Exposing the faulty beliefs and ideas of Darwin!
This DVD boxed set features three of today’s most popualr creationist scientists and speakers. Each presents important, little-known information about Charles Darwin and his ideas that, in many ways,changed the world. This unique and well-illustrated series will equip every student, parent, and pastor who desires to be more effective in evangelizing and training the next generation!
This set includes:
- The Evolution of Darwin: His LIFE
- The Evolution of Darwin: His SCIENCE
- The Evolution of Darwin: His IMPACT
The Evolution of Darwin: His LIFE
Trace the events that influenced Darwin’s beliefs. From his grammar school days to his voyage on the HMS Beagle, viewers will see that Darwin added much to our understanding of the world around us. However, his foundation was not built on Scripture. The result was a dangerous idea that would spread accross the globe, misinforming young people for generations to come. This captivaiting presentation is punctuated with interview segments that give a personal understanding of the man who made the idea of evolution famous.
by: Dr. Tommy Mitchell 54 min.
The Evolution of Darwin: His SCIENCE
Explores the science behind Darwin’s ideas. You will delve into such topics as the struggle for existence, natural selection, mutations, the geologic record, and homology. Through this presentation, Dr. David Menton evaluates the claims of evolution in light of the evidence discovered since Darwin’s time. He concludes by answering the question, “Is evolution necessary to the study of biology?” This captivating presentation is punctuated with interview segments that reaveal the speaker’s passion and depth of understanding of the topic.
by: Dr. David Menton 54 min.
The Evolution of Darwin: His IMPACT
Discover how Darwin’s beliefs have been used to justify policies that have resulted in terrible acts against humanity – and how those beliefs continue to harm societies today. Ken Ham’s practical, fast-paced presentation inspires and equips viewers to protect their families and reach their culture for Christ!
by: Ken Ham 54 min.
Format: 3-DVD set
Dimensions:5.25 x 7.5 in. each
Ages: 12 & up
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