Homeschool Conferences

Nebraska Home School Conference

Karissa, Alexandra, and Nickie working at the booth

The home school conference season has begun….! We just arrived home from Lincoln, Nebraska where four of us girls set up a booth at the NE home school conference. One of our main goals for the trip was to get the word out about the upcoming Bright Lights conference in Nebraska. Everything went smoothly and it was a very good trip.


  1. Hey Grace! I saw you commented on the pictures on Bethany’s blog. Just wanted to say thanks to you all for introducing me to their family! Those pictures wouldn’t have happened without you! 😉 God bless, Katie

  2. Sounds like you had a blessed time at the Nebraska Homeschool Conference, Grace!

    I just got back from the Father Daughter Retreat in Georgia and met two young ladies who recently read some Bright Lights books and thought they were very encouraging. They are planning on coming to the Omaha confrence.

    Thanks for posting!


  3. Oh, too bad we didn’t “bump into” eachother! I was in Lincoln, too, Wednesday through Sunday. I went up to help with the NCHEA children’s conference.

  4. Hello Grace,
    I was wondering…are you and your family coming to the NICHE conference this year?
    Looking forward to the Strong in the Lord conference in Omaha! God bless.

  5. Hi Grace,
    Now I’m really excited for NICHE! Your family was such a blessing last year. I went to every one of your sessions and was greatly encouraged. Thanks!

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