Days have been pretty productive here at the Bright Lights office recently! This is Sarah and Daniel’s “spot.” As you can tell, they are both working very hard…on projects that can get somewhat tedious. Daniel is working on editing video from the Radiant Purity Conference (we are planning to make the DVDs available so families or Bright Lights Groups can host mini “video conferences” in their areas) and Sarah is working on a Bright Lights Songbook to go along with the new CD. We’ve been wanting to get these projects done for a long time, and we are SO grateful to the Lord for providing Sarah and Daniel’s skilled help! (Oh, and my stuffed monkey is also enjoying the company…)

The mini video idea is great! I have never been in a bright lights group (seeing how we don’t have any in Oklahoma), but I think that mini videos will help girls to understand it better and enjoy it more. The songbook sounds cool too. I hope all goes well!
P.S. I like the stuffed monkey! lol
It almost makes me homesick to see the good ol’ cubicles again… 🙂
It’s so exciting to be getting all these projects done! Praise the Lord!
Haha! The monkey! I remember him fondestly.
Wow! exciting! I am soo happy to hear what the Lord has been doing through you all!
God bless you all love Supriya
Hello to Sarah and Daniel! So glad you’re in town for awhile… don’t leave before I can see you, ok?! 🙂