday nights are our “Bright Lights Nights” here in town. We meet at our church about twice a month. One reason I like Bright Lights here in town is because we can see the girls on a regular basis and watch them grow in maturity and in their walk with the Lord. As the Lord works in their hearts, it comes out in their bright countenances as well as in the insightful comments they make and good questions they ask!

Some girls are still coming who came to the very first Bright Lights meeting 11 years ago, so we have quite an age span now.

Last night after our singing time, Sarah taught the younger girls down stairs on “Rebekah” from Genesis while the older girls did a study of spiritual gifts (from Romans 12) upstairs. After our lesson time, we always divide up into small groups (led by the older girls) for discussions and activities. And then, of course, we have snacks and fellowship. 🙂

Stephen’s group, the Light Shop meets at a different church a few minutes away. I’d post pictures of that, too, but unfortunately I’m never able to get there because of Bright Lights going on simulaneously. Maybe next time I’ll send my camera along with Dad. I hear they do activities that are much crazier then what we girls do. Last night they had some kind of a water war with hoses and ropes and milk jugs…I missed what the main point to the game was, but apparently they got drenched and they had lots of fun.



Sunday after church we had the Bontrager family for dinner, and we enjoyed a full house! They have 9 children, a heart for ministry, and they travel and sing as a family. It was a nice afternoon of fellowship…and we’re glad Stephen saved all his old legos! 🙂

Radiant Purity Conferences/Strong in the Lord Conf.

Radiant Purity Conference in Cedar Rapids, Iowa


We were blessed by the positive responses we received from these sweet girls who desire God’s best. Thank you to all of you who were praying. Here are a few responses I thought were especially encouraging:

“I plan to improve and prune some things in my life that I don’t feel are edifying to my walk with Christ.” -14 year old attendee
“I am planning to take what I have learned and apply it visibly, especially at school, and not conform to the world’s standards.” -16 year old attendee
“I like the small groups and being around other people who wanted to be pure!” -14 year old attendee
“I want to keep my commitments and communicate with my parents about my struggles and emotions” -14 year old attendee
“I committed to dress modestly and to wait for the Lord’s best” -13 year old attendee
“I liked the testimonies given by young women who knew what we were going through and to whom we could relate. I’ve really just been encouraged to wait on the Lord and not be anxious about anything but to trust Him for my future. I benefited the most from the session on living by faith, not fear. I submitted my will and desires to the Lord…” -16 year old attendee
“I really enjoyed the conference while it lasted, but I wish it would be longer. I loved the skits and the modesty part…you made it clear that God matters the most, and that it matters what’s in the heart and not on the outside.” -12 year old attendee


The discussion groups were a place for the girls to “vent” their thoughts and questions about the topics presented in large group.


I don’t know what a Bright Lights conference would be without skits…we have a lot of fun with them. And we definitely keep Stephen busy! He’s kind of like the all-around tech support man that makes the conference happen.

Stephen can figure out how to work anything (I decided it was okay to brag about an older brother 🙂 ) so it makes us feel “secure” having him around (i.e. usually technical difficulties don’t last very long 🙂 ). God knew we really needed someone like that!

Before this conference, Stephen wired together his own phone system using 6 wireless landline phones with headsets for the video crew to use (Before they always used walki-talkis). It’s pretty cool, and we were a little surprised it actually worked. I think Stephen was a little surprised, too.

We have 3 more Radiant Purity Conferences coming up soon in OH and FL. Click here for details.

Homeschool Conferences

At the H.E.R.I. Florida Homeschool Conference

Left: Sarah and I eating lunch at our booth.
Right: Sarah speaking on “Raising Pure Daughters in a Generation of Darkness”

We were thankful to the Lord that everything went very smooth and we had a great weekend at the conference in Florida!
We stayed with the Russell family and they took great care of us. We also made lots of plans for the upcoming Bright Lights conference coming to Jacksonville, FL in November.

Of course, it’s always nice to be home again. This morning my mom unpacked my bags for me and organized my room while I was doing Bright Lights office work and helping Sarah answer e-mails. Wow, what a nice mom. 🙂


A Mother/Daughter Tea in Florida

Yes, we are in Florida… again! Sarah and I flew down just for a few days to speak and bring our booktable to the Jacksonville, Florida homeschool conference. We came down again mainly to lay some groundwork and get the word out about the Bright Lights conferences we will be doing here in November.

After setting up our booth yesterday afternoon (all by ourselves without Stephen or my dad’s help… 🙁 ) Sarah spoke at a special Mother/Daughter tea. I didn’t mind tagging along. 🙂 Sarah spoke about how powerful it is when young people live fully for the Lord, surrender to God, and choose to be bright light in this darkening generation.

The atmosphere was very sweet with many girls evidently seeking the Lord and desiring His ways.

After the tea, we came back to the Russell’s house, the family who we have been staying with. Since they had some other friends over, I joined them in playing “kick the can”, hide and seek, and ultimate frisbee in the dark. Sarah joined us for the frisbee, but unfortunately she was on the other team and the other team won. Oh well. It felt really nice to “switch gears” and get all worn out and dirty from running around on a nice, humid, Florida night. 🙂