Merry Christmas Everyone! Christmas is such a great time for sharing about Jesus with unbelievers because people are in a festive mood and willing to talk! Here is a simple questionnaire that can be used to get conversations started:

1) What is your favorite Christmas tradition?
2) Why did God choose to be born as a baby and enter the human race?

Just grab a notepad and pen, find someone on a bench at Wal-mart who looks bored, and see if they are willing to take your Christmas questionnaire! 🙂 After they answer the second question, you can ask them if they’d like to hear what the Bible says about why Jesus came. (Consider sharing these Scripture verses: Matthew 1:21, Luke 19:10, John 18:37, Philippians 2:7-8, Hebrews 2:14)
And be prepared with a Christmas tract to leave with them!

On a different note, this afternoon my dad and I bundled up and picked out our Christmas tree at a local tree farm. We picked it out in record time this year! (The temperature probably had something to do with that!)


  1. Good idea! Christmas is a great time to spread the gospel. Just be careful, I’ve had Walmart employees talk to me before about handing out tracts to people…

  2. I totally agree that CHRISTmas is a great time to witness!:) That is so neat that y’all do are “real” christmas tree! We have always done a fake one! 🙂


  3. Thanks for your coment, Taylor — I agree that since Walmart is private property it’s not the place to mass-distribute tracts. Of course, however, there’s certainly nothing wrong with meeting a new friend and then leaving them with a tract if they are interested in more information.
    God bless!

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