Changed … Forever


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206 pages
By Eric W. Schuurmans

This book records what happens in the days, weeks, and months following the pivotal event in which Pastor Schuurmans’ 18-year-old daughter suffered a traumatic brain injury in a car accident. While this touching story captures the resilient, though sometimes painful, bond between a loving father and his daughter, this is much more than a mere story. Schuurmans shares biblical instruction in 15 biblical themes which are helpful for people dealing with a crisis.

At the end of each chapter is a summary of those insights accompanied with discussion questions and assignments. Hence the book can stand alone to benefit an individual, family, or group to study.

This is an easy read. It is rich in spiritual imagery and Biblical analogies, and yet the format provides a rare personal glimpse into the real time mental, spiritual, emotional, and even physical machinations of a leader in the midst of trial.

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Weight 0.98 lbs


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