
Malaysia Planning Meeting


Left to right: Chrissy Baskerville, Me, Rebekah May, Elyssa Ertz, and Nickie Biegler.

In a couple months we will be boarding a plane to Singapore and Malaysia where we’ll be doing 2 Bright Lights conferences and one Bright Lights Leaders Training. There’s lots of planning to do! Most of the night tonight we spent dividing up teaching, planning skits, filling Elyssa in on what it’s like over there (since she is the only one who didn’t go last year), and discussing lots of miscellaneous details. We are all excited. 🙂


Since it’s Nickie’s 20th birthday, we surprised her with an ice cream pie. Happy Birthday Nickie! 🙂


  1. Hey Grace,

    Thanks for giving us the link to your blog! Its so good to be able to “keep in touch” and see photos of whats going on in the States!

    Can’t wait to meet all of you in September again! 🙂


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