Glenda’s Story, Led By Grace


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By Glenda Revell

From the back:
Unwanted from birth and abused throughout her childhood, Glenda was desperate for love and a sense of belonging. Her only respite from a miserable home life was school, and the welcoming shade of her favorite willow tree, under which she would dream of another life, another family, and pray to a God she did not yet know.

Ultimately, Glenda’s afflictions became the cords with which God drew her to Himself. Receiving His salvation, she understood that God had saved her from her own sinfulness, more than horrid conditions and treatment by others. This is a story of great hope, an amazing account of how our merciful Savior brings light out of darkness, joy out of sorrow, and peace out of pain.

Recommended for ages 16 and up.

Format: Paperback

Additional information

Weight 0.65 lbs


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