Radiant Purity Conferences/Singapore and Malaysia

Singapore Radiant Purity Conference

…Our last conference here in Singapore and Malaysia! The conference went smooth (PTL!), and we were encouraged by the response of the attendees. The whole idea of an alternative to dating was new to many.

These are the girls in my discussion group. We discussed many topics such as the importance of saving your whole heart for one man, how to keep your mind pure, accepting the way God created you, honoring/communicating with parents, modesty, how to deal with crushes in the right way, etc.

We all enjoyed a time of sharing Saturday evening after the conference. Each leader shared encouraging reports from the discussional group she led. And, of course, we had many laughs…

We are so grateful for our “team” in SE Asia. Pictured above are some of the girls (and moms) who helped lead the conferences this year. It’s not possible to do Bright Lights conferneces without young ladies to lead the small group times, but God provided this team of godly young ladies in SE Asia who filled this role. They rose to each challenge that was thrown at them and did a wonderful job.

Guess what? We are HOME now! It feels wonderful. More reports and pictures from the trip coming soon!


  1. Hey Grace,

    I’m so glad to hear you’re home safely! Glad you had a safe trip back!


  2. Welcome home and praise the Lord for all He did! It is so exciting… What an amazing God we know and serve. I am praying with you that He will continue to bring lasting fruit from the time. How sweet to know that He completes the good work He begins!
    May you be refreshed now as you recover and reflect on all He did!

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