Bright Lights Leader Application Fields marked with an * are required First Name * Last Name * Address * City US States - Select State - Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Washington DC ARMED FORCES AFRICA \ CANADA \ EUROPE \ MIDDLE EAST ARMED FORCES AMERICA (EXCEPT CANADA) ARMED FORCES PACIFIC Phone * Email * Birthday * Church * Personal Blog or Website (if applicable) Facebook Name (if applicable) Divider I am: * single courting/dating married widowed Are you starting a new group, co-leading a group already in existence, or replacing a present leader? If joining/replacing a present group leader, what is her name? Completed Leaders’ Training: * I have listened to the audio of the Bright Lights Training Conference and familiarized myself with the Leader’s Manual. I have attended a Bright Lights Leaders’ Training Conference (If attended a Bright Lights Leaders' Training Conference) Date: Divider Personal Testimony and Commitments Personal Testimony and Commitments When and how did you become a Christian? (Please include a brief explanation of the gospel, and how you have assurance of your salvation according to Scripture.) * How has God led you to begin a Bright Lights group? * What are your goals for your Bright Lights group? * Please explain your personal commitments in the areas of moral purity, dating/courtship, and marriage. * What personal decisions have you made about appearance and modesty? How is this important in your role as a Bright Lights leader? * Please explain your personal views on entertainment and social media, and how your faith impacts your choices in those areas. * What are your views and commitments regarding music you personally listen to and music you would use in your Bright Lights group? What things will you consider when choosing songs for your group? * What biblical disciplines do you regularly practice? (I.e. daily Bible reading, prayer, memorization and meditation on Scripture, fasting, giving, rising early, etc.) * Are you committed to maintaining a clear conscience with the Lord and others? * Divider Character Verifications Character Verifications: To verify your commitment to Christ and your spiritual maturity to lead a Bright Lights group, we ask that your father (or husband) and pastor (or church leader) vouch for your character. Do you have your father/husband's blessing to start this group? Yes If not, please explain: Father/husband's name: * Father/husband's email: * Father/husband's phone: * Do you have your pastor/church leader's blessing to start this group? Yes If not, please explain: Pastor/church leader's name: * Pastor/church leader's email: * Pastor/church leader's phone: * Divider Do you agree with the statement of faith? If not, please explain: * Statement of Faith link Read our Statement of Faith Do you agree with the Bright Lights goals, distinctives, and values? If not, please explain: * Goal of Bright Lights link Read the goals, distinctives, and values of Bright Lights HTML If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty.