Bright Lights Set 8


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Set 8 deals with modesty and biblical principles which apply to our outward appearance. It encourages girls to take seriously the responsibility and privilege we have of representing our King to everyone we come in contact with! It encourages girls to seek the Lord regarding how He wants them to look and dress, to form personal convictions, and to look at modesty as something to be excited about—not a list of “rules.” Set 8 also emphasizes the importance of a joyful countenance, developing good etiquette, and focusing first of all on inner beauty. Here are lessons covered:

1) What Should I Wear?
2) Royal Apparel Part 1
3) Royal Apparel Part 2
4) Practical Modesty Suggestions
5) Joyfulness
6) Etiquette: Treating Others With Honor
7) Inner Beauty

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs


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