Month: August 2016


Creation Evangelism Training Camp Schedule

FairPic1 copy Over a million people come to the Iowa State Fair each year … which means tons of opportunity for gospel impact!

Iowa St Fair - Creation Booth 1 (1024x768)[3] This is a picture of the Creation gospel booth that Roger Bishop has been leading at the Iowa State Fair for the past fifteen years. This year, he asked Ken Ham if it could become a ministry of Answers in Genesis. Mr. Ham agreed and he put our friend, Tony Ramsek, in charge of the outreach.

Iowa St Fair - Creation Booth 3 (1024x768)[6]

Naturally, since this is in our home state, we are excited to get on board — and to get others “on board” also, which is why we are running a Creation Evangelism Training Camp to coincide with the outreach. (We will have training sessions in the morning and then go over to the fair in the afternoon to put into practice what we are learning.) We are grateful for all that the Lord has been putting together, and look forward to seeing what He has in store.

Tony is bringing 60,000 Noah’s Ark million dollar bill gospel tracts to pass out. Please be praying for all who will be receiving the gospel, that they would receive the good news with soft and humble hearts and turn to Jesus to be saved! Please also be praying for God’s mighty hand at work during our “Creation Evangelism Training Camp.” Here is our teaching schedule:


If you live locally and would like to come for just a couple sessions, please ask and I will email you more information on this option. We would love to have as many as possible benefit! (Please note that the schedule above is subject to change.)

Click here to see flyer with more information about the camp. Click here to register.