Testify Training Camp


Join us for a 4-day (4-night) camp of witnessing training and outreach. Mornings are spent in evangelism training at the camp; afternoons are spent putting into practice what we learned at the Iowa State Fair, which includes helping at the gospel booth. Due to staff and space limitations, we are offering two camps this year.

You Will Experience:
  • Practical training in witnessing and apologetics
  • One-on-one coaching and opportunity to glean tips from others in action
  • Evening fellowship and opportunity for Q&A
You Will Learn To:
  • Transition conversations with unbelievers from natural to spiritual topics
  • Pass out gospel tracts with confidence and skill
  • Use creation science as a starting point
  • Be winsome and gentle
  • Use questions to generate gospel discussions
This camp is for anyone with a heart for the lost, ages 16 and up 

No previous witnessing experience required.

Camp 1 August 7-11, 2025
Camp 2 August 14-18, 2025

Time: Camp starts Thursday at 5:15 pm and ends Monday at 11:30 am.

Location: Willowbrook Bible Camp and the Iowa State Fair (Des Moines, Iowa)

Accommodations: Cabin-style accommodations with 12 bunks per room and attached restrooms.

Registration: $200 Includes four nights of housing and most meals.
Late Registration: $230 (After July 15th)
Registration Deadline: August 1st.
Space is limited.
Note: for those who live locally, you also have the option of registering as a day camper for $100.

Younger ages may attend with a parent/older sibling.

Questions: Contact us at [email protected] 



Tony Ramsek
Through his ministry Gospel Equip, Tony inspires everyday Christians to encounter the power of the Gospel and equip them with field-tested tools to boldly share their faith. Tony led evangelism events for Answers in Genesis for over 20 years and is a trainer at Ray Comfort’s witnessing academy. His specialty is coaching others to proclaim the gospel on the streets. Speaking at Camp 1 and Camp 2.


Josiah and Grace Moffitt
Josiah is involved in youth discipleship, Bible teaching, and camp ministry. Grace (Mally) Moffitt is the author of Will Our Generation Speak? A Call to Be Bold with the Gospel. Josiah runs a tax and bookkeeping company and Grace is a stay-at-home mom. Speaking at Camp 1 and 2.


Harold Mally
Harold Mally is an elder/teacher at Cedar Rapids Bible Chapel. He spends his time writing, discipling men and leading the Tomorrow’s Forefathers ministry. Rarely will a repair man come to his house without hearing about the Lord. Speaking at Camp 1 and 2.

See our recap video from our 2018 camp to gain a better understanding of how the camp works and hear a few brief testimonies from campers.
Learn more about the Answers in Genesis gospel booth at the fair in this short video.

Feedback from Previous Testify Camps

“All the teachings were excellent - I especially liked the practical tips on the last day of camp.” - Carol

“Thank you for your many examples of how to be a witness or missionary in everyday life. Only a continuous relationship with our Lord will give us continued strength, creativity, and concern to make use of each opportunity the Lord puts before us.”  - Teresa

“I had a great time at the booth, praying, and street witnessing, but my highlight might have been street witnessing! It’s hard to choose.” - Kaylee

“I witnessed to a lady and then left for another group. She called me back then and we talked for 20 min. All sorts of questions, really interesting. Amazing.”