Bright Lights Conferences/Radiant Purity Conferences

Radiant Purity Conference, Carrollton, Texas

Sarah teaching a main session

Since we had many musicians among the leaders who were helping us with this conference, we pulled together a little ensemble to accompany the singing before the main sessions.

Our sharing time lasted quite a while as many had refreshing reports from their small group times.

We were blessed to have a large group of staff for this conference (local girls who joined us) … as is evidenced by the height of our empty-pizza-box pile.

I still can’t get over how cute this little guy is. We caught him in the place we were staying.

Waiting for the first flat tire on the way home to get fixed.

Waiting for the second flat tire on the way home to get fixed.

It was a great trip! God took care of us and we felt very blessed in so many ways.

Reports and pictures from the IOWA conferences coming next.


  1. That was an EXCITING time down in TX! Thank you for letting me be apart of it! 🙂

  2. I really enjoyed the conference! It was a real blessing to me…I pray that the girls who were there were also blessed too! I’m so glad I was able to be there 🙂 The music, skits and chalk talk were my favorite parts 😀

  3. Thank you so much for all the time and effort y’all put into the conference!! What a wonderful experience! I was ridiculously blessed by the conferences and by the rich fellowship that your wonderful team provided.
    May God bless you and y’alls ministry and use it to touch the lives and hearts of many more young ladies!!!

    Megan Anderson

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