Interested in hosting a conference in your Home or Church?
Seeking Christ Conference
For: Girls ages 10-22 and their mothers (Ladies of all ages are also encouraged to attend)
The world tells young ladies to seek popularity, beauty, pleasure, or whatever will make them happy. Yet, the more they chase these worldly dreams, the more empty they become. At this conference girls will be encouraged to seek just one thing: Jesus Christ. In an upside-down world, Jesus alone brings true satisfaction, joy, and purpose.
- Shining Your Light Brightly
- Know Your Identity – A Daughter of the King
- Growing in Your Daily Time with God
- Fostering Close Relationships between Moms and Daughters
- How Your Siblings Can Become Your Best Friends
- Navigating Today’s Culture as a Christian Girl
- Using Social Media for God’s Glory
- Sharing the Gospel Boldly

Strong in the Lord Conference
For: girls ages 8-14 (older girls are also welcome)
This conference includes practical, biblical teaching, humorous skits, a chalk talk, harp music, singing, hands on activities, and small group times of sharing and interaction. It will challenge and prepare girls to stay strong for the Lord through their teen years, and provide them with the friendship, fellowship, and godly influence of young ladies who are bright lights for the Lord.
- Being Strong for the Lord in Your Youth
- Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends
- Developing a Love for God’s Word
- Turning Your Heart to Your Parents
- Being a Bright Light in this Dark World
- Avoiding Wrong Influences
- Learning to Boldly Share the Gospel
- Deepening Your Walk with Jesus Christ
Parents are encouraged to attend the conference in order to hear what their daughters are learning and reinforce it at home. While the girls are in small groups, sessions will be offered for mothers and fathers covering topics such as the importance of protecting your children, how fathers can set a godly pace for their family, how to win the hearts of your daughter, and building strong mother/daughter relationships.
This conference is taught by Sarah Mally and young women who serve as staff with the Bright Lights ministry.

Speak Truth in Your Heart Conference
For: young ladies ages 12-22+
Taught by Sarah Mally, this conference will challenge girls to identify lies which are the root issues behind struggles they face and to be well grounded in the Word of God. Many girls try to change their wrong actions, but never learn to discern the wrong thinking behind the actions. As girls replace lies of the culture with biblical truth, they will see how God’s Word will transform each area of their lives as the truth sets them free! Sarah will include many stories, illustrations and practical tips as she discusses topics such as a girl’s emotions, purity, who God is, and a proper view of who we are in light of the truth of Scripture. When a young lady learns to “speak truth” to herself, she is building her life upon an unshakable foundation that will resist even the most powerful attacks of the enemy.
Session Titles:
Know Your Foundation: Replacing Lies with Truth
Know Your God: The Castle of His Arms
Know Your Identity: The Accuser and the Intercessor
Know Your Stability: Truth Over Emotions
Know Your Strategy: Resisting Temptation with Truth
Know Your Source of Satisfaction: Lies, Guys and Purity
Know Your Message: Gain Boldness in Witnessing
Mothers are encouraged to attend with their daughters.

Radiant Purity Conference
For: young ladies ages 12-22+
A girl who is set-apart for Jesus and walking closely with Him shines with a radiant brightness in this world of darkness. Purity is not found in a list of rules, but in the pursuit of Jesus Christ. It is not a burden, but rather a privilege to represent Him in this world. How can we honor Christ in our relationships? How can we find security and satisfaction in Jesus? How can broken lives be restored to radiant purity? How do we resist temptation and stand strong in trials? What is the role of parents?
Creatively presented through stories and testimonies, practical instruction, skits, and real-life examples, this conference gives biblical answers to everyday questions and deep life struggles. The material is discreet and appropriate for twelve-year-olds, yet relevant to all ages. Includes testimonies from young ladies who serve as Bright Lights staff, a chalk talk, and harp music.
Session Topics
- Finding Security in Christ
- Replacing Lies of the Enemy with Truth
- Purity is Not about Your Past
- Truth Over Emotions
- Building Strong Relationships With Parents
- How to Delight in Jesus, the One Who Satisfies
- Using Your Years of Singleness for God
- Crushes, Friendships, Disappointments, and Desires
- Practical Tips for Sharing the Gospel with Your Friends
- Christ-Centered Social Media
Fathers and mothers are encouraged to attend. Parents' sessions will include: 20 Ways to Protect the Hearts of Your Daughters, Every Mother’s Example, and Talking to a Young Man who Expresses Interest in Your Daughter

