We are running Bright Lights conferences in St Cloud, MN this week. The “Strong in the Lord” conference went very well, and the Radiant Purity conference starts tonight. It’s looking like it will be a pretty large conference (there are over 400 registered).

This area of purity is a topic that young people are struggling with SO much! Please pray with us that the Lord uses this conference to convict, comfort, encourage, inspire … that the Word would be clearly taught and understood, that girls would respond to what they hear, and that fruit would remain for God’s glory. Thank you!

20131009_091225_23168 Hannah sharing a testimony during the Strong in the Lord conference a couple days ago.


  1. Praying for this week of conferences and for our Heavenly Father to work all the details together for His honor & glory! What a huge blessing these conferences are – praying for the Lord’s will to be done. Blessings! =)

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