Leaders Training Conference
For: ladies ages 15 and up
This training conference equips young ladies (and moms) to disciple younger girls. The great commission is not “go and make converts,” but “go and make disciples!” (Matt. 28:19-20) Unfortunately, many Christians are unsure about how to fulfill this calling. Many have never been discipled themselves, and have never been taught how to disciple others.
Leading a Bright Lights group will give training and experience in the most comprehensive fundamental of ministry: how to “disciple.” This conference gives practical training in discipleship, teaches key principles of ministry, shares insights about how to reach the hearts of younger girls, and includes hands-on experience. Sessions are taught by Sarah Mally and Bright Lights staff.
Session Topics
- A Vision for Discipleship
- Seven Responsibilities of a Leader
- Practical Ways to Reach the Hearts of Young Ladies
- Applying Key Principles of Ministry
- The Unexpected Quality of a Leader
- Leading an Effective Meeting
- Rewards and Demands of the Ministry
Typically Also Includes
- Testimonies from other Bright Lights Leaders
- Singing
- Fellowship
- Prayer Times
- An Opportunity to Help Teach a Bright Lights Meeting
The audio sessions of this conference are available here.

Just Men Conference
For: men ages 16 and up
The need in our day is for a new generation of young men to rise up who are “just” and whom God can use for His glory and His Kingdom.
“ ... I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one” (I John 2:14b).
- Build and strengthen the future leadership of the Body of Christ
- Establish a growing fellowship group of “just men” who have a working relationship together in the various ministries God gives them
- Strengthen future marriages and families by laying essential Biblical foundations
- Be instrumental as the Lord raises up and sends forth laborers into His harvest
- Encourage and train young men to be disciple makers
In Our Weekend Together We Will Explore:
- Biblical concepts of the Christian life and of being a just man
- The importance and function of the church, the Body of Christ
- The enemies facing the church, the culture, and us as men
- Important issues and battles of our day
- Ministry and leadership
Speakers Include:
Harold Mally, Stephen Mally, Josiah Moffitt, Andrew Hancock
“Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a just man and he will increase in learning” (Proverbs 9:9).
“He who rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be like the light of the morning...” (2 Samuel 23:3).

Stand Fast Conference
For: young men ages 12-18
Our world is in desperate need of godly young men.
- Young men who will rise up to the challenges of the day and be courageous leaders of their families and churches.
- Young men who will walk in integrity no matter the cost as they represent Christ in this dying world.
- Young men who will follow in the footsteps of their Savior as humble servant-leaders.
- Young men who are not overcome by temptations, but rather lay down their lives for the cause of Christ.
Taught by Harold Mally and a team of men (including both young men and fathers), this conference will challenge and equip young men to stand fast in the Lord. Includes small group times, activities, a chalk talk, singing, and practical, biblical teaching.
Session Topics
- Being Christ-Centered and Cross-Centered
- Bible Reading and Prayer
- Defending the Faith
- Overcoming Temptations
- Humility in Family Relationships
- Being Ministry Minded
- Sharing the Gospel Boldly
- Treating Girls With Honor
- Discipling and Being Discipled
Dad are encouraged to attend the conference in order to hear what their sons are learning and reinforce it at home.
“For now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord” (1 Thess. 3:8).

Testify Witnessing Camp
For: anyone with a heart for the lost, ages 16 and up
Each summer we hold a 4-day (4-night) camp of witnessing training and outreach. Mornings are spent in evangelism training at the camp; afternoons are spent putting into practice what we learned at the Iowa State Fair, which includes helping at the Answers in Genesis gospel booth.
You will experience:
- Practical training in witnessing and apologetics
- One-on-one coaching and opportunity to glean tips from others in action
- Evening fellowship and opportunity for Q&A
You will learn to:
- Transition conversations with unbelievers from natural to spiritual topics
- Pass out gospel tracts with confidence and skill
- Use creation science as a starting point
- Be winsome and gentle
- Use questions to generate gospel discussions
See our recap video from our 2018 camp to gain a better understanding of how the camp works and hear a few brief testimonies from campers.
Location: Willowbrook Bible Camp and the Iowa State Fair (Des Moines, Iowa)
Accommodations: Cabin-style accommodations with 12 bunks per room and attached restrooms.
Younger ages may attend with a parent/older sibling. No previous witnessing experience required.
Learn more about the Answers in Genesis gospel booth at the fair in this short video